- "They all look at you the same way don't they, Al? They see a weasel... a rat... You're a survivor, Al, no shame in that."
- — Arlington talking to himself
Albert "The Weasel" Arlington is a playable character in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. He appears in the Zombies map Mob of the Dead. He is also seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 in Blood of the Dead, where he appears as a spirit in the form of a bird, named Icarus.
Early Life[]
Albert Arlington was born in the early 1900s and lived presumably in Los Angeles, California. On May 11th 1930, Arlington begins working with Salvatore DeLuca and his crime family, as he was known for being a master schemer and a bank robber. Arlington was the money handler in Sal's mob, and was a well noted con man.
Bank Heist & Hospitalization[]
Later on, Arlington was involved in a bank heist in Los Angeles made for Sal. Arlington used explosives in order to try and open the bank vault. However, Arlington nearly blew himself up completely, and the explosives knocked him out. On October 11th, Arlington wakes up in a hospital, without the police arresting him on his involvement in the heist.
Arlington also attempted to publish a comic strip named "Icarus from Mars". Laying in the hospital, Arlington spends his time to his comic, trying to improve on the first two submissions which were denied. On October 28th 1931, he sends his comics to the editor for the third time, and it is denied again.
On January 19th 1932, the police finally arrests Arlington for his role in the Los Angeles heist, and his arrests making it to the headlines, saying Arlington has an extensive criminal history. On July 1st, 1932, Al is found guilty of grand larceny, grand theft auto, arson, conspiracy and battery. His sentence is to be served in Alcatraz. Arlington arrives in August 3rd, 1932.
Escape Plan[]
During his imprisonment in Alcatraz, Weasel would devise an escape plan involving the creation of Icarus - a makeshift plane. To accompish this, he recruited help from his old employer Sal, alongside Billy Handsome and Michael "Finn" O'Leary on April 1st, 1933. However, after months of planning, the other three eventually realize that the plane will never be completed. Enraged, the three devise a scheme to get revenge.
On December 31st, 1933, Weasel was brought onto the roof of Alcatraz by Sal, Billy and Finn and murdered. They are subsequently tried and found guilty of his murder, and are sentenced to death by electric chair on January 19th, 1934.
However, death was not the end for Weasel, nor was it the end for his murderers. The Warden of Alcatraz, an occultist and alcoholic, was secretly being manipulated by a being he ever only referred to as the "Dark One" - the Shadowman. Manipulated by his master, the Warden used the four mobster's souls as well as his own to create the Alcatraz Pocket Dimension, intended to act as a prison for another; Edward Richtofen. Electrocuting himself on the same day, the Warden and the many souls of Alcatraz would be transported to the new Pocket Dimension, where they would begin their "life sentence".
The Cycle[]
On Alcatraz, Arlington, Sal, Billy and Finn devised their escape from Alcatraz. As seen in the intro cutscene, after "lights out", Arlington pretended to be ill so that the prison guard with the keys, Stanley Ferguson, would open his cell and check on him. He stabbed the guard multiple times with a Prison Knife and stole the keys, releasing Sal, Billy and Finn. Billy supplied the other three with Python revolvers that he had smuggled out of the Warden's "private collection." However, the prison guard that Arlington thought he had killed was resurrected as a zombie. After killing him again, hordes of zombies appeared from the cells and attacked the four. While the others stood and fought the zombies, Arlington ran, but was surrounded and killed, only to be resurrected once more later.
The crew now finds themselves in a seemingly endless cycle, where they fly with Icarus only to crash onto the Golden Gate Bridge and return to Alcatraz through the Electric Chair. Arlington finds his writings upon the Alcatraz map, the walls, and the wolf sketches, and the sign "no one escapes alive", however he does not remember writing any of them, and Arlington points out to the crew they cannot remember what happened yesterday. The others suspect Arlington to be the reason they are trapped in the cycle. He denies their accusations, however when talks to himself he suspects he is indeed to blame and says he cannot remember what he has done, and even says there is a truth he hides from the others.
Eventually, the mobsters re-learn of the failed plan and attempt to kill Arlington once more. If they succeed, the cycle continues and the events of Mob of The Dead restart. If Weasel kills the other three, however, the cycle is broken and the Weasel's spirit is freed.
