- For other characters named Alex, see Alex.
Alex Keller is a character featured in Call of Duty: Mobile. He was added as part of the Season 2: Day of Reckoning Battle Pass.[1] Alex also appears in the Comics.
Alex working together with Mara to capture Raul Menendez. Right after Mara kills a soldier, Alex helps her up, stating he figured she'd might want to shake off the rust before doing the "heavy lifting". Right as he is speaking, he abruptly turns around to shoot down the sniper on the opposite building. Mara remarks that he has eyes like an eagle. Alex then receives orders from General Shepherd to storm into the building that Menendez is located in, as he had lost contact with Charly's team who confirmed that Menendez was on site. The pair then rappel into the building, only to find Charly's squad members all killed, with only Charly herself alive. While inspecting her wounds, he was told that although Charly and her team managed to apprehend Menendez, the Templar sneaked up on them and made short work of everyone, except for Charly who was wounded by Templar's throwing knife, allowing Menendez to escape in the process. As he and Mara help carry Charly away, she laments that she had blown their chance at stopping Cordis Die. Alex disagrees however, stating that they still have "one last shot", revealed to be Mace who is still in custody. He notes how Mace hasn't said anything since Ghost captured him. He is then shown to be talking to Mace in his cell, making his intentions clear for interrogation, that they're "here to talk".
Mace retorts that he isn't talking, something that Alex didn't expect him to do, so he decides to read out his unredacted file; Mace was once in the army, like Alex once was, and he fought for something with honor and courage. The army then kicked him out, denied the sacrifices he made, other men taking credit for the things he did and offering nothing in return. Mace derides Alex for thinking he understands him, but he says that he understands enough for them to have a deal, which is to grant Mace his freedom, much to Mara's shock. Mace doesn't believe him, but Alex tells him that they're in desperate times and the UAC needs his help in capturing Menendez. In return, Shepherd will authorize Mace's release if he agrees to the deal. Alex then tells him that it's the best offer he's going to get, dropping a Ranger badge at his feet. After hesitating for a moment, Mace agrees. He is later briefed by Shepherd on the next operation; based on the intel acquired from Mace, Menendez is slated to be operating in the Raid. Since Price and his company are occupied elsewhere, and the fact that Cordis Die may have hacked their computers, this is their last chance of stopping Menendez.
Later on, as he, Mara and Mace infiltrate the compound, Mara voices her concerns about trusting Mace, to which he replies that it's their last chance and that they have no choice but to trust him. When Mara contemplates shooting Mace, Alex talks her out of it by saying that that's what Mace would do if he were in her position. The trio then begin their assault, taking out several guards on the way. Mara is ambushed by a hiding guard, but is unexpectedly saved by Mace when he pushes her out of the way of incoming fire and mows down the guard.
As they continue their mission, Menendez attempts to make his escape via helicopter hastily after realizing Mace had betrayed him. Unfortunately for him, Alex shoots down the pilot before it can take off, allowing Mace to apprehend him.
Alex later appears again, being briefed by Shepherd and Price on recent developments. Mara has gone rogue to uncover what happened to Ghost, and at the same time, Hidora Kai has returned to Tokyo to rebuild the Five Knights, while Templar has been dispatched to Texas.
Alex is tasked by Price to go to Tokyo with Soap to apprehend Hidora. As they arrive, they immediately raid the headquarters where Hidora is located. Hidora tells his henchmen to kill them while he makes his escape. However, Alex and Soap ambush Hidora and knock him out. They then make haste to exfil with the unconscious Hidora while fending off multiple henchmen. Their driver shows up to pick them up, but the henchmen relentlessly pursue and fire at them.
As Alex and crew drive away, they are intercepted by an individual resembling Spectre in his Ninja outfit. They attempt to run him over, but it fails as the individual kills the driver by leaping onto the roof and impaling him with his sword. The car crashes and Alex and Soap are forced to fend off Hidora's henchmen once more, while Hidora attempts to make a run for it. Alex and Soap however manage to snag a pair of motorcycles and intercept Hidora and knock him out again. Alex then orders Soap to get to the exfiltration site.
The pair then ride to the docks, where there is a boat apparently waiting for them. They manage to make it onto the boat, while Hidora's pursuing henchmen fall short of making it onto the boat. As Alex apprehends Hidora, he doubts that Hidora's men have a boat and that he should say goodbye to Tokyo as they're "taking him home".
On their voyage, Shepherd interrogates Hidora, but fails to get anything out of him. The Knight implies that someone is following them, but Alex and Soap dismiss his claims. However, not long after, the ship they are on comes under attack by Vagr Modir and her team of mercenaries, along with an armada of battleships courtesy of the Five Knights. Soap is knocked off board by Modir and her pet wolf, and when Alex attempts to thwart her, he is unsuccessful as she simply knocks him over to reach the cabin Hidora is held in.
Alex meets up with Soap after he resurfaces, telling him that he left behind a rope for him. However, they are ultimately too late to prevent Hidora and Modir from escaping the ship as they had to free Shepherd who was tied up in the cabin. Not long after, Alex and Soap reunite with Price’s team from Texas.
Alex isn’t seen much afterwards, but he is shown to have brought in Roach together with Soap, as a new member of the UAC. Shepherd chides Alex for being late to his briefing, to which he replies that he had to show the “new guy” the way.
