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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode
AlMazrah TacMap Sectors WZ2

Al Mazrah is surrounded by mountains and water with two main river streams throughout the city. Both of these river streams flow out into the Sarrif Bay.

Al Mazrah is divided into six main sectors with each sector divided into multiple zones containing several landmarks and points of interest in the region.[1]

North West[]

AlMazrah Sector 01 NorthWest WZ2

The north western part of Al Mazrah is divided into five different zones, from A to E. The north western zone features the Oasis and to the east, the Taraq Village. The Rohan Oil is also located in the northern part of the city. The Al-Safwa quarry is located in the most western zone next to the western foothills.

Oasis (Zone 1A)[]

The Oasis, now damaged and destroyed, features beautiful and lush greenery and luxurious pools of water.

Taraq Village (Zone 1B)[]

The Taraq Village was once a thriving little city, but after war and destruction, Taraq has been reduced to Oil Mining and ruins.

Western Foothills (Zone 1C)[]

Once a small, rural town pre-dating all roads, signs, industries and reststops, the Western Foothills is a region of many secrets.

Rohan Oil Refinery (Zone 1D)[]

After the war, Rohan Oil company would make their way into Al Mazrah to refine it's natural oil's for mass production and markets.

Al Safwa Quarry (Zone 1E)[]

Al Safwa Quarry is a large scale marble quarry found within the western foothills of Al Mazrah. It is one of three of the largest industrial areas within the region consisting of dozens of deposits, warehouses and chiseled stone blocks.

North East[]

AlMazrah Sector 02 NorthEast WZ2

The north eastern part of Al Mazrah is divided into eight different zones, from A to H. The north eastern zone features the Industrial zone, just north west of Al Mazrah city. In the center of the zone is Al Mazrah city, and to the south west is the hydroelectric facility. To the east of hydroelectric is the marshlands.

North Industrial (Zone 2A)[]

This zone is primarily industrial featuring large warehouses. Among it can be found different buildings such as Gas Stations, Fire Stations and a distribution warehouse.

Western Outskirts (Zone 2B)[]

The western outskirts consists of an inhospitable desert that is being reclaimed by land-planners. Among the outskirts consists of beautiful greenery and hotspots taken over by the military.

Al Mazrah City (Zone 2C)[]

Al Mazrah City has been built up over 100 years of Adal history and consists of many high rises and modern buildings. At first, it welcomed nearly a million people into it's high rises and households, but they would be pushed into the outskirts and slums causing decay and death of life there.

With Season Three Reloaded, a sandstorm was covering the northern portion of the map, especially within Al Mazrah City reducing the visibility. With Season Four, the sandstorm was covering the northern portion of the map was removed, leaving a significant part of Al Mazrah City covered with sand.

Eastern Outskirts (Zone 2D)[]

In the eastern outskirts, residential housing can be seen in the northeastern corner of the zone. Among the housing can be found a massive police institute and allotments.

Southern Outskirts (Zone 2E)[]

To the south of the river is the currently in construction outskirts, home to the Al Mazrah arch.

Zarqwa Hydroelectric (Zone 2F)[]

Zarqwa Hydroelectric is the cradle of civilization with its renewable energy. Among this consists of many landmarks and living arrangements.

Mawizeh Marshlands (Zone 2G)[]

The Mawizeh Marshlands is home to the once thriving and flourishing River Diamond Luxury Resort that was in construction. The river level has risen drastically causing construction to be halted and the project ultimately scrapped and left to decay.

East Suburbs (Zone 2H)[]

In the east suburbs, multiple business' can be found here within the stripmall and markets. Among them consists of a medical center and housing.


AlMazrah Sector 03 West WZ2

The western side of Al Mazrah is divided into three different zones, from A to C. This region consists of the Sattiq Cave Complex, the Hafid Port and the city of Sa'id.

Sattiq Cave Complex (Zone 3A)[]

Within the Sattiq Cave Complex, one can find many underground hideouts near a plane crash, a maze of tunnels beneath the foothills and a communications tower.

With Season Two, a crashed plane was added.

Hafid Port (Zone 3B)[]

The economic gemstone of Al Mazrah can be found at the Port. This Port is used as trading for oil from the Rohan Oil Refinery.

Sa'id City (Zone 3C)[]

A massive and extensive shopping mall surrounded by oil apartments and homes. A medieval carnival and soccer stadium can be found nearby.

Zaya Observatory and Mountains[]

AlMazrah Sector 04 ZayaObservatory&Mountains WZ2

Sector four is sat in the center of Al Mazrah and spans east. This sector is divided into four different zones, from A to D, those being the Northwest Mountain, Ahkdar Village, the Al Sharim Pass and the Zaya Observatory which sits on the top of the mountain.

Northwest Mountain (Zone 4A)[]

Beginning at the nearby river, west of the giant mountain which sits Zaya Observatory, sits many villages and trails with all of them being connected by various tarmac roads and dirt trails.

Zaya Observatory (Zone 4B)[]

Beginning at the nearby river, west of the giant mountain which sits Zaya Observatory, sits many villages and trails with all of them being connected by various tarmac roads and dirt trails.

With Season Five Reloaded, following the Shadow Siege event, the Zaya Observatory was destroyed opening up a bunker and tunnels underneath.

Al Sharim Pass (Zone 4C)[]

An old temple sitting atop a hill, overlooks a modern village and farmstead. Several other buildings can be found around the town, some of these being in disrepair.

Ahkdar Village (Zone 4D)[]

A once beautiful small town, now remains in disrepair due to Showdowns over the years. A central courtyard and market can be found among the western region, while modern day apartments can be found east.

South West[]

AlMazrah Sector 05 SouthWest WZ2

Located in the furthest corner of Al Mazrah in the south west is sector five. The sector consists of two separate zones, A to B. It starts with the cemetery that spans into both sector 3 and sector 6. It also sits the Sawah Village.

El Samman Cemetery (Zone 5A)[]

To the north of the Sawah Village sits an abandoned, derelict and unkempt cemetery surrounded by rock and stone. A collapsed water tower has flooded graves and is open to the elements.

Sawah Village (Zone 5B)[]

A once thriving and bustling coastal village is now submerged underwater. A crashed oil tanker has intruded straight through the center of this big town.


AlMazrah Sector 06 South WZ2

Spanning from the south east to south in the corner is sector six. Here one can find three zones, separated A to C, consisting of Al Malik Airport, Sarrif Bay and the Al Bagra Fortress, which is separated from the main land on its own small island.

Sarrif Bay (Zone 6A)[]

The Sarrif Bay contains Adal's valuable fisheries and maintains the history of Al Mazrah. It contains modern resorts, vibrant villages and suburbs and islands.

Al Malik Airport (Zone 6B)[]

This modern day airport has a mix of both traditional and current day architecture to honor the history of Al Mazrah. Furthest south rests a massive control tower.

Al Bagra Fortress (Zone 6C)[]

Al Bagra Fortress, the true definition of medieval history in Al Mazrah. Besides the luxurious fortress, one can also find apartments, markets, and a ancient ruins.

