Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Calling Cards are earned through challenges in Multiplayer, including Ranked Play, Campaign, and Special Ops modes as well as in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 modes Battle Royale and DMZ. Some can also be purchased through the store or by progressing the Battle Pass. Others are obtained via events or promotional collaboration.

Every Calling Card unlocked in Modern Warfare II is also available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.



Name How to obtain Calling Card
Progress Available by default Progress CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride1 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride2 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride3 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride4 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride5 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride6 CallingCard MWII
Albania Available by default Albania CallingCard MWII
Argentina Available by default Argentina CallingCard MWII
Armenia Available by default Armenia CallingCard MWII
Australia Available by default Australia CallingCard MWII
Austria Available by default Austria CallingCard MWII
Belgium Available by default Belgium CallingCard MWII
Brazil Available by default Brazil CallingCard MWII
Canada Available by default Canada CallingCard MWII
Chile Available by default Chile CallingCard MWII
China Available by default China CallingCard MWII
Colombia Available by default Colombia CallingCard MWII
Czechia Available by default Czechia CallingCard MWII
Denmark Available by default Denmark CallingCard MWII
Ecuador Available by default Ecuador CallingCard MWII
England Available by default England CallingCard MWII
Finland Available by default Finland CallingCard MWII
France Available by default France CallingCard MWII
Germany Available by default Germany CallingCard MWII
Greece Available by default Greece CallingCard MWII
Hungary Available by default Hungary CallingCard MWII
India Available by default India CallingCard MWII
Ireland Available by default Ireland CallingCard MWII
Israel Available by default Israel CallingCard MWII
Italy Available by default Italy CallingCard MWII
Japan Available by default Japan CallingCard MWII
Kuwait Available by default Kuwait CallingCard MWII
Latvia Available by default Latvia CallingCard MWII
Netherlands Available by default Netherlands CallingCard MWII
New Zealand Available by default NewZealand CallingCard MWII
Norway Available by default Norway CallingCard MWII
Pakistan Available by default Pakistan CallingCard MWII
Peru Available by default Peru CallingCard MWII
Philippines Available by default Philippines CallingCard MWII
Poland Available by default Poland CallingCard MWII
Portugal Available by default Portugal CallingCard MWII
Romania Available by default Romania CallingCard MWII
Russia Unavailable Russia CallingCard MWII
Scotland Available by default Scotland CallingCard MWII
Singapore Available by default Singapore CallingCard MWII
Slovakia Available by default Slovakia CallingCard MWII
South Korea Available by default SouthKorea CallingCard MWII
Spain Available by default Spain CallingCard MWII
Sweden Available by default Sweden CallingCard MWII
Thailand Available by default Thailand CallingCard MWII
Turkey Available by default Turkey CallingCard MWII
Ukraine Available by default Ukraine CallingCard MWII
United Kingdom Available by default UnitedKingdom CallingCard MWII
United States Available by default UnitedStates CallingCard MWII
Venezuela Available by default Venezuela CallingCard MWII
Vietnam Available by default Vietnam CallingCard MWII
Wales Available by default Wales CallingCard MWII
Chopper Down Available by default ChopperDown CallingCard MWII
High Ground Available by default HighGround CallingCard MWII
Don't Bunch Up Available by default DontBunchUp CallingCard MWII
Stay Frosty Available by default StayFrosty CallingCard MWII
Blue Lagoon Available by default BlueLagoon CallingCard MWII
Progress Available by default Progress CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride1 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride2 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride3 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride4 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride5 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride6 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride7 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride8 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride9 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride10 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride11 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride12 CallingCard MWII
Pride Available by default Pride13 CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
A Knight's Approach Bundle Gift Pack
(July 19th, 2023)
AKnightsApproach CallingCard MWII
Almost Eaten Bundle Cryogen AlmostEaten CallingCard MWII
Boom Bundle WSOW Rat Pack Boom CallingCard MWII
Chase The Bag Bundle Tracer Pack: 2023 CDL Champs ChaseTheBag CallingCard MWII
Dropping In Bundle WSOW Designated Driver Pack DroppingIn CallingCard MWII
Fit For A Ghost Bundle Gift Pack
(October 19th, 2023)
FitForAGhost CallingCard MWII
Fuchsia Bundle Gift Pack
(May 14th, 2023)
Fuchsia CallingCard MWII
Let's Go Streaking! Bundle WSOW Solo Yolo Pack LetsGoStreaking CallingCard MWII
Light Weight Bundle CDL Midseason Pack LightWeight CallingCard MWII
Like & Subscribe Bundle Gift Pack
(October 19th, 2023)
Like&Subscribe CallingCard MWII
Naughty Bundle Holiday Gift Pack
(December 21st, 2022)
Naughty CallingCard MWII
Peak Bundle Warzone Anniversary Gift
(March 15th, 2023)
Peak CallingCard MWII
Riffin' Bundle Gift Pack
(July 22th, 2023)
Riffin CallingCard MWII
See Ya! Bundle Gift Pack
(June 24th, 2023)
SeeYa CallingCard MWII
Snackin' On Dubs Bundle CDL Midseason Pack SnackinOnDubs CallingCard MWII
Splat Bundle WSOW Solo Yolo Pack Splat CallingCard MWII
Take The L Bundle Tracer Pack: 2023 CDL Champs TakeTheL CallingCard MWII
The Showers Bundle Warzone Anniversary Gift
(March 31st, 2023)
TheShowers CallingCard MWII
Tripped Out Bundle Gift Pack
(June 28th, 2023)
TrippedOut CallingCard MWII
Vigor Bundle Gift Pack
(June 8th, 2023)
Vigor CallingCard MWII
Wish You Were Here Bundle WSOW Solo Yolo Pack WishYouWereHere CallingCard MWII
Golden Oni Combat Pack Season One GoldenOni CallingCard MWII
Crimson Oni Combat Pack Season Two CrimsonOni CallingCard MWII
Crumbling Combat Pack Season Three Crumbling CallingCard MWII
Oni Shards Combat Pack Season Four OniShards CallingCard MWII
Rooftop Shadow Combat Pack Season Five RooftopShadow CallingCard MWII
Oni Mask Combat Pack Season Six OniMask CallingCard MWII
Mermen Pack C.O.D.E. Protector Mermen CallingCard MWII
Ready For Anything Pack C.O.D.E. Protector ReadyForAnything CallingCard MWII
Sparks Fly Pack C.O.D.E. Perseverance SparksFly CallingCard MWII
Easy Money Pack CDL Launch EasyMoney CallingCard MWII
Press F Pack CDL Launch PressF CallingCard MWII
Atlanta Faze Pack Atlanta Faze Team AtlantaFaze CallingCard MWII
Boston Breach Pack Boston Breach Team BostonBreach CallingCard MWII
Florida Mutineers Pack Florida Mutineers Team FloridaMutineers CallingCard MWII
London Royal Ravens Pack London Royal Ravens Team LondonRoyalRavens CallingCard MWII
Los Angeles Guerrillas Pack Los Angeles Guerrillas Team LosAngelesGuerrillas CallingCard MWII
Los Angeles Thieves Pack Los Angeles Thieves Team LosAngelesThieves CallingCard MWII
Minnesota Rokkr Pack Minnesota Rokkr Team MinnesotaRokkr CallingCard MWII
New York Subliners Pack New York Subliners Team NewYorkSubliners CallingCard MWII
Optic Texas Pack Optic Texas Team OpticTexas CallingCard MWII
Seattle Surge Pack Seattle Surge Team SeattleSurge CallingCard MWII
Toronto Ultra Pack Toronto Ultra Team TorontoUltra CallingCard MWII
Vegas Legion Pack Vegas Legion Team VegasLegion CallingCard MWII

Battle Pass[]