The Broken Cycle[]
Eventually, Weasel defeats the other three mobsters. Afterwards, he takes the form of a bird (nicknamed "Icarus" by Stuhlinger) and is now able to fly freely around the island, but trapped in the realm nonetheless. In Blood of the Dead, Arlington appears and steals the Kronorium from Primis. After Primis takes back the Kronorium and gets captured by the Warden, Arlington comes back and releases them from their cells. He continues to aid the four by holding the Warden off and leads them to the cryochamber safely with the help of other mobsters. In the ending cutscene, Arlington can be seen released from Purgatory along with all the other souls trapped in Alcatraz.
Arlington seems to be pessimistic and depressed most of the time. He commonly states how hopeless he thinks the mobsters' situation is. If Arlington is completely downed, the player playing as him can hear him talking to himself, and hears Al mention how he knew old promises would catch up to him. Arlington, like the rest of the crew, inquisitive often asks questions relating to how or why they are trapped in a nightmarish iteration of Alcatraz Island. His sense of humor is dry and deadpan, rarely sounding enthusiastic. He also seems to have a larger vocabulary, and uses less slang than the other three mobsters.
Compared to the other Mobsters, Arlington seems to be the second youngest of the four. He wears the typical prison uniform, but also wears a dark blue jacket with elbow patches and black fingerless gloves over it. He is either balding or has had his head shaven, which he covers with a dark blue flatcap. He also has a small amount of stubble and is covered in blood like the other Mobsters. As a spirit, he appears in the form of a bird, or as Edward Richtofen describes him, a "teensy little seagull".
Weasel owns a journal. One of the entries that describes how the editor added comments to his comic pages, The journal, as seen by the image, contains the loading screen for Mob of the dead. In the Zombies comics, in issue 6, one can see the next page in the journal, which includes the test subject cryo-chambers, Sal's and Finn's blood vials, and the phrase: "I have a secret, I must follow the plan."

Arlington's Journal.
Journal Entry[]
- "I've completed the aircraft's schematics, using only components that I know can be found within the grounds. However, everything hinges on gaining the trust and help of some of the facility's most notorious residents.
They may make fun of me sometimes, but they know I can do anything if I set my mind to it. I've planned enough jobs for them in the past to know that I can convince them to join me as Icarus takes flight.
Speaking of Icarus, same old story. The Editor defaced my art, scrawling nasty little comments on every page.
When I get out, I'll show him how wrong he is..." - — Al's Journal
- Main article: Mob of the Dead/Quotes#Albert Arlington
Call of Duty: Black Ops II[]
- Upon killing with the Ray Gun, Arlington can say one the following quotes:
- "Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai, Nikolai. Why do I keep hearing that name?". This is a reference to Nikolai Belinski.
- "Just like in my outer-space adventure comics". Joined by other quotes such as "If my comic books are right, this got to be the most powerful weapon in the box", this confirms the Ray Gun appears in the Weasel's "Icarus from Mars" comics.
- Arlington likes Wonder Weapons, such as the Ray Gun, and prefers said weapon over the Blundergat.
- The writing that can commonly be seen scrawled onto various walls around the prison is in Arlington's handwriting, but he claims he "sure as hell can't remember writing it".
- None of the other characters seem to like Arlington. Arlington is aware of this and resents the fact he is looked down upon by the others, feeling the need to prove himself somehow.
- Arlington enjoys drawing, particularly comics.
- Despite what the others believe, Arlington himself does not seem to understand why they are trapped in Alcatraz nor does he know who is in charge.
- His serial number is either 101A or 872B. Evidenced by them being two of the four numbers used as part of the Pop Goes The Weasel easter egg along with 386A and 481B already belonging to Salvatore DeLuca and Finn O'Leary, respectively, the Warden also says 872B when getting the free Blundergat from the wardens office.
- Albert was previously to be called Arthur, but this was changed.[1]
- Arlington is holding the Perk-a-Cola "Electric Cherry" in the poster.
- Shadows of Evil has the following references to the Weasel:
- Upon picking an explosive weapon, Jack Vincent can say the following: "I once busted a little Weasel, dumbass nearly blew himself up". Vincent refers here to Arlington's accident in the Los Angeles bank heist.
- In the middle area of the map, there is a barber shop named "Al's barber shop".
- Weasel is mentioned via a multiplayer quote in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 by Brutus.