To me, it was pretty cool and a little weird like in one of the cutscenes, a bunch of cryptids were following her and not attacking her like they’re her minions.
27 Votes in Poll
I have as well but it’s was the internet but today I didn’t lag well I lagged a little but not a lot.
27 Votes in Poll
Haloboss, play those maps and you’ll be in for a treat
43 Votes in Poll
I kinda fixed it. The only issue is where I live, the weather is probably messing up my internet
Cold War is so good but I love Bo1 more because it looks so good and the campaigns are fun and the zombies in Bo1 are fun and Cold War Zombies is east but good. I just beat Die Maschine. Outbreak is the final map left
I lag a lot on Bo6 today. Any suggestions on how to stop it?
I kinda like Shaolin Shuffle but hate those Kung Fu Zombies.
34 Votes in Poll
I love all of the Black Ops guns but Bo4. Vanguard’s guns were so weak and trash. Cold War and Bo6 are the same. And I know we’re not counting non-Treyarch but I really like the Exo Zombies guns. Just wish that they put some from Multiplayer in the game. Like the Repulsor smg, the XMGs etc.
Park kinda looks hot. No judge me
I doubt Widows Wine is coming back anytime soon and Treyarch better not add Who’s Who in Bo6 because I hate that perk so much on Die Rise. I love the map but it’s too cramp to use the perk. It’s even worse than Tombstone
Irons, because he killed thousands of innocent people and made a bio chemical weapon Manticore and killed Cormack and was responsible for creating the Exo Zombies.
Chloe only appeared in Bo2. Not much character development but her design was good
30 Votes in Poll
I am still grinding the Ppsh in Cold War. Its gonna be so awesome
Double Tap 2. Its been too long
I would want some of the Bo1 guns coming back. Its been 84 years
To me, it was pretty cool and a little weird like in one of the cutscenes, a bunch of cryptids were following her and not attacking her like they’re her minions.
I love Advanced Warfare when I first saw Exo Zombies gameplay