Season 1
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Hired Sniper Sector A5 HiredSniper CallingCard MWII
Aerial Entrance Sector A1 AerialEntrance CallingCard MWII
Corner Cover Sector A17 CornerCover CallingCard MWII
Scaling Assassin Sector A8 ScalingAssassin CallingCard MWII
Gathered Gents Sector A2 GatheredGents CallingCard MWII
Sole Survivor Sector A18 SoleSurvivor CallingCard MWII
Plane Sight Sector A14 PlaneSight CallingCard MWII
Season 2
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Gusts Sector B8 Gusts CallingCard MWII
Job Done Sector B1 JobDone CallingCard MWII
All Smiles Sector B7 AllSmiles CallingCard MWII
Aqua Samurai Sector B15 AquaSamurai CallingCard MWII
Bitten Sector B20 Bitten CallingCard MWII
Purple Fear Sector B17 PurpleFear CallingCard MWII
Eyes Of Fire Sector B13 EyesOfFire CallingCard MWII
Season 3
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Two Sides/Same Coin Sector C1 TwoSidesSameCoin CallingCard MWII
Cold Steel Cold Stare Sector C7 ColdSteelColdStare CallingCard MWII
Face Off Sector C10 FaceOff CallingCard MWII
Sparked Fury Sector C12 SparkedFury CallingCard MWII
Broken Sector C14 Broken CallingCard MWII
Your Move Sector C15 YourMove CallingCard MWII
Furious Foes Sector C16 FuriousFoes CallingCard MWII
Season 4
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Gunfire Sector D0 Challenge
Get 10 Hipfire Operator Kills with Shotguns
Gunfire CallingCard MWII
Skyline Sector D1 Skyline CallingCard MWII
Panned Soldiers Sector D2 PannedSoldiers CallingCard MWII
Defenders Sector D7 Defenders CallingCard MWII
This City Is Ours Sector D10 TheCityIsOurs CallingCard MWII
We Are The Storm Sector D14 WeAreTheStorm CallingCard MWII
Mokum Sector D16 Mokum CallingCard MWII
Feeling Lucky? Sector D17 FeelingLucky CallingCard MWII
Ready For War Sector D18 ReadyForWar CallingCard MWII
Season 5
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Aim True Sector E1 AimTrue CallingCard MWII
Suspects Sector E2 Suspects CallingCard MWII
Task Force 141 Sector E3 TaskForce141 CallingCard MWII
Oz Op Sector E4 OzOp CallingCard MWII
Rook's Spade Sector E12 RooksSpade CallingCard MWII
Loose Ends Sector E15 LooseEnds CallingCard MWII
Calculating Oz Sector E16 CalculatingOz CallingCard MWII
Season 6
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Candy Corn Carnage Sector F1 CandyCornCarnage CallingCard MWII
Living Horror Sector F3 LivingHorror CallingCard MWII
Pumpkin And Pain Sector F5 PumpkinAndPain CallingCard MWII
Spooky Season Fun Sector F9 SpookySeasonFun CallingCard MWII
Spawn's Vengeance Sector F12 SpawnsVengeance CallingCard MWII
Witch's Flight Sector F13 WitchsFlight CallingCard MWII
No Angels, Only Spawn Sector F14 NoAngelsOnlySpawn CallingCard MWII
Spawn Watching Sector F15 SpawnWatching CallingCard MWII
Sinister Spawn Completion Sector SinisterSpawn CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
HyperX Call of Duty x HyperX
December 9th, 2022 to February 28th, 2023
HyperX CallingCard MWII
Purple Thunder Call of Duty x DEW/Circle K
November 2nd to December 31st, 2022
PurpleThunder CallingCard MWII
Dew It Call of Duty x DEW
October 17th, 2022 to March 28th, 2023
DewIt CallingCard MWII
Pizza! Pizza! Call of Duty x DEW/Little Caesars
October 17th, 2022 to March 28th, 2023
PizzaPizza CallingCard MWII
The Gang's All Here Call of Duty x Papa John's
October 26th to November 20th, 2022
TheGangsAllHere CallingCard MWII
Bigfoot Bite Call of Duty x Jack Link's
October 28th, 2022 to October 31st, 2023
BigfootBite CallingCard MWII
Uno Cuatro Uno Call of Duty x George at Asda
October 28th, 2022 to October 28th, 2023
UnoCuatroUno CallingCard MWII
Protect The Crest Call of Duty x Kontrolfreek ProtectTheCrest CallingCard MWII
Screaming Skulls Call of Duty x Gunnar ScreamingSkulls CallingCard MWII
Melted Purchase a Melted product in the Call of Duty Shop Melted CallingCard MWII
First Taste Reach level 6 during the Multiplayer Beta FirstTaste CallingCard MWII
Limit Testing Participe in the Multiplayer Beta LimitTesting CallingCard MWII
Jump In Obtain a Warzone Veteran reward or better on November 16th, 2022 JumpIn CallingCard MWII
Drop Zone Obtain the "Well At Least You Tried" Warzone Veteran reward or better on November 16th, 2022 DropZone CallingCard MWII
Incendiary Obtain the "A Class Of Your Own" Warzone Veteran reward or better on November 16th, 2022 Incendiary CallingCard MWII
This Is War Obtain the "Best Of The Best" Warzone Veteran reward on November 16th, 2022 ThisIsWar CallingCard MWII
England Voted for England in "USA vs England" during Support A Team event England SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
USA Voted for USA in "USA vs England" during Support A Team event USA SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Argentina Voted for Argentina in "Argentina vs Mexico" during Support A Team event Argentina SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Spain Voted for Spain in "Spain vs Germany" during Support A Team event Spain SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Germany Voted for Germany in "Spain vs Germany" during Support A Team event Germany SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Ghana Voted for Ghana in "South Korea vs Ghana" during Support A Team event Ghana SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Tunisia Voted for Tunisia in "Tunisia vs France" during Support A Team event Tunisia SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Cameroon Voted for Cameroon in "Cameroon vs Brazil" during Support A Team event Cameroon SupportATeam CallingCard MWII
Goal Breaker Correctly predicted at least 4 matches during the Support A Team event GoalBreaker CallingCard MWII
#CODEBOWLIII Available to all players on December 17th, 2022 CODEBOWLIII CallingCard MWII
Quiet Justice Completed the Sincerity challenge during the Path of the Ronin event QuietJustice CallingCard MWII
Low Definition Completed the "Recruit-A-Friend Kills" challenge with the second Recruit in the Recruit A Friend program LowDefinition CallingCard MWII
Enhanced Vision Redeemed 15 Trophies during the Trophy Hunt event EnhancedVision CallingCard MWII
Trophy Hunt Master Redeemed 1000 Trophies during the Trophy Hunt event TrophyHuntMaster CallingCard MWII
Sink Or Swim Logged into Modern Warfare II or Warzone 2.0 during the Assault on Vondel event SinkOrSwim CallingCard MWII
Electrosnake Logged into Modern Warfare II or Warzone 2.0 4 days between July 19th and August 1st, 2023 Electrosnake CallingCard MWII
Most Valuable Beast Available to all players on October 5th, 2023 MostValuableBeast CallingCard MWII
War Snake Logged into Modern Warfare II or Warzone 2.0 5 days between October 17th and November 6th, 2023 WarSnake CallingCard MWII
Skullified Redeemed 30 Souls during the Haunting event Skullified CallingCard MWII
Acedia Redeemed 60 Souls during the Haunting event Acedia CallingCard MWII
Death's Angel 30 min Twitch Drop between October 28th and November 6th, 2022 DeathsAngel CallingCard MWII
CDL 2023 CDL Opening Weekend - 30 min Twitch Drop on December 2nd, 2022 CDL2023 CallingCard MWII
Night Sweats CDL Email Subscription Reward NightSweats CallingCard MWII
Full Streaks CDL Major I - 30 min Twitch Drop on December 16th, 2022 FullStreaks CallingCard MWII
Sweaty Hours CDL Major I - 1h30 Twitch Drop on December 17th, 2022 SweatyHours CallingCard MWII
Hall Of Champions CDL Major I - 30 min Twitch Drop on December 18th, 2022 HallOfChampions CallingCard MWII
Route Man Gets Paid CDL Major II - 1h30 Twitch Drop on February 3rd, 2023 RouteManGetsPaid CallingCard MWII
Cooking Up Some Dubs CDL Major II - 2h Twitch Drop on February 4th, 2023 CookingUpSomeDubs CallingCard MWII
Smoked 'Em CDL Major III - 1h30 Twitch Drop on March 9th, 2023 SmokedEm CallingCard MWII
Reverse Sweep CDL Major III - 1h30 Twitch Drop on March 10th, 2023 ReverseSweep CallingCard MWII
Baited CDL Major III - 1h30 Twitch Drop on March 11th, 2023 Baited CallingCard MWII
Ride 'Em Cowboy CDL Major III - 1h Twitch Drop on March 12th, 2023 RideEmCowboy CallingCard MWII
Play Your Life CDL Major IV - 1h30 Twitch Drop on April 20th, 2023 PlayYourLife CallingCard MWII
I Don't Miss My 1's CDL Major IV - 2h Twitch Drop on April 20th, 2023 IDontMissMy1s CallingCard MWII
Main Stage Ready CDL Major IV - 1h30 Twitch Drop on April 21st, 2023 MainStageReady CallingCard MWII
It's My Year CDL Major IV - 1h Twitch Drop on April 22nd, 2023 ItsMyYear CallingCard MWII
Drip Correctly predicted the Winner and Score of 25 matches in CDL Pick'Em Drip CallingCard MWII
Future Pro CDL Major V - 1h30 Twitch Drop on May 25th, 2023 FuturePro CallingCard MWII
Premium Gas CDL Major V - 1h30 Twitch Drop on May 26th, 2023 PremiumGas CallingCard MWII
Onliner CDL Major V - 1h30 Twitch Drop on May 27th, 2023 Onliner CallingCard MWII
Movement King WSOW Stage 1 NA Final - 2h Twitch Drop on June 7th, 2023 MovementKing CallingCard MWII
Sneaky Snake WSOW Stage 1 EU Final - 2h Twitch Drop on June 8th, 2023 SneakySnake CallingCard MWII
SKKRRT CDL Championship - 1h Twitch Drop on June 15th, 2023 SKKRRT CallingCard MWII
Run It Up CDL Championship - 1h Twitch Drop on June 16th, 2023 RunItUp CallingCard MWII
Take Notes CDL Championship - 1h Twitch Drop on June 17th, 2023 TakeNotes CallingCard MWII
Run And Gun WSOW Stage 2 EU Final - 2h Twitch Drop on July 19th, 2023 RunAndGun CallingCard MWII
Slow And Steady WSOW Stage 2 NA Final - 2h Twitch Drop on July 20th, 2023 SlowAndSteady CallingCard MWII
Dolphin Diving WSOW Last Chance Qualifiers EU - 2h Twitch Drop on July 26th, 2023 DolphinDiving CallingCard MWII
Melting WSOW Last Chance Qualifiers NA - 2h Twitch Drop on July 27th, 2023 Melting CallingCard MWII
Grab The Popcorn WSOW Global Final - 1h30 Twitch Drop on September 16th, 2023 GrabThePopcorn CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
Soap's Determination Complete Strike SoapsDetermination CallingCard MWII
Chainlinked Complete Borderline Chainlinked CallingCard MWII
Gaz Complete Recon by Fire Gaz CallingCard MWII
Shadow Company Ops Complete Alone ShadowCompanyOps CallingCard MWII

Special Ops[]

Name How to obtain Calling Card
All Mighty Earn 50 stars AllMighty CallingCard MWII
Treasure Earn 75 stars Treasure CallingCard MWII
Guns Up Level up the Assault Kit to Tier 2 GunsUp CallingCard MWII
Eyes On Level up the Recon Kit to Tier 2 EyesOn CallingCard MWII
The Button Earn 30 stars TheButton CallingCard MWII
The Thief Level up the Medic Kit to Tier 2 TheThief CallingCard MWII
The Sabotage Earn 1 star TheSabotage CallingCard MWII
Deadly Precision Collect 40 intel fragments DeadlyPrecision CallingCard MWII
Intel Recon Collect 150 intel fragments IntelRecon CallingCard MWII
Forest Price Randomly awarded upon completion of Atomgrad EP. 01 ForestPrice CallingCard MWII
Gaz's Gaze Randomly awarded upon completion of Atomgrad EP. 01 GazsGaze CallingCard MWII
Golden Red Gaze Randomly awarded upon completion of Atomgrad EP. 02 GoldenRedGaze CallingCard MWII
Raid Season 3 Randomly awarded upon completion of Atomgrad EP. 03 RaidSeason3 CallingCard MWII
Off-Road Farah Randomly awarded upon completion of Atomgrad EP. 04 OffRoadFarah CallingCard MWII



Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Steady Approach Get 50 Operator Kills SteadyApproach MP Calling Card MWII
Ghostly Flame Get 100 Operator Kills GhostlyFlame MP Calling Card MWII
The Light at the End Get 250 Operator Kills TheLightAtTheEnd MP Calling Card MWII
Gun's Still Hot Get 500 Operator Kills GunsStillHot MP Calling Card MWII
Delusional Wealth Get 1000 Operator Kills DelusionalWealth MP Calling Card MWII
What's Done is Done Get 2500 Operator Kills WhatsDoneIsDone MP Calling Card MWII
Alejandro Get 5000 Operator Kills Alejandro MP Calling Card MWII
Steady Stare Get 10000 Operator Kills SteadyStare MP Calling Card MWII
Smoking End Complete all Kill Challenges SmokingEnd MP Calling Card MWII
Assist Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Gritty Face Off Get 50 Operator Assists Gritty Face Off MP Calling Card MWII
The Price You Pay Get 100 Operator Assists The Price You Pay MP Calling Card MWII
Corrupt System Get 250 Operator Assists Corrupt System MP Calling Card MWII
Skully Ammo Get 500 Operator Assists Skully Ammo MP Calling Card MWII
Shades Get 1000 Operator Assists Shades MP Calling Card MWII
High Value Get 2500 Operator Assists High Value MP Calling Card MWII
Watch Your Back Complete all Assists Challenges WatchYourBack MP Calling Card MWII
Lethal Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Do Not Enter Get 25 Operator Kills with Lethals Do Not Enter MP Calling Card MWII
Heads Up Get 50 Operator Kills with Lethals Heads Up MP Calling Card MWII
Uh Oh Get 100 Operator Kills with Lethals Uh Oh MP Calling Card MWII
Danger Get 250 Operator Kills with Lethals Danger MP Calling Card MWII
Speed Trap Get 500 Operator Kills with Lethals Speed Trap MP Calling Card MWII
Aught Get 1000 Operator Kills with Lethals Aught MP Calling Card MWII
Adamant Complete all Lethal Kill Challenges Adamant MP Calling Card MWII
Headshot Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Triple Threat Get 50 Operator Headshots Triple Threat MP Calling Card MWII
Trio De Terror Get 100 Operator Headshots Trio De Terror MP Calling Card MWII
Dual Skully Get 250 Operator Headshots Dual Skully MP Calling Card MWII
Samurai Skull Get 500 Operator Headshots Samurai Skull MP Calling Card MWII
Sgt. Ham Get 1000 Operator Headshots Sgt Ham MP Calling Card MWII
Boom Boom Get 2500 Operator Headshots Boom Boom MP Calling Card MWII
Golden Cranium Complete all Headshot Kill Challenges GoldenCranium MP Calling Card MWII
Double Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Man Of Action Get 25 Operator Double Kills ManOfAction CallingCard MWII
Lady Of War Get 50 Operator Double Kills LadyOfWar CallingCard MWII
Smokin' Gun Get 100 Operator Double Kills SmokinGun CallingCard MWII
Exploding Soldier Get 250 Operator Double Kills ExplodingSoldier CallingCard MWII
Divine Knighthood Get 500 Operator Double Kills DivineKnighthood CallingCard MWII
Beast Within Get 1000 Operator Double Kills BeastWithin CallingCard MWII
Serpent Skull Complete all Double Kill Challenges SerpentSkull CallingCard MWII
Longshot Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Whadaya Lookin' At! Get 50 Longshot Operator Kills WhadayaLookinAt CallingCard MWII
Battle Ready Get 100 Longshot Operator Kills BattleReady CallingCard MWII
Higher Level Elevate Get 250 Longshot Operator Kills HigherLevelElevate CallingCard MWII
Symbolic End Get 500 Longshot Operator Kills SymbolicEnd CallingCard MWII
Chattering Soldier Get 1000 Longshot Operator Kills ChatteringSoldier CallingCard MWII
Black Knight Get 2500 Longshot Operator Kills BlackKnight CallingCard MWII
Squad Under Fire Complete all Longshot Kill Challenges SquadUnderFire CallingCard MWII
Hipfire Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Clawed Flame Get 50 Hipfire Operator Kills ClawedFlame CallingCard MWII
Gassy Panel Get 100 Hipfire Operator Kills GassyPanel CallingCard MWII
Warfare Assassin Get 250 Hipfire Operator Kills WarfareAssassin CallingCard MWII
What Is It Good For Get 500 Hipfire Operator Kills WhatIsItGoodFor CallingCard MWII
Resist Get 1000 Hipfire Operator Kills Resist CallingCard MWII
Paintball Supremacy Get 2500 Hipfire Operator Kills PaintballSupremacy CallingCard MWII
Cyber Sprint Complete all Hipfire Kill Challenges CyberSprint CallingCard MWII
Melee Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Robotic Vengeance Get 25 Melee Operator Kills RoboticVengeance CallingCard MWII
Lounging Get 50 Melee Operator Kills Lounging CallingCard MWII
Swinging Into Action Get 100 Melee Operator Kills SwingingIntoAction CallingCard MWII
Pay Attention Get 250 Melee Operator Kills PayAttention CallingCard MWII
Spark Effects Get 500 Melee Operator Kills SparkEffects CallingCard MWII
Lightning Strike Get 1000 Melee Operator Kills LightningStrike CallingCard MWII
1000 Birds Complete all Melee Kill Challenges 1000Birds CallingCard MWII
Execution Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Battle Robot Execute 5 Finishing Moves on Operators BattleRobot CallingCard MWII
Night Raid Execute 10 Finishing Moves on Operators NightRaid CallingCard MWII
Rough Times Execute 25 Finishing Moves on Operators RoughTimes CallingCard MWII
Sir Skully Execute 50 Finishing Moves on Operators SirSkully CallingCard MWII
Smoked Him Execute 100 Finishing Moves on Operators SmokedHim CallingCard MWII
Victorious Femme Execute 250 Finishing Moves on Operators VictoriousFemme CallingCard MWII
Mask On Complete all Finishing Move Challenges MaskOn CallingCard MWII
Undying Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Shaded Ghost Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 25 times ShadedGhost CallingCard MWII
Shadow Op Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 50 times ShadowOp CallingCard MWII
Relevance Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 100 times Relevance CallingCard MWII
Company Sniper Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 250 times CompanySniper CallingCard MWII
Shadowy Past Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 500 times ShadowyPast CallingCard MWII
Darkened Pistol Get 3 Operator Kill without dying 1000 times DarkenedPistol CallingCard MWII
Operator Overlook Complete all Undying Challenges OperatorOverlook CallingCard MWII
Vehicle Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Speeding Motorist Kill 5 enemies occupying Vehicles SpeedingMotorist CallingCard MWII
Speed's The Game Kill 10 enemies occupying Vehicles SpeedsTheGame CallingCard MWII
Barreling Down Kill 25 enemies occupying Vehicles BarrelingDown CallingCard MWII
4-Wheeled Big Deal Kill 50 enemies occupying Vehicles 4WheeledBigDeal CallingCard MWII
Jet Ski Retreat Kill 100 enemies occupying Vehicles JetSkiRetreat CallingCard MWII
Speeder Kill 250 enemies occupying Vehicles Speeder CallingCard MWII
Armored Pickup Charlie Complete all Vehicle Kill Challenges ArmoredPickupCharlie CallingCard MWII


Defense Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Death's Flowers Get 50 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. DeathsFlowers CallingCard MWII
Challenger Approaches Get 100 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. ChallengerApproaches CallingCard MWII
Harsh Reality Get 250 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. HarshReality CallingCard MWII
Overwhelmed Get 500 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. Overwhelmed CallingCard MWII
One Last Mission Get 1000 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. OneLastMission CallingCard MWII
Ocular Omnipotence Get 2500 Objective Defender Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. OcularOmnipotence CallingCard MWII
Rattle And Bone Complete all Defender Kill Challenges RattleAndBone CallingCard MWII
Assault Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Dark Warrior Get 50 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. DarkWarrior CallingCard MWII
Cyber Black Get 100 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. CyberBlack CallingCard MWII
Black Beetle Get 250 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. BlackBeetle CallingCard MWII
Malicious Intent Get 500 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. MaliciousIntent CallingCard MWII
Bladed Charge Get 1000 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. BladedCharge CallingCard MWII
Arachnophobia Get 2500 Objective Assault Kills in Multiplayer Objective modes. Arachnophobia CallingCard MWII
Hunger Complete all Assault Kill Challenges Hunger CallingCard MWII
Win Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Invidia Win 25 matches in Multiplayer modes Invidia CallingCard MWII
Gula Win 50 matches in Multiplayer modes Gula CallingCard MWII
Avaritia Win 100 matches in Multiplayer modes Avaritia CallingCard MWII
Luxuria Win 250 matches in Multiplayer modes Luxuria CallingCard MWII
Superbia Win 500 matches in Multiplayer modes Superbia CallingCard MWII
Ira Win 1000 matches in Multiplayer modes Ira CallingCard MWII
Notice Me Complete all Win Challenges NoticeMe CallingCard MWII
MGB Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Blasted Call in 1 MGB Blasted CallingCard MWII
Testing Limits Call in 3 MGBs TestingLimits CallingCard MWII
Nuke Happens Call in 5 MGBs NukeHappens CallingCard MWII
Cloudy Day Call in 10 MGBs CloudyDay CallingCard MWII
No Escape Complete all MGB Challenges NoEscape CallingCard MWII

Ranked Play[]


Name How to obtain Calling Card
Ranked Play Rank 5 Reach Rank 5 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank5 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 10 Reach Rank 10 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank10 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 15 Reach Rank 15 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank15 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 20 Reach Rank 20 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank20 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 25 Reach Rank 25 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank25 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 30 Reach Rank 30 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank30 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 35 Reach Rank 35 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank35 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 40 Reach Rank 40 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank40 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 45 Reach Rank 45 in Ranked Play RankedPlayRank45 CallingCard MWII
Ranked Veteran Reach Rank 50 in Ranked Play RankedVeteran CallingCard MWII
Season 2 Iridescent Finish Season Two with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season2Iridescent CallingCard MWII
Season 3 Iridescent Finish Season Three with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season3Iridescent CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 4 Iridescent Finish Season Four with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season4Iridescent CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 5 Iridescent Finish Season Five with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season5Iridescent CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 6 Iridescent Finish Season Six with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season6Iridescent CallingCard MWII
Season 2 Top 250 Finish Season Two in the Top 250 Skill Division Season2Top250 CallingCard MWII
Season 3 Top 250 Finish Season Three in the Top 250 Skill Division Season3Top250 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 4 Top 250 Finish Season Four in the Top 250 Skill Division Season4Top250 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 5 Top 250 Finish Season Five in the Top 250 Skill Division Season5Top250 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 6 Top 250 Finish Season Six in the Top 250 Skill Division Season6Top250 CallingCard MWII
Season 2 #1 Overall Finish Season Two at the Top 1 Skill Division. Awarded to ScummN Season2Top1 CallingCard MWII
Season 3 #1 Overall Finish Season Three at the Top 1 Skill Division Season3Top1 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 4 #1 Overall Finish Season Four at the Top 1 Skill Division Season4Top1 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 5 #1 Overall Finish Season Five at the Top 1 Skill Division Season5Top1 CallingCard MWII
MWII Season 6 #1 Overall Finish Season Six at the Top 1 Skill Division Season6Top1 CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
Ranked Play Rank 5 Reach Rank 5 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank5 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 10 Reach Rank 10 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank10 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 15 Reach Rank 15 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank15 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 20 Reach Rank 20 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank20 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 25 Reach Rank 25 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank25 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 30 Reach Rank 30 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank30 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 35 Reach Rank 35 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank35 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 40 Reach Rank 40 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank40 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Play Rank 45 Reach Rank 45 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedPlayRank45 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Ranked Veteran Reach Rank 50 in Warzone Ranked Play RankedVeteran Warzone CallingCard MWII
Season 3 Iridescent Finish Season Three with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season3Iridescent Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 4 Iridescent Finish Season Four with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season4Iridescent Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 5 Iridescent Finish Season Five with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season5Iridescent Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 6 Iridescent Finish Season Six with a Season Best Skill Division of Iridescent Season6Iridescent Warzone CallingCard MWII
Season 3 Top 250 Finish Season Three in the Top 250 Skill Division Season3Top250 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 4 Top 250 Finish Season Four in the Top 250 Skill Division Season4Top250 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 5 Top 250 Finish Season Five in the Top 250 Skill Division Season5Top250 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 6 Top 250 Finish Season Six in the Top 250 Skill Division Season6Top250 Warzone CallingCard MWII
Season 3 #1 Overall Finish Season Three at the Top 1 Skill Division Season3Top1 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 4 #1 Overall Finish Season Four at the Top 1 Skill Division Season4Top1 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 5 #1 Overall Finish Season Five at the Top 1 Skill Division Season5Top1 Warzone CallingCard MWII
WZ Season 6 #1 Overall Finish Season Six at the Top 1 Skill Division Season6Top1 Warzone CallingCard MWII



Name How to obtain Calling Card
WZ Win Win a match in Warzone WZWin CallingCard MWII
WZ Squad Finish Reach at least 10th place in Warzone WZSquadFinish CallingCard MWII
Glass Get 30 Operator Kills in a single match of Warzone Glass CallingCard MWII
Juggernaut TBD Juggernaut CallingCard MWII
Quest Nuke Complete the Champion's Quest in Al Mazrah between Season One and Season Three QuestNuke CallingCard MWII
FWOOM Complete the Champion's Quest in Vondel FWOOM CallingCard MWII
Pawn Broker Sell 1 valuable during a match of Plunder PawnBroker CallingCard MWII
Robber Baron Buy a Life Insurance during a match of Plunder RobberBaron CallingCard MWII
Head Hunter Eliminate 250 Agents in Plunder HeadHunter CallingCard MWII
Scrooge Collect a total of 10000000 Cash in Plunder Scrooge CallingCard MWII
Protect The Crown TBD ProtectTheCrown CallingCard MWII
Crowd Pleaser Play and complete 200 matches on Vondel, in any gamemode. CrowdPleaser CallingCard MWII
Lockdown Win 25 matches of Lockdown Lockdown CallingCard MWII
Crimson Sound Succesfully exfil at the end of the Shadow Siege event CrimsonSound CallingCard MWII
The Butcher Defeat the Butcher during the Haunting event TheButcher CallingCard MWII
Swamp Monster Defeat the Swamp Creature during the Haunting event SwampMonster CallingCard MWII
Mummy Defeat the Pharaoh during the Haunting event Mummy CallingCard MWII
UFO Defeat the UFO during the Haunting event UFO CallingCard MWII
Ghost Train Acquire the Heart of the Train during the Haunting event GhostTrain CallingCard MWII
Evil Spirit Find the Evil Spirits during the Haunting event EvilSpirit CallingCard MWII
Boo! Encounter 5 Jump Scares when using the Haunted Box Boo CallingCard MWII
You Can't Hide Tag 20 Operators with the Bloodseeker Grenade YouCantHide CallingCard MWII
Apocalypse Survivor Win 10 matches of Zombie Royale ApocalypseSurvivor CallingCard MWII


