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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies

Call of Duty: WWII features 70 achievements worth 2000Gamerscore and 71 trophies.

Achievements and Trophies[]

Name Description Points/Trophy Images
VE Earn all available trophies for Call of Duty®: WWII Platinum Platinum Trophy PS3 icon VE Trophy Icon WWII
Friend in Need Request Zussman to toss you First Aid Kits 30 times. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Friend in Need trophy icon WWII Friend in Need achievement image WWII
I See Movement! Request Pierson to spot enemies 25 times. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
I See Movement! trophy icon WWII I See Movement! achievement image WWII
Praise and Pass Request Turner to toss you ammo 20 times 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Praise and Pass trophy icon WWII Praise and Pass achievement image WWII
School of Hard Knocks Request Stiles to toss you grenades 15 times. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
School of Hard Knocks trophy icon WWII School of Hard Knocks achievement image WWII
Who Needs a Pendant? Request Aiello to toss you signal smoke and call in mortar strikes 10 times. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Who Needs a Pendant trophy icon WWII Who Needs a Pendant? achievement image WWII
Potato Masher Save 5 allies by throwing away a live enemy grenade. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Potato Masher trophy icon WWII Potato Masher achievement image WWII
Chain Smoker Disable 50 enemies using smoke grenades. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Chain Smoker trophy icon WWII Chain Smoker achievement image WWII
I've Got You! Drag 9 unique allies to safety. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
I've Got You! trophy icon WWII I've Got You! achievement image WWII
Quarter Given Get 4 unique groups of enemies to surrender. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Quarter Given trophy icon WWII Quarter Given achievement image WWII
Rescuer Save 10 unique allies locked in struggle. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Rescuer trophy icon WWII Rescuer achievement image WWII
Pieces of History Collect all 33 mementos. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Pieces of History trophy icon WWII Pieces of History achievement image WWII
Slow and Steady Spend 3 minutes using Focus in the campaign. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Slow and Steady trophy icon WWII Slow and Steady achievement image WWII
Distinguished Service Complete the game on Veteran difficulty. 50Gamerscore
Gold Gold Trophy PS3 icon
Distinguished Service trophy icon WWII Distinguished Service achievement image WWII
Long Way from Texas
Complete D-Day. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Long Way from Texas trophy icon WWII Long Way from Texas achievement image WWII
One of the Lucky Few Breach the seawall in under 2 minutes without taking MG fire. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
One of the Lucky Few trophy icon WWII One of the Lucky Few achievement image WWII
The Paddle
Complete Operation Cobra. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
The Paddle trophy icon WWII The Paddle achievement image WWII
Ack Ack Protect your tanks by shooting down all planes in Operation Cobra. 20Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Ack Ack trophy icon WWII Ack Ack achievement image WWII
No Sanctuary
Complete Stronghold. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
No Sanctuary trophy icon WWII No Sanctuary achievement image WWII
Marksman Cover Zussman from the church without missing a shot in Stronghold. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Marksman trophy icon WWII Marksman achievement image WWII
Last Stop
Complete S.O.E. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Last Stop trophy icon WWII Last Stop achievement image WWII
Sunday Driver Complete the driving portion of S.O.E. without hitting any obstacles. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Sunday Driver trophy icon WWII Sunday Driver achievement image WWII
Champagne and Caviar
Complete Liberation. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Champagne and Caviar trophy icon WWII Champagne and Caviar achievement image WWII
Silent Night Sneak through the courtyard undetected in Liberation. 20Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Silent Night trophy icon WWII Silent Night achievement image WWII
Human Cost
Complete Collateral Damage 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Human Cost trophy icon WWII Human Cost achievement image WWII
Gasoline Cowboy Rescue your allies with the Sherman while keeping your armor above 80% in Collateral Damage. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Gasoline Cowboy trophy icon WWII Gasoline Cowboy achievement image WWII
Death Factory
Complete Death Factory. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Death Factory trophy icon WWII Death Factory achievement image WWII
Fog of War Sneak through the Dragon's Teeth undetected in Death Factory. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Fog of War trophy icon WWII Fog of War achievement image WWII
Our Men
Complete Hill 493. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Our Men trophy icon WWII Our Men achievement image WWII
Suppressive Fire! Successfully escort the pole charge engineer to the pillbox in Hill 493. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Suppressive Fire! trophy icon WWII Suppressive Fire! achievement image WWII
Worst Christmas Ever
Complete Battle of the Bulge. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Worst Christmas Ever trophy icon WWII Worst Christmas Ever achievement image WWII
Flyboy Protect the bombers by personally shooting down 12 enemy planes in Battle of the Bulge. 20Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Flyboy trophy icon WWII Flyboy achievement image WWII
No Sacrifice Too Great
Complete Ambush. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
No Sacrifice Too Great trophy icon WWII No Sacrifice Too Great achievement image WWII
Infiltrated Reach the sniper perch without being detected in Ambush. 20Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Infiltrated trophy icon WWII Infiltrated achievement image WWII
To the End Complete the Campaign. 50Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
To the End trophy icon WWII To The End achievement image WWII
Defender Protect the convoy by shooting down all the planes in The Rhine. 20Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Defender trophy icon WWII Defender achievement image WWII
Buck Private Get 10 kills in Multiplayer. 5Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Buck Private trophy icon WWII Buck Private achievement image WWII
Ricky Recruit Complete 21 Daily Challenges. 30Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Ricky Recruit trophy icon WWII Ricky Recruit achievement image WWII
General of the Army Enter Prestige 1. 90Gamerscore
Gold Gold Trophy PS3 icon
General of the Army trophy icon WWII General of the Army achievement image WWII
Tour of Duty Win 5 War matches. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Tour of Duty trophy icon WWII Tour of Duty achievement image WWII
Divisional Commander Prestige a Division. 30Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Divisional Commander trophy icon WWII Divisional Commander achievement image WWII
Fireworks In The Final Reich, retrieve the artifact. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Fireworks trophy icon WWII Fireworks achievement image WWII
Dark Reunion
In The Final Reich, save Klaus. 30Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Dark Reunion trophy icon WWII Dark Reunion achievement image WWII
Pressure Cooker In Prologue, survive until wave 20. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Pressure Cooker trophy icon WWII Pressure Cooker achievement image WWII
Red Mist In The Final Reich, get 10 kills from a single Bomber's explosion. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Red Mist trophy icon WWII Red Mist achievement image WWII
Dark Arts
In The Final Reich, build all variants of the Tesla Gun. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Dark Arts trophy icon WWII Dark Arts achievement image WWII
Strike! In The Final Reich, knock over 10 zombies with a Wüstling charge. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Strike! trophy icon WWII Strike! achievement image WWII
Lurking Around
In The Final Reich, find and shoot Dr. Straub. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Lurking Around trophy icon WWII Lurking Around achievement image WWII
In The Final Reich, kill the Bomber with the shovel. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Undertaker trophy icon WWII Undertaker achievement image WWII
Lightning Handler
In The Final Reich, build a Tesla Gun. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Lightning Handler trophy icon WWII Lightning Handler achievement image WWII
White Knuckles In The Final Reich, survive 3 Pest waves in a single match without getting hit. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
White Knuckles trophy icon WWII White Knuckles achievement image WWII
The Resistance
Making History
In The Darkest Shore, escape from the island before the bombing starts. 80Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Making History trpohy icon WWII Making History achievement image WWII
Black Winds to Darker Lands
In The Darkest Shore, retrieve Barbarossa's Pommel. 100Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Black Winds to Darker Lands trophy icon WWII Black Winds to Darker Lands achievement image WWII
Severe Pommeling
In The Darkest Shore, kill 250 zombies with Barbarossa's pommel in one match. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Severe Pommeling Severe Pommeling achievement image WWII
Own the Fog, Be the Fog In The Darkest Shore, kill a Meuchler in the fog. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Own the Fog, Be the fog trophy icon WWII Own the Fog, Be the Fog achievement image WWII
The Bakers Dozen Massacre In The Darkest Shore, line up and kill 13 zombies with one Ripsaw shot. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
The Bakers Dozen Massacre trophy icon WWII The Bakers Dozen Massacre achievement image WWII
Going Up... In The Darkest Shore, unlock the Ubersprengen. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Going up trophy icon WWII Going Up... achievement image WWII
Still Lurking In The Darkest Shore, find and shoot Dr. Straub. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Still Lurking trophy icon WWII Still Lurking achievement image WWII
Always on Spine In The Darkest Shore, rip out the spine of every Zombie type. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Always on Spine trophy icon WWII Always on Spine achievement image WWII
I Got This In The Darkest Shore, survive the initial beach rush without using any machine gun turrets. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
I Got This trophy icon WWII I Got This achievement image WWII
This Damn Island In The Darkest Shore, explore the entire island. 50Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
This Damn Island icon trophy WWII This Damn Island achievement image WWII
The War Machine
Stadtjäger Down
In The Shadowed Throne, defeat the Stadtjäger. 100Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
StadtjagerDown TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Stadtjäger Down achievement image WWII
Das ist gut In The Shadowed Throne, find the Ubersprengen. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
DasIstGut TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Das ist gut achievement image WWII
Ballistics Be Damned In The Shadowed Throne, reach wave 15 using only melee weapons. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
BallisticsBeDamned TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Ballistics Be Damned achievement image WWII
Something Wunderful In The Shadowed Throne, kill 50 Gekocht with the special weapon in one match. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
SomethingWunderful TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Something Wunderful achievement image WWII
Putting on a Show In The Shadowed Throne, keep a Gekocht alive on the stage for 1 minute. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
PuttingOnAShow TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Putting on a Show achievement image WWII
Ammo Conservation
In The Shadowed Throne, obtain the Blade without firing a gunshot. 80Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
AmmoConservation TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Ammo Conservation achievement image WWII
Not a Prayer In The Shadowed Throne, after round 20, survive at least two full rounds without anyone leaving the church. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
NotAPrayer TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Not a Prayer achievement image WWII
This Belongs in a Museum
In The Shadowed Throne, while inside the museum, kill 250 zombies with the Blade in a single match. 50Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
ThisBelongsInAMuseum TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII This Belongs in a Museum achievement image WWII
Equal Opportunity Destroyer In The Shadowed Throne, collect geistkraft from each zombie type in a single match. 30Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
EqualOpportunityDestroyer TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Equal Opportunity Destroyer achievement image WWII
Lumberjack In The Shadowed Throne, kill a Wustling using each melee weapon in a single match. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
Lumberjack TheShadowedThrone TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Lumberjack achievement image WWII
United Front
Ride of the Century In The Tortured Path, complete 100 objective waves. 100Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
RideOfTheCentury TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Ride Of The Century Achievement Image WWII
I Have the Power
In The Tortured Path, assemble the Sword of Barbarossa. 100Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
IHaveThePower TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII I Have The Power Achievement Image WWII
I'll Be Home for Christmas In The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Beneath the Ice. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
I'llBeHomeForChristmas TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Ill Be Home For Christmas Achievement Image WWII
Over Engineered In The Tortured Path, collect 25 Engineered Parts. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
OverEngineered TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Over Engineered Achievement Image WWII
Sea Sick In The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Across the Depths. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
SeaSick TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Sea Sick Achievement Image WWII
We've Only Just Begun In The Tortured Path, successfully escape from Into the Storm. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
We'veOnlyJustBegun TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Weve Only Just Begun Achievement Image WWII
David, Meet Goliath In The Tortured Path, defeat the Guardian solo. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
DavidMeetGoliath TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII David Meet Goliath Achievement Image WWII
Uber Lurker
In The Tortured Path, find and shoot Klaus. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
UberLurker TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Uber Lurker Achievement Image WWII
B.A.T. Elite
In The Tortured Path, reach the max Bureau ranking. 50Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
BATElite TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII BAT Elite Achievement Image WWII
Extra Tortured Path
In The Tortured Path, successfully escape from every map without using Blitz. 100Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
ExtraTorturedPath TheTorturedPath TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Extra Tortured Path Achievement Image WWII
Shadow War
The Final Descent In The Frozen Dawn, enter the lost city of Thule. 25Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
TheFinalDescent TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII TheFinalDescent Achievement Image WWII
Superior Thulian Technology In The Frozen Dawn, unlock the Ancient Ubersprengen. 15Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
SuperiorThulianTechnology TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII SuperiorThulianTechnology Achievement Image WWII
Blood Transfusion
In The Frozen Dawn, traverse through the Thulian Transport with each type of zombie. 25Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
BloodTransfusion TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII BloodTransfusion Achievement Image WWII
Go Long!
In The Frozen Dawn, instantly traverse to the Bridge from the Caves. 10Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
GoLong TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII GoLong Achievement Image WWII
Moonraven's Chosen In The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Moonraven. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
MoonravenChosen TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII MoonravensChosen Achievement Image WWII
Bloodraven's Chosen In The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Bloodraven. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
BloodravenChosen TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII BloodravensChosen Achievement Image WWII
Deathraven's Chosen In The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Deathraven. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
DeathravenChosen TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII DeathravensChosen Achievement Image WWII
Stormraven's Chosen In The Frozen Dawn, survive the trials of the Stormraven. 50Gamerscore
Bronze Bronze Trophy PS3 icon
StormravenChosen TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII StormravensChosen Achievement Image WWII
Weapon Lord In The Frozen Dawn, kill 100 zombies with each Raven Weapon in a single match. 75Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
WeaponLord TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII WeaponLord Achievement Image WWII
In The Frozen Dawn, defeat the ancient evil. 150Gamerscore
Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon
Kingfall TheFrozenDawn TrophyIcon NaziZombies WWII Kingfall Achievement Image WWII


  • The Kar98k is required to unlock the Marksman achievement.
  • The Rescuer, I've Got You!, and Quarter Given are unlocked by performing Heroic Actions.
  • The Dark Arts achievement can be unlocked by having a four-player match with each player building one individual variant of the Tesla Gun.
  • To unlock the achievement The Bakers Dozen Massacre, the player needs to use a Totengriff power-up or upgrade the Ripsaw into the R.I.P. Saw.
  • The Always on Spine achievement is unlocked by performing a heavy attack using the Ripsaw on regular Zombies, Pests, Wüstlings, and Meuchlers in the same match.
  • To unlock the Ammo Conservation achievement, the player can only use melee weapons, lethal equipments, and the Wunderbuss. Anything else will disable the achievement for the remainder of the match.
  • The Stadtjäger is not required for the Equal Opportunity Destroyer achievement.
  • To unlock the Lumberjack achievement, the player needs to use the US Shovel found in the Underbelly, the Baseball Bat found by the radio on Main Street, the Trench Knife found on a poster backstage of the Cabaret, the Ice Pick found in a display case on the bottom floor of the Museum, the Nachtmahr, the Perchta, the Holda, and the Blade of Barbarossa.
  • The objective waves required for the Ride of the Century achievement occur on Wave 3, 6, and 9 in every match of The Tortured Path.
  • The Over Engineered achievement is unlocked by collecting Engineered Parts dropped by defeated bosses in any of the map within the Tortured Path with each boss only dropping one part.
  • The Uber Lurker achievement is unlocked by entering the vision mode within "Beneath the Ice" to search for Klaus who will appear as an apparition around the map and shoot him. Klaus only appears once per match.
  • The player does not have to escape all three maps in a row to unlock the Extra Tortured Path achievement.
  • To unlock the Blood Transfusion, the player needs to travel with regular Zombies, Pests, Wüstlings, Bombers, and Corpse Eaters.
  • The Go Long! achievement is unlocked by using the teleportation ability of the Broken Flail.
  • The Raven weapons for the Weapon Lord achievement are the Broken Flail, Thulian Shield, Thulian Hammer, and Thulian Scythe as well as their upgraded version.


  • The Long Way from Texas achievement is a reference to William Pierson saying to Daniels "You're a long way from Texas, farm boy" at the end of D-Day.
  • The Ack Ack achievement is a reference to the radiotelephony spelling alphabet used by the British Army during World War I to refer to anti-aircraft artillery.
  • The Praise and Pass achievement is a reference to the song Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition written in 1942 by Frank Loesser as a response to the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • The Potato Masher achievement is a reference to the German Stielhandgranate which was nicknamed that way by British soldiers.
  • The Black Winds to Darker Lands achievement rewards the players with 100Gamerscore for completing parts of the main quest, while completing the entire quest to unlock Making History only rewards the players with 80Gamerscore.
  • The achievement This Damn Island is a reference to a quote from Drostan Hynd during the intro cutscene of The Darkest Shore.
  • The achievement This Belongs in a Museum is a reference to the line "That belongs in a museum!" from the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
  • The I Have the Power achievement is a reference to the animated television series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe where Prince Adam transform into He-Man by holding the Power Sword and proclaiming "By the power of Grayskull... I have the power!"
    • Despite being unlocked after completing the main quest, the achievement is only a Bronze Trophy.
  • The David, Meet Goliath achievement is a reference to the biblical fight between David and the giant Goliath.
  • The Red Talon sword can be seen on the trophy icon for the Weapon Lord achievement even though it is not one of the Raven weapons nor is it available in the map The Frozen Dawn.