Abe Kaede grew up in a small town on the shores of Okinawa, raised by her grandparents. While most children her age were focused on school or sports, Kaede was drawn to planes. Watching the way they cut through the clouds or zoomed across the horizon, Kaede often dreamed about soaring across the sky, far above the Okinawan sand. Towards her teenage years, Kaede revealed herself to be something of a thrill seeker. She took dares and made bets and did increasingly dangerous stunts, constantly worrying her grandparents. Through the occasional "borrowing" of others' vehicles, she learned how to drive a variety of different modes of transit - motorcycles, boats, lorries.
As soon as she was of age, she got her long-awaited pilot's license, nearly losing it a few times following some reckless piloting. It was a carefree life. But when her grandparents got into a bad car accident and had to stop working, Kaede stepped up and decided it was time to grow up and provide for her family. She signed up for the JASDF and while she began as a helicopter transport pilot, Abe Kaede - known as "Jet" - became one of the first women invited to train for their fighter pilot's license. Never one to back down from a challenge, Kaede jumped at the chance and the rest is history. Now an ace pilot for the JASDF, Kaede soars through the sky with a daring and precision only she could pull of.
The "Chemtrail" skin is a reference to the Chemtrail conspiracy theory, an erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are actually "chemtrails" consisting of chemical or biological agents, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.