Alex later accompanies Price’s team to Blackout to hunt down the remnants of the Five Knights. During the infiltration, he along with Soap and Price, take notice of Roach’s efficiency in combat, which Alex considers a “rampage”.
Alex isn't seen again until the Season 10: Shadows Return comic, where he, along with Soap, accompany Ghost and Templar on their mission to Alaska. Upon seeing that Vagr Modir is joining them as well, Alex and Soap become uneasy. Modir reassures them that there're no hard feelings, so long as her wolf doesn't bite Soap again.
On the journey, Alex and Soap play with cards to keep themselves occupied.
No sooner had they arrived, the group immediately comes under attack by Firebreak and his squad. In the ensuing fight, Alex's left leg is severed, causing him to scream in pain. Modir brings him to a safe spot to patch his wound, while letting her wolf go after Firebreak. Alex is present during the scene where Ghost betrays and murders Templar and Modir.
Alex is seen some time later, in his Hard Wired uniform (complete with his prosthetic left leg), accompanying TF141 on a mission to Lisbon, consisting of Ghost, Price, Charly and Gaz. He, along with Charly and Gaz are assigned to secure the garage. Alex laments that he isn't getting the "fun stuff", though Charly is more than happy to not work with Ghost.
Charly voices her mistrust of Ghost, which Gaz notes, though Alex says that Ghost did what he needed to do. They then infiltrate the building's garage, taking out all of the guards, but find no trace of the hostages nor Nikto, the alleged perpetrator. They eventually stumble upon an elevator, but find nothing except barrels of explosives, forcing them to evacuate the garage.
Upon making it back outside, Alex questions Price about Ghost, and finds that he was left alone to deal with Cipher. Just then, the building explodes, and the group believes Ghost is dead until they see him carrying an unconscious Cipher on his shoulders.
Following the mission, Alex and Charly are mentioned by Price to have been reassigned to Miami to look for Nikto.
A while later, Alex, along with Gaz, are dispatched on a rescue mission to Eastern Morocco to recover Price and his team after he was shot down in the desert. As they come under fire from troopers working for the People's Covenant, Alex requests for air support as his team is under heavy fire. However, his request is denied, and he is instead ordered to fall back to the extraction site and await medevac. Alex insists that Foxtrot and Cipher are M.I.A. and he can't leave them, but his request for backup is still denied.
Moments later, Sparrowhawk emerges and attacks both sides, knocking both Gaz and Alex off their feet and taking out the other side's troopers. Just then, reinforcements arrive, giving Alex and Gaz time to recover and get to the extraction site. Upon arriving there, they find several injured soldiers. Alex questions one of them, who coughs out that Cipher managed to find them before they did him.
A while later, Alex attends a UAC briefing at their base in Israel, along with Gaz, Tempest and Keegan. During the briefing, they are informed that Cipher had slipped through cordons by the UAC and the People's Covenant and is at large, while Foxtrot (former lieutenant Denise McDaniels) has been charged as an accessory and is considered a terrorist sympathizer. The UAC makes the apprehension or termination of Cipher its top priority.
Gaz, Alex and Tempest are in denial of Foxtrot being a terrorist, and Alex asks what evidence does the UAC have against her. The agents remind them that Foxtrot resigned from her commission and committed numerous acts of crime during the search for her brother, in addition upon making contact with Cipher she went radio silent and is believed to be helping him escape justice. Until new evidence comes to light which refutes this, Cipher and Foxtrot are to be deemed enemy combatants.
Gaz feels like this is a massive overreaction, though Alex has his doubts when they discuss the matter. During this time, the agents manage to pinpoint 20 People's Covenant sites that are within reachable distance from where Foxtrot and Cipher were last observed. After the briefing, he and Gaz talk further with Tempest and Keegan about Cipher and Foxtrot. Tempest finds it ridiculous that Foxtrot would defect to the People's Covenant, while Keegan mentions that 2 of the sites they've been sent to investigate have not been active for over a year. From this, Alex believes that Foxtrot and Cipher may possess sensitive information, and that someone is afraid of what they know. He knows that by default, anyone close to Foxtrot and Cipher is also considered to possess the same sensitive information, so he realizes they must get to them before the someone else does, otherwise they will be dead, and the chance of finding out the root of their situation dies with them.
He is later shown accompanying the UAC to New Vision City to rein in Foxtrot and Cipher. He isn't seen much aside from informing New Vision City's Air Controllers about their mission. Afterwards, his crew repels an attack by a fleet of Reaper drones and the Sky Carrier, allowing them to take in the rogue siblings. An orbital strike disables the Sky Carrier, and the UAC soon flies out of New Vision City, having completed their mission.
Some time later, he is shown to have been honorably discharged from the UAC, and returns to his home. He calls out for his dog Jeb, but receives no answer. He then finds the front door to his house open. Suspecting something is wrong, Alex draws his gun, but before he can use it, an invisible figure knocks him into a cabinet. The figure reveals himself to be Spectre.
It's unknown what happened to him afterward, but Alex is seen again in Detroit, Michigan, infiltrating a protest against Atlas Corporation. He is seen wearing a trench coat, and when David Mason approaches him from behind and grabs his shoulder, he is shocked to see Alex. Alex then dons a gas mask and deploys smoke grenades, causing the protest to turn violent.
- ↑ Season 2: Day of Reckoning... is a GO!, Twitter