Wins Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Radiance Win 1 match in BR. Radiance CallingCard MWII
Metallic Entry Win 5 matches in BR. MetallicEntry CallingCard MWII
Emerald Raise Win 10 matches in BR. EmeraldRaise CallingCard MWII
Elegant Trifecta Win 25 matches in BR. ElegantTrifecta CallingCard MWII
Central Blinding Win 50 matches in BR. CentralBlinding CallingCard MWII
Hardcore Win 100 matches in BR. Hardcore CallingCard MWII
Determined Glare Complete all Win Mastery Challenges DeterminedGlare CallingCard MWII
Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Hailstorm Get 10 kills in BR. Hailstorm CallingCard MWII
Graphical Graffiti Get 25 kills in BR. GraphicalGraffiti CallingCard MWII
Bullet's End Get 50 kills in BR. BulletsEnd CallingCard MWII
Tripped Out Get 100 kills in BR. TrippedOut CallingCard MWII
Incoming Strike Get 520 kills in BR. IncomingStrike CallingCard MWII
Golden Vapor Get 500 kills in BR. GoldenVapor CallingCard MWII
Gleaming Headshot Complete all Kill Mastery Challenges GleamingHeadshot CallingCard MWII
Contract Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Move In! Complete 10 contracts in BR. MoveIn CallingCard MWII
Lasered Infiltration Complete 25 contracts in BR. LaseredInfiltration CallingCard MWII
Gunned Down Complete 50 contracts in BR. GunnedDown CallingCard MWII
Deadly Laser Complete 100 contracts in BR. DeadlyLaser CallingCard MWII
Reflective Complete 250 contracts in BR. Reflective CallingCard MWII
Alternate Means Complete 500 contracts in BR. AlternateMeans CallingCard MWII
Time To Strike Complete all Contract Mastery Challenges TimeToStrike CallingCard MWII
Loot Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Smoking Money Open 25 containers in BR. SmokingMoney CallingCard MWII
All That Glitters Open 50 containers in BR. AllThatGlitters CallingCard MWII
Tattoos And Chains Open 100 containers in BR. TattoosAndChains CallingCard MWII
Desert Decor Open 250 containers in BR. DesertDecor CallingCard MWII
Dome Polish Open 500 containers in BR. DomePolish CallingCard MWII
Finest Ruler Open 1000 containers in BR. FinestRuler CallingCard MWII
Death's Payment Complete all Loot Mastery Challenges DeathsPayment CallingCard MWII

World Series[]

Several Calling Cards could be earned when participating in the World Series Of Warzone Stage 1 In-Game Open between April 28th and April 30th, 2023 and the Stage 2 In-Game Open between July 8th and July 9th, 2023.

Name How to obtain Calling Card
Participation Sign up and complete at least 10 matches Participation CallingCard MWII
Top 1000 Trios Reach Top 1000 Top1000Trios CallingCard MWII
Top 500 Trios Reach Top 500 Top500Trios CallingCard MWII
Top 100 Trios Reach Top 100 Top100Trios CallingCard MWII
Top 50 Trios Reach Top 50 Top50Trios CallingCard MWII



Exfil Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Serpent's Snap Exfil from DMZ 5 times SerpentsSnap CallingCard MWII
Copper Scorpion Exfil from DMZ 10 times CopperScorpion CallingCard MWII
Sharpened Fangs Exfil from DMZ 25 times SharpenedFangs CallingCard MWII
Spider's Trap Exfil from DMZ 50 times SpidersTrap CallingCard MWII
Fish Please! Exfil from DMZ 100 times FishPlease CallingCard MWII
Bat's Flight Exfil from DMZ 250 times BatsFlight CallingCard MWII
Crustaceous Disaster Complete all Exfil Challenges CrustaceousDisaster CallingCard MWII
Cash Extraction Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Zap Beta Exfil 100000 Cash from DMZ ZapBeta CallingCard MWII
Circular Exfil 500000 Cash from DMZ Circular CallingCard MWII
Exes Beta Exfil 1000000 Cash from DMZ ExesBeta CallingCard MWII
Circular Beta Exfil 1500000 Cash from DMZ CircularBeta CallingCard MWII
Pastels Beta Exfil 2000000 Cash from DMZ PastelsBeta CallingCard MWII
Swirls Exfil 2500000 Cash from DMZ Swirls CallingCard MWII
Fireball Complete all Cash Extraction Challenges Fireball CallingCard MWII
UAV Tower Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Vaulting Activate 1 UAV Tower in DMZ Vaulting CallingCard MWII
On The Move Activate 5 UAV Towers in DMZ OnTheMove CallingCard MWII
Up Top Activate 10 UAV Towers in DMZ UpTop CallingCard MWII
Hidden Activate 25 UAV Towers in DMZ Hidden CallingCard MWII
Sliding Down Activate 50 UAV Towers in DMZ SlidingDown CallingCard MWII
Last Stand Activate 100 UAV Towers in DMZ LastStand CallingCard MWII
Shadow Company Complete all UAV Tower Challenges ShadowCompany CallingCard MWII
Contract Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Be On Guard Complete 10 Contracts in DMZ BeOnGuard CallingCard MWII
Shady Shooter Complete 25 Contracts in DMZ ShadyShooter CallingCard MWII
Heading Out Complete 50 Contracts in DMZ HeadingOut CallingCard MWII
Zipline Decline Complete 100 Contracts in DMZ ZiplineDecline CallingCard MWII
The Hard Way Complete 250 Contracts in DMZ TheHardWay CallingCard MWII
Nightly Snipes Complete 500 Contracts in DMZ NightlySnipes CallingCard MWII
Visionary Complete all Contract Challenges Visionary CallingCard MWII
Boss Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Panther Soldier Defeat 1 Stronghold Bosses PantherSoldier CallingCard MWII
Ancient Relic Defeat 5 Stronghold Bosses AncientRelic CallingCard MWII
Blue Tengu Defeat 10 Stronghold Bosses BlueTengu CallingCard MWII
Masked Profile Defeat 25 Stronghold Bosses MaskedProfile CallingCard MWII
Golden Dual Wielder Defeat 50 Stronghold Bosses GoldenDualWielder CallingCard MWII
Eyes On The Target Defeat 100 Stronghold Bosses EyesOnTheTarget CallingCard MWII
Fractal Freedom Complete all Boss Challenges FractalFreedom CallingCard MWII
Agent Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Soaring Predator Kill 100 Agents in DMZ SoaringPredator CallingCard MWII
Great White Kill 100 Agents in DMZ GreatWhite CallingCard MWII
Constrictor Kill 500 Agents in DMZ Constrictor CallingCard MWII
King Of The Jungle Kill 1000 Agents in DMZ KingOfTheJungle CallingCard MWII
Bull's Barrage Kill 2500 Agents in DMZ BullsBarrage CallingCard MWII
Hyena's Howl Kill 5000 Agents in DMZ HyenasHowl CallingCard MWII
Tiger's Tenacity Complete all Agent Kill Challenges TigersTenacity CallingCard MWII
Operator Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Guns At Dawn Kill 10 Operators in DMZ GunsAtDawn CallingCard MWII
Glaring Intensity Kill 25 Operators in DMZ GlaringIntensity CallingCard MWII
Al Qatala Kill 50 Operators in DMZ AlQatala CallingCard MWII
Perspective Kill 100 Operators in DMZ Perspective CallingCard MWII
Price Kill 250 Operators in DMZ Price CallingCard MWII
Sketched Soldier Kill 500 Operators in DMZ SketchedSoldier CallingCard MWII
Grace Under Pressure Complete all Operator Kill Challenges GraceUnderPressure CallingCard MWII
Final Exfil Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Take Flight Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 1 time TakeFlight CallingCard MWII
Mining Discovery Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 5 times MiningDiscovery CallingCard MWII
Robotic Maternity Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 10 times RoboticMaternity CallingCard MWII
Cyber Sniper Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 25 times CyberSniper CallingCard MWII
Evolutionary Spiral Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 50 times EvolutionarySpiral CallingCard MWII
Human Evolution Exfil using the 4th and Final Helicopter 100 times HumanEvolution CallingCard MWII
Robotic Future Complete all Final Exfil Challenges RoboticFuture CallingCard MWII
Gold Bar Extraction Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Aquatic Presence Extract 50 Gold Bars from the DMZ AquaticPresence CallingCard MWII
The New Frontier Extract 100 Gold Bars from the DMZ TheNewFrontier CallingCard MWII
Chieftain Extract 250 Gold Bars from the DMZ Chieftain CallingCard MWII
Advancements Extract 500 Gold Bars from the DMZ Advancements CallingCard MWII
For Honor And Glory Extract 1000 Gold Bars from the DMZ ForHonorAndGlory CallingCard MWII
Mining Discovery Extract 2000 Gold Bars from the DMZ MiningDiscovery CallingCard MWII
Drone's First Flight Complete all Gold Bar Extraction Challenges DronesFirstFlight CallingCard MWII
Stronghold Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Barbed Silhouette Clear 5 Strongholds in the DMZ BarbedSilhouette CallingCard MWII
Madre Del Mal Clear 10 Strongholds in the DMZ MadreDelMal CallingCard MWII
Flaming Retrospective Clear 25 Strongholds in the DMZ FlamingRetrospective CallingCard MWII
The Band's Back Together Clear 50 Strongholds in the DMZ TheBandsBackTogether CallingCard MWII
Aztec Surveillance Clear 100 Strongholds in the DMZ AztecSurveillance CallingCard MWII
Bienvenidos Clear 250 Strongholds Bienvenidos CallingCard MWII
Wandering Trio Complete all Stronghold Challenges WanderingTrio CallingCard MWII
Unlock Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Magnificent Unlock 5 Locked Spaces in the DMZ Magnificent CallingCard MWII
Soldier Mosaic Unlock 10 Locked Spaces in the DMZ SoldierMosaic CallingCard MWII
Grenade Praise Unlock 25 Locked Spaces in the DMZ GrenadePraise CallingCard MWII
Stained Sword Unlock 50 Locked Spaces in the DMZ StainedSword CallingCard MWII
Knightly Unlock 100 Locked Spaces in the DMZ Knightly CallingCard MWII
Majestic Glass Unlock 250 Locked Spaces in the DMZ MajesticGlass CallingCard MWII
Cyclopes Vacation Complete all Unlock Challenges CyclopesVacation CallingCard MWII
Armored Agent Kill Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Blind Angel Kill 25 Armored Agents in the DMZ BlindAngel CallingCard MWII
Cyber Black Kill 50 Armored Agents in the DMZ CyberBlack CallingCard MWII
Blackened Scorpio Kill 100 Armored Agents in the DMZ BlackenedScorpio CallingCard MWII
Scarab Scream Kill 250 Armored Agents in the DMZ ScarabScream CallingCard MWII
Carbon Fiber Kill 500 Armored Agents in the DMZ CarbonFiber CallingCard MWII
Infinite Kill 750 Armored Agents in the DMZ Infinite CallingCard MWII
Quadruped Complete all Armored Agent Kill Challenges Quadruped CallingCard MWII
Loot Cache Mastery
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Bright Loot 25 Caches in the DMZ Bright CallingCard MWII
Fray Loot 50 Caches in the DMZ Fray CallingCard MWII
Shot Loot 100 Caches in the DMZ Shot CallingCard MWII
Hack Loot 250 Caches in the DMZ Hack CallingCard MWII
Watermelon Loot 500 Caches in the DMZ Watermelon CallingCard MWII
Pointer Loot 1000 Caches in the DMZ Pointer CallingCard MWII
Splice Complete all Loot Cache Challenges Splice CallingCard MWII

Faction Missions[]

Season 1
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Pseudo-Private Complete the Legion "Junker" Tier 2 mission PseudoPrivate CallingCard MWII
Observers Complete the Legion "Junkyard" Tier 4 mission Observers CallingCard MWII
Punishment Complete the Legion "All Fired Up" Tier 5 mission Punishment CallingCard MWII
White Lotus Complete the White Lotus "Intel Executed" Tier 2 mission WhiteLotus CallingCard MWII
Low Profile Complete the White Lotus "Air Supremacy" Tier 3 mission LowProfile CallingCard MWII
War For Peace Complete the White Lotus "Heavy Gunner" Tier 4 mission WarForPeace CallingCard MWII
No Leadership Complete the Black Mous "Weapons Research" Tier 1 mission NoLeadership CallingCard MWII
Hacktivists Complete the Black Mous "Unarmed and Dangerous" Tier 3 mission Hacktivists CallingCard MWII
PMC Complete the Black Mous "Silent and Deadly" Tier 4 mission PMC CallingCard MWII
Season 2 and Season 3
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Perfect Duo Complete the White Lotus "Smuggling Tunnels" Tier 2 mission PerfectDuo CallingCard MWII
Prime Time Complete the White Lotus "Firing Power" Tier 5 mission PrimeTime CallingCard MWII
Amongst Thieves Complete the Legion "Create A Class" Tier 1 mission AmongstThieves CallingCard MWII
No Loyalty Complete the Legion "Clean Sweep" Tier 5 mission NoLoyalty CallingCard MWII
Best Served Cold Complete the Black Mous "Crash Down" Tier 2 mission BestServedCold CallingCard MWII
Click Boom Complete the Black Mous "Delivery Problem" Tier 4 mission ClickBoom CallingCard MWII
Shadows Complete the REDACTED "Irradiated Waters" Tier 5 mission CLASSIFIED CallingCard MWII
Season 4, Season 5 and Season 6
Name How to obtain Calling Card
HTTP Tactical Complete the Black Mous "Operators In Need" Tier 3 mission HTTPTactical CallingCard MWII
Neon Revolution Complete the Black Mous "Title Deed" Tier 4 mission NeonRevolution CallingCard MWII
Teamwork Complete the White Lotus "Vondel Investigation" Tier 3 mission Teamwork CallingCard MWII
Trail Of Bullets Complete the White Lotus "Chemist's Sources" Tier 4 mission TrailOfBullets CallingCard MWII
Levels Of Hell Complete the Phalanx "Spice Of Life" Tier 5 mission LevelsOfHell CallingCard MWII
Waiting For Action Complete the Crown "Exit Through The Sector Alpha" Tier 4 mission WaitingForAction CallingCard MWII
Through The Window Complete the Shadow Company "Missile Transports" Tier 2 mission ThroughTheWindow CallingCard MWII
Squad Operators Complete the Shadow Company "Alpha Decay" Tier 5 mission SquadOperators CallingCard MWII

Weapon Cases[]

Name How to obtain Calling Card
Full House Extract with the Weapon Case 3 times in Ashika Island FullHouse CallingCard MWII
Weapon Crate Extract with the Weapon Case 5 times in Al Mazrah WeaponCrate CallingCard MWII
Weapon Rover Extract with the Weapon Case 2 times in Building 21 WeaponRover CallingCard MWII
Hunting Bug Extract with the Weapon Case 3 times in Koschei Complex HuntingBug CallingCard MWII
First Mission Extract with the Weapon Case 2 times in Vondel FirstMission CallingCard MWII
Shark Attack Extract with the Weapon Case 3 times in Vondel SharkAttack CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
Loot For Good Extract with over $30,000 during the C.O.D.E. "Loot For Good" challenge LootForGood CallingCard MWII
Reigning Glory Unlock with the Secure Buy Station Barter within Koschei Complex ReigningGlory CallingCard MWII

Prestige Mastery[]

Prestige 1
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Tagged Up Get 25 Operator Triple Kills TaggedUp CallingCard MWII
Fists In Overdrive Get 100 Operator Headshots with Battle Rifles FistsInOverdrive CallingCard MWII
Frag Finds A Way Get 25 Operator Kills with Frag Grenade FragFindsAWay CallingCard MWII
Colorful Shine Get 50 Operator Longshot Kills with SMGs ColorfulShine CallingCard MWII
Cyber Assassin Complete All Prestige Challenges CyberAssassin CallingCard MWII
Prestige 2
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Cinco Skully Get 25 Operator Kills with Drill Charge CincoSkully CallingCard MWII
Black And Gold Get 200 Hipfire Operator Kills with Assault Rifles BlackAndGold CallingCard MWII
The Perch Get 50 Operator Kills using Dead Silence ThePerch CallingCard MWII
Drenched In Gold Get 100 Operator Kills with Shotguns while aiming down sights DrenchedInGold CallingCard MWII
Join Us Complete All Prestige Challenges JoinUs CallingCard MWII
Prestige 3
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Cretaceous Creation Get 50 Operator Kills with Launchers CretaceousCreation CallingCard MWII
Winged Terror Execute 10 Finishing Moves WingedTerror CallingCard MWII
Worm Devour Get 5 Operator Kills without dying 15 times WormDevour CallingCard MWII
Dragon In Downtown Get 30 Operator Kills with Throwing Knife DragonInDowntown CallingCard MWII
Money Fight Complete All Prestige Challenges MoneyFight CallingCard MWII
Prestige 4
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Masked Excitement Get 100 Operator Headshots with LMGs MaskedExcitement CallingCard MWII
Spilled Milk Shock 25 Operators with Shock Stick SpilledMilk CallingCard MWII
Enraged Cycle Get 50 Operator Kills using Battle Rage EnragedCycle CallingCard MWII
Flaming Last Stand Get 100 Hipfire Operator Kills with Pistols FlamingLastStand CallingCard MWII
Ocular Revenge Complete All Prestige Challenges OcularRevenge CallingCard MWII
Prestige 5
Name How to obtain Calling Card
One-Man Charge II Get 100 Kills with Secondary Weapons OneManChargeII CallingCard MWII
Bravery Use 50 Killstreaks Bravery CallingCard MWII
Rear Sights Get 100 Kingslayer Kills RearSights CallingCard MWII
Zoomer Destroy 25 Vehicles Zoomer CallingCard MWII
I Got Your Back Complete All Prestige Challenges IGotYourBack CallingCard MWII
Prestige 6
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Siren's Appearance Get 150 Operator Kills while at low health SirensAppearance CallingCard MWII
Flaming Ouroboros Get 150 Operator One Shot One Kills with Snipers FlamingOuroboros CallingCard MWII
Warlock's Entrance Mark 100 enemies with Tactical Cameras WarlocksEntrance CallingCard MWII
Depths Of Hell Get 50 Operator Kills with Molotov DepthsOfHell CallingCard MWII
Eternal Torment Complete All Prestige Challenges EternalTorment CallingCard MWII
Prestige 7
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Spray And Pray Get 50 Melee Operator Kills SprayAndPray CallingCard MWII
Masked Marauder Get 50 Longshot Operator Kills with Battle Rifles MaskedMarauder CallingCard MWII
Gamma Radiance Kill 50 Operators from behind using Tracker GammaRadiance CallingCard MWII
Dive Into Battle Stun 100 Operators with Stun Grenades DiveIntoBattle CallingCard MWII
Ghost's Gaze Complete All Prestige Challenges GhostsGaze CallingCard MWII
Prestige 8
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Wasteland Get 15 Quad Feed Kills Wasteland CallingCard MWII
Chopped Skull Get 100 Operator Kills with Riot Shield ChoppedSkull CallingCard MWII
Brainiac Respawn 50 times using Tactical Insertion Brainiac CallingCard MWII
Weird Experimentation Get 100 Operator Headshots with Marksman Rifles WeirdExperimentation CallingCard MWII
The Inevitable Complete All Prestige Challenges TheInevitable CallingCard MWII
Prestige 9
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Goggles On Get 100 Buzzkills, killing enemies one kill away from a Killstreak GogglesOn CallingCard MWII
Furnace Get 50 Operator Kills with Pistols Furnace CallingCard MWII
Nonchalant Supply 100 Players with Munitions Box Nonchalant CallingCard MWII
Downed Get 10 Operator Kills without dying 10 times Downed CallingCard MWII
Over Yonder Complete All Prestige Challenges OverYonder CallingCard MWII
Prestige 10
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Explosive Supreme Get 150 Hipire Operator Kills with LMGs ExplosiveSupreme CallingCard MWII
Bright Blue Get 25 Operator Kills with Semtex BrightBlue CallingCard MWII
Blinding Soldiers Call in 20 Mortar Strikes BlindingSoldiers CallingCard MWII
Abstract Geometry Get 10 Hipfire Operator Kills in a single match 10 times AbstractGeometry CallingCard MWII
Windows Complete All Prestige Challenges Windows CallingCard MWII
Prestige 11
Name How to obtain Calling Card
In The Zone Get 100 Operator Headshots with SMGs InTheZone CallingCard MWII
The Other Side Blind 25 Operators with Flash Grenades TheOtherSide CallingCard MWII
Strength And Grit Get 100 Kills with Killstreaks StrengthAndGrit CallingCard MWII
Right Down The Middle Get 10 Mounted Operator Kills in a single match 10 times RightDownTheMiddle CallingCard MWII
König's Sights Complete All Prestige Challenges KonigsSights CallingCard MWII
Prestige 12
Name How to obtain Calling Card
It Begins Here Get 100 Operator One Shot One Kills with Shotguns ItBeginsHere CallingCard MWII
Rusher Mentality Disrupt 50 Operator Equipments with DDoS RusherMentality CallingCard MWII
Duty Get 50 Operator Kills with Melee Weapons Duty CallingCard MWII
Search Party Get 20 Operator Kills in a single match 10 times SearchParty CallingCard MWII
Ghost On Point Complete All Prestige Challenges GhostOnPoint CallingCard MWII
Prestige 13
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Prime Time Get 50 Operator Double Kills with Assault Rifles PrimeTime CallingCard MWII
Shell Of A Man Get 25 Operator Kills from behind, using Bird's-Eye Perk ShellOfAMan CallingCard MWII
X Marks The Spot Get 25 Operator Kills with your last bullet XMarksTheSpot CallingCard MWII
Seeing Green Get 10 Operator Headshot Kills in a single match 10 times SeeingGreen CallingCard MWII
Red Ghost Complete All Prestige Challenges RedGhost CallingCard MWII
Prestige 14
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Never Back Down Get 30 Point Blank Operator Kills with Snipers NeverBackDown CallingCard MWII
Pseudo Power Get 10 Operator Double Kills with Frag Grenades PseudoPower CallingCard MWII
Against The Odds Injure 50 Operators with Tear Gas, using Fast Hands Perk AgainstTheOdds CallingCard MWII
This Is It Get 100 Revenge Kills, killing the enemy who most recently killed you ThisIsIt CallingCard MWII
Against The Wall Complete All Prestige Challenges AgainstTheWall CallingCard MWII
Prestige 15
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Stars Get 150 Crouch Kills Stars CallingCard MWII
Exes Get 20 Operator Buzzkills with Lethals Exes CallingCard MWII
Stars Beta Get 50 Operator Kill(s) with your Secondary Weapon, using Overkill Perk StarsBeta CallingCard MWII
Circles Use 50 Field Upgrades using Overclock Perk Circles CallingCard MWII
Zap Complete All Prestige Challenges Zap CallingCard MWII
Prestige 16
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Slithering Get 25 Operator Triple Kills with Assault Rifles Slithering CallingCard MWII
Venom Splash Get 15 Operator Kills without dying 5 times VenomSplash CallingCard MWII
Blue Unholy Kill 30 Sprinting Operators with Melee Weapons BlueUnholy CallingCard MWII
8-Legged Nightmare Get 50 Operator Kill(s) after recently picking up a weapon 8LeggedNightmare CallingCard MWII
Bloody Growl Complete All Prestige Challenges BloodyGrowl CallingCard MWII
Prestige 17
Name How to obtain Calling Card
The Membrane Get 50 Operator Kill(s) with Launchers TheMembrane CallingCard MWII
Enraged Monkey Win 50 Matches EnragedMonkey CallingCard MWII
Insane Even Get 100 Operator Kill(s) while on low health, using Quick Fix Perk InsaneEven CallingCard MWII
The Fear In Your Eyes Get 50 Kills with the Shuriken TheFearInYourEyes CallingCard MWII
Skull Face Off Complete All Prestige Challenges SkullFaceOff CallingCard MWII
Prestige 18
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Fluff Assault Get 200 Operator Kill(s) without taking damage from that Operator FluffAssault CallingCard MWII
Seasoned Campers Get 15 Operator Kill(s) with Proximity Mine SeasonedCampers CallingCard MWII
Serious Combat Get 10 Operator Kill(s) without dying 10 times with Battle Rifles SeriousCombat CallingCard MWII
Windy Wonders Get 25 Operator Kills(s) after recently reloading WindyWonders CallingCard MWII
Prestige 18 Complete All Prestige Challenges Prestige18 CallingCard MWII
Prestige 19
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Feral House Cat Get 25 Operator Kill(s) affected by Smoke Grenade FeralHouseCat CallingCard MWII
Sea Rage Get 30 Secondary Weapon Operator Headshot Kills SeaRage CallingCard MWII
Fight The Tiger Get 50 Wall Bang Operator Kills FightTheTiger CallingCard MWII
Locked In Battle Get 20 Operator Triple Kills with LMGs LockedInBattle CallingCard MWII
Prestige 19 Complete All Prestige Challenges Prestige19 CallingCard MWII
Prestige 20
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Heavy Gunning Spot 25 Operators using Snapshot Grenade HeavyGunning CallingCard MWII
Slope Killers Get 10 Afterlife Kills, killing Operators shortly after dying SlopeKillers CallingCard MWII
Sud Buds Get 50 Kills with Marksman Rifle, using Focus Perk SudBuds CallingCard MWII
Ghost Grind Get 50 Operator Double Kills with SMGs GhostGrind CallingCard MWII
Prestige 20 Complete All Prestige Challenges Prestige20 CallingCard MWII
Prestige 21
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Raven's Cry Get 15 Operator Kill(s), sticking an Operator with Lethal Equipment RavensCry CallingCard MWII
Snake Soul Get 30 Operator Kill(s) by fire SnakeSoul CallingCard MWII
Letting The Lion Out Get 100 Operator Kill(s) while the enemy team has an active UAV LettingTheLionOut CallingCard MWII
Unbearable Get 100 Operators Hipfire Kills with Pistols Unbearable CallingCard MWII
Prestige 21 Complete All Prestige Challenges Prestige21 CallingCard MWII
Prestige 22
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Infinity Calling Get 100 ADS Operator Kills with Pistols InfinityCalling CallingCard MWII
Wolf's Wrath Complete 75 Base Daily Challenges in Multiplayer or Warzone WolfsWrath CallingCard MWII
Endless Battle Get 50 Operator Kills shortly after swapping your weapons EndlessBattle CallingCard MWII
Hog's Hell Get 25 Operator Kills while Swimming HogsHell CallingCard MWII
Animal Instinct Complete All Prestige Challenges AnimalInstinct CallingCard MWII
Prestige 23
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Beautiful Distraction Get 100 Mounted Operator Kills with Snipers BeautifulDistraction CallingCard MWII
Money Blaster Get 50 Operator Kills with Claymore MoneyBlaster CallingCard MWII
Smoke Tricks Get 100 Longshot, One-Shot Operator Kills SmokeTricks CallingCard MWII
King Ham Get 50 Melee Operator Kills with Non-Melee Weapons KingHam CallingCard MWII
Eat Lead! Complete All Prestige Challenges EatLead CallingCard MWII
Prestige 24
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Swirling Crimson Get 25 Operator Quad Kills with Shotguns SwirlingCrimson CallingCard MWII
Gotchya! Get 25 Operator Kills by sticking them with Thermite Gotchya CallingCard MWII
The Knight Get 50 Low-Blow Operator Kills with Melee Weapons, killing enemies while Sliding TheKnight CallingCard MWII
Babel Brawl Get 150 Avenger Operator Kills, killing an enemy who recently killed an ally BabelBrawl CallingCard MWII
The Record Complete All Prestige Challenges TheRecord CallingCard MWII
Prestige 25
Name How to obtain Calling Card
Deep In Thought Get 25 Operator Triple Kills with SMGs DeepInThought CallingCard MWII
No More Practice Spot 100 Operators with the Spotter Scope NoMorePractice CallingCard MWII
Ride And Fire Get 30 Extreme Longshot Operator Kills, killing an enemy from extreme distances RideAndFire CallingCard MWII
Unspent Shells Intercept 50 Equipment with the Trophy System UnspentShells CallingCard MWII
Ghost Provides Cover Complete All Prestige Challenges GhostProvidesCover CallingCard MWII

Weapon Mastery[]

Name How to obtain Calling Card
Weapon Grandmaster Complete all Mastery challenges for the 51 base weapons WeaponGrandmaster CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
M4 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo M4 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
TAQ-56 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TAQ56 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Kastov 762 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Kastov762 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-556 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Lachmann556 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
STB 556 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo STB556 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
M16 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo M16 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Kastov-74u Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Kastov74u MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Kastov 545 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Kastov545 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Chimera Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Chimera MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
M13B Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo M13B MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
ISO Hemlock Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo ISOHemlock MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Tempus Razorback Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TempusRazorback MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
FR Avancer Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo FRAvancer MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
M13C Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo M13C MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
TR-76 Geist Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TR76Geist MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-762 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Lachmann762 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
SO-14 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo SO14 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
TAQ-V Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TAQV MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
FTac Recon Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo FTacRecon MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Cronen Squall Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo CronenSquall MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
VEL 46 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo VEL46 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
MX9 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo MX9 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Sub Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo LachmannSub MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Vaznev-9K Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Vaznev9K MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
FSS Hurricane Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo FSSHurricane MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Minibak Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Minibak MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
BAS-P Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo BASP MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
ISO 45 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo ISO45 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Shroud Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo LachmannShroud MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
ISO 9mm Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo ISO9mm MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
PDSW 528 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo PDSW528 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Fennec 45 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Fennec45 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lockwood 300 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Lockwood300 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Expedite 12 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Expedite12 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Bryson 800 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Bryson800 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Bryson 890 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Bryson890 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
KV Broadside Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo KVBroadside MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
MX Guardian Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo MXGuardian MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
SAKIN MG38 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo SAKINMG38 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
HCR 56 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo HCR56 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
556 Icarus Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo 556Icarus MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
RAAL MG Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo RAALMG MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
RPK Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo RPK MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
RAPP H Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo RAPPH MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
EBR-14 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo EBR14 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
SP-R 208 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo SPR208 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Lockwood Mk2 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo LockwoodMk2 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
LM-S Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo LMS MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
SA-B 50 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo SAB50 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
TAQ-M Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TAQM MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Crossbow Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Crossbow MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Tempus Torrent Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo TempusTorrent MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
MCPR-300 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo MCPR300 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Victus XMR Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo VictusXMR MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
FJX Imperium Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo FJXImperium MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Carrack .300 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Carrack300 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Signal 50 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Signal50 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
LA-B 330 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo LAB330 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
SP-X 80 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo SPX80 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Riot Shield Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo RiotShield MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
P890 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo P890 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
.50 GS Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo 50GS MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
X12 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo X12 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Basilisk Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Basilisk MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
X13 Auto Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo X13Auto MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
FTAC Siege Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo FTACSiege MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
GS Magna Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo GSMagna MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
9mm Daemon Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo 9mmDaemon MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
PILA Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo PILA MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Strela-P Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo StrelaP MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
JOKR Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo JOKR MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
RPG-7 Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo RPG7 MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Combat Knife Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo CombatKnife MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Dual Kodachis Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo DualKodachis MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Tonfa Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Tonfa MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Pickaxe Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo Pickaxe MasteryGold CallingCard MWII
Dual Kamas Mastery: Gold Get 100 Kills while using the Gold Camo DualKamas MasteryGold CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
M4 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo M4 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
TAQ-56 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TAQ56 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Kastov 762 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Kastov762 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-556 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Lachmann556 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
STB 556 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo STB556 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
M16 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo M16 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Kastov-74u Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Kastov74u MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Kastov 545 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Kastov545 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Chimera Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Chimera MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
M13B Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo M13B MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
ISO Hemlock Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo ISOHemlock MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Tempus Razorback Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TempusRazorback MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
FR Avancer Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo FRAvancer MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
M13C Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo M13C MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
TR-76 Geist Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TR76Geist MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-762 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Lachmann762 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
SO-14 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo SO14 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
TAQ-V Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TAQV MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
FTac Recon Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo FTacRecon MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Cronen Squall Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo CronenSquall MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
VEL 46 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo VEL46 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
MX9 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo MX9 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Sub Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo LachmannSub MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Vaznev-9K Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Vaznev9K MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
FSS Hurricane Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo FSSHurricane MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Minibak Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Minibak MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
BAS-P Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo BASP MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
ISO 45 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo ISO45 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Shroud Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo LachmannShroud MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
ISO 9mm Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo ISO9mm MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
PDSW 528 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo PDSW528 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Fennec 45 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Fennec45 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lockwood 300 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Lockwood300 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Expedite 12 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Expedite12 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Bryson 800 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Bryson800 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Bryson 890 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Bryson890 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
KV Broadside Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo KVBroadside MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
MX Guardian Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo MXGuardian MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
SAKIN MG38 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo SAKINMG38 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
HCR 56 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo HCR56 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
556 Icarus Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo 556Icarus MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
RAAL MG Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo RAALMG MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
RPK Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo RPK MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
RAPP H Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo RAPPH MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
EBR-14 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo EBR14 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
SP-R 208 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo SPR208 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Lockwood Mk2 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo LockwoodMk2 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
LM-S Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo LMS MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
SA-B 50 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo SAB50 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
TAQ-M Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TAQM MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Crossbow Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Crossbow MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Tempus Torrent Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo TempusTorrent MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
MCPR-300 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo MCPR300 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Victus XMR Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo VictusXMR MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
FJX Imperium Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo FJXImperium MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Carrack .300 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Carrack300 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Signal 50 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Signal50 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
LA-B 330 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo LAB330 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
SP-X 80 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo SPX80 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Riot Shield Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo RiotShield MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
P890 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo P890 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
.50 GS Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo 50GS MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
X12 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo X12 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Basilisk Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Basilisk MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
X13 Auto Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo X13Auto MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
FTAC Siege Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo FTACSiege MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
GS Magna Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo GSMagna MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
9mm Daemon Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo 9mmDaemon MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
PILA Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo PILA MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Strela-P Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo StrelaP MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
JOKR Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo JOKR MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
RPG-7 Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo RPG7 MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Combat Knife Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo CombatKnife MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Dual Kodachis Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo DualKodachis MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Tonfa Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Tonfa MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Pickaxe Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo Pickaxe MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII
Dual Kamas Mastery: Platinum Get 200 Kills while using the Platinum Camo DualKamas MasteryPlatinum CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
M4 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo M4 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
TAQ-56 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TAQ56 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Kastov 762 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Kastov762 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-556 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Lachmann556 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
STB 556 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo STB556 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
M16 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo M16 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Kastov-74u Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Kastov74u MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Kastov 545 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Kastov545 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Chimera Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Chimera MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
M13B Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo M13B MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
ISO Hemlock Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo ISOHemlock MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Tempus Razorback Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TempusRazorback MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
FR Avancer Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo FRAvancer MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
M13C Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo M13C MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
TR-76 Geist Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TR76Geist MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-762 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Lachmann762 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
SO-14 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo SO14 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
TAQ-V Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TAQV MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
FTac Recon Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo FTacRecon MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Cronen Squall Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo CronenSquall MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
VEL 46 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo VEL46 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
MX9 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo MX9 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Sub Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo LachmannSub MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Vaznev-9K Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Vaznev9K MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
FSS Hurricane Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo FSSHurricane MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Minibak Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Minibak MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
BAS-P Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo BASP MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
ISO 45 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo ISO45 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Shroud Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo LachmannShroud MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
ISO 9mm Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo ISO9mm MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
PDSW 528 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo PDSW528 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Fennec 45 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Fennec45 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lockwood 300 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Lockwood300 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Expedite 12 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Expedite12 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Bryson 800 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Bryson800 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Bryson 890 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Bryson890 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
KV Broadside Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo KVBroadside MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
MX Guardian Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo MXGuardian MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
SAKIN MG38 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo SAKINMG38 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
HCR 56 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo HCR56 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
556 Icarus Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo 556Icarus MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
RAAL MG Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo RAALMG MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
RPK Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo RPK MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
RAPP H Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo RAPPH MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
EBR-14 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo EBR14 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
SP-R 208 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo SPR208 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Lockwood Mk2 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo LockwoodMk2 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
LM-S Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo LMS MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
SA-B 50 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo SAB50 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
TAQ-M Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TAQM MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Crossbow Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Crossbow MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Tempus Torrent Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo TempusTorrent MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
MCPR-300 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo MCPR300 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Victus XMR Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo VictusXMR MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
FJX Imperium Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo FJXImperium MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Carrack .300 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Carrack300 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Signal 50 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Signal50 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
LA-B 330 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo LAB330 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
SP-X 80 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo SPX80 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Riot Shield Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo RiotShield MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
P890 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo P890 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
.50 GS Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo 50GS MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
X12 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo X12 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Basilisk Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Basilisk MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
X13 Auto Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo X13Auto MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
FTAC Siege Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo FTACSiege MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
GS Magna Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo GSMagna MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
9mm Daemon Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo 9mmDaemon MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
PILA Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo PILA MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Strela-P Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo StrelaP MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
JOKR Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo JOKR MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
RPG-7 Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo RPG7 MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Combat Knife Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo CombatKnife MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Dual Kