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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops.

Data Servers

Several data servers exist in-game. There are four confirmed systems, named "CIA", "DERRIESE", "DOD" and "DREAMLAND". Ad hoc, nobody has found nor confirmed to have connected to other than these four systems.

Server access

The data servers hosting the systems are accessible through the in-game omputer , using the LOGIN and RLOGIN [system] computer commands.

Enter the LOGIN command within the computer console to connect and authenticate a user on the system currently connected to.

E. g. on first using the computer, one is connected to the CIA data system as user AMASON. To connect as Jason Hudson, enter LOGIN, then enter JHUDSON and BRYANT1950.

PASSWORD: **********

The RLOGIN [system] command is for reaching remote servers, i. e. any system other than the one currently connected to. It is possible still to use RLOGIN [system] followed by USER and PASSWORD, even when connected to that system already.

Note that any USER is accepted when asked for in the LOGIN and RLOGIN [system] commands. Nor the LOGIN nor RLOGIN [system] command validates a given USER separate from a given PASSWORD. Both commands will only return the connection result, after a player has given both a user with a password. This implies one cannot try to guess for USER on target system:

If the given USER - PASSWORD combination does not exist, both LOGIN and RLOGIN [system] commands will display "Invalid Password".
If the given USER - PASSWORD combination does exist, the connection will succeed. LOGIN starts a new connection session for the given USER on the system a player was already successfully connected to. RLOGIN [system] starts a new connection session for the given USER on the target [system].

One can guess for valid system names though, as the RLOGIN [system] command validates the given system value for existence:

If the [system] does not exist, RLOGIN [system] will display "Error: Unknown system".
If the [system] does exist, RLOGIN [system] continues asking for a USER and PASSWORD.

Computer commands

Various computer commands, which are instructions written in human-readable words for a computer to execute, are available for operating a system. Commands have to be entered into the computer console.

Help command

help - displays help information and any valid command to use with the computer.

cat [file] or print [file] or type [file] - prints the contents of a file (.TXT, .PIC, .SND).

cd [.|..|path] - changes the current directory. "." is used within a path to indicate the path to parent of current dir, ".." is used to go up to parent dir of current dir. Known paths are "/HOME" (= system dir with all users' home directories), "/BIN" ( = On UNIX systems, traditionally so-called shell-environment, containing commands usable by all users), and "/" ( = root dir on the system).

decode [string] - decodes an encrypted string using an agency standard cypher.

encode [string] - encodes a string using an agency standard cypher.

cls - clears the consoles screen.

dir - displays the contents of the current directory.

rlogin [system] - connect to a remote system. Known systems are CIA, DREAMLAND , DOD and DERRIESE.

login - connect as a different user to the system currently connected to. Parameters are USER followed by PASSWORD.

mail - opens the current user's electronic mailbox. This is a very informational place to look around.

who - lists the users who have user accounts on the system currently connected to. To find user accounts not listed with who, check de home directory: CD /HOME then LS or DIR.

exit - disconnects / logs out the user, whom was last logged in with, on the system currently connected to.

Zork commands

After starting the in-game text-based retro-game Zork, either through entering zork or hello sailor, these are the commands a player can type into the computer terminal's console to play the game. This is not an exhaustive list.

The start-up screen displays the following information:

ZORK I: The Great Underground Empire.
Copyright (c) 1981, 1982, 1983 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
ZORK is a registered trademark of Infocom, Inc.
Revision 88 / Serial number 840726

The ZORK game's command prompt (the symbol >) is different from the data server's system prompt (the symbol &).

Game menu

restart - start a new Zork adventure from the beginning.

save - saves all player progress in Zork. It actually creates a savegame file within the device the player had specified as save device for the main Black Ops game.

restore - restore a previously saved game.

quit - quits Zork. Don't forget to save your progress before quiting!

Player menu

score - get player information. "Your score is [n] (total of 350 points), in [x] moves. This gives you the rank of [rankname]."

i(nventory) - view player's inventory. Displays a list of all objects, with descriptive information, the player has found, taken and put within the inventory.

Player movement

n - go north.

s - go south.

e - go east.

w - go west.

u - go up.

d - go down.

climb [object] - attempt to climb up the object.

climb through [object] - attempt to climb through the object.

enter [area] - enters a specified area

Player combat

smash [object1] with [object2] - attempt to smash object1 using object2.

knock at [object] - knock at the object.

throw [object] - throw the object.

throw [object] at [target] - throw the object at specified target.

attack [target] - attacks the specified target.

taunt [target] - attempt to taunt the target, while avoiding attack.

kick [target] - attempt kicking a target.

block [object1] with [object2] - attempt to block / parry incoming object1 with object2.

hit [target] (with [object]) - attempt to hit the target using object.

kill [target] with [object] - finishing a preferably downed target using object.

Player interactions

take [object] - takes the object and places it into your inventory.

drop [object] - drops the object.

search [object] - search the object for anything useful.

what is [object] - get more information on the object.

where is [object] - get information on an object location.

open [object] - opens the object.

examine [object] - examines the object for anything unusual.

turn on [object] - turns on a device.

turn off [object] - turns off a device.

read [object] - read any writings on the specified object.

put [object1] in [object2] - attempt to place object1 into container-object2.

roll up [object] - attempt to roll the object up.

wait - do nothing for a turn (time will pass).

eat [object] - attempt to eat the specified object.

listen [object] - attempt to listen to the object.

break [object] - attempt to break the object.

break [object1] with [object2] - attempt to break object1 using object2.

Other actions

win - displays "But of course!" or "Naturally!" but has no other effect.

lose - displays "Preposterous!" but has no other effect.

? - displays "I beg your pardon?".

hello - displays "Nice weather we've been having lately."

hello sailor - displays "Nothing happens here."

where is sailor - displays "You find it."

what is / look at sailor - displays "There's nothing special about the sailor."

what is / look at zork - displays "You can't see any zork here!."

what / where is [object] - when the object is in the same area close to the player, displays "It's right here! Are you blind or something?."

clean [object] - attempt to cleanse an object, displays: "If you wish, but heaven only knows why."

examine me - displays: "That's difficult unless your eyes are prehensile."

give me - displays:"What do you want to give the me to?"

BIN directory

As on a real-life UNIX-based system within the binaries directory, more commands can be found on the system, within the binaries directory. Type the following commands:


ls - displays the contents of the current directory, just like the command dir.

zork - starts the classic text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal. Play the Zork game to get the "Eaten By A Grue" Achievement / Trophy.

doa - starts a top-down shooter style arcade game in which the player must fend off waves of zombies as they move among different play areas. Play the Dead Ops Arcade game to get the "Insert Coin" Achievement / Trophy.

alicia - begins an endless session with Alicia, your virtual therapist. Type quit or q and enter to make her stop.

foobar - displays the characterstring: "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"

hello sailor - launches Zork, same as typing zork command.

more - Prints on a new line within the console the characterstring ---MORE---.

Special commands

The following special command - 3arc - has been found. The command is in fact the Clan Tag any bot has when playing theCombat Training mode.

3arc unlock - a cheat code which unlocks the Zombies map "Five" and all the single player missions.

3arc intel - a cheat code which unlocks all intel in the game for viewing, but disables the 'Closer Analysis' Achievement / Trophy.


  • The terminal consoles keyboard is an incomplete QWERTY keyboard.
  • Although output text is displayed in lowercase characters and uppercase where expected, a player can only enter uppercase characters when typing in commands.
  • The more command is normally used on a UNIX-based system as command to dig deeper within a text file. Contrary to a real UNIX system, one cannot redirect command output to e. g. other commands.
  • dir and ls both have the same effect. The dir command is the typical command coming from a Microsoft DOS-based system, while ls is used on UNIX-based systems.
  • The consoles input cursor cannot be repositioned.
