.30 Carbine Mags is a magazine attachment for the Cooper Carbine in Call of Duty: Vanguard. The .30 Carbine Mags have two round types, those being 20 rounds and 45 rounds. They both consist of large caliber rounds with high bullet velocity, damage and penetration but at a cost of the recoil, aim down sight speed, movement speed and the fire rate.
.30 Carbine 45 Round Mags[]
- "A smaller magazine that is faster to reload; chambered with Larger Caliber rounds."
- — Description
The 45 round mags have an increase in the magazine ammo capacity however at a bigger loss of aim down sight speed compared to the 20 round mags.
.30 Carbine 20 Round Mags[]
- "A 20 Round magazine of Larger Caliber rounds with more power, weight, and kick."
- — Description
The 20 round mags have an increase in reload speed however at a lower cost of aim down sight speed compared to the 45 round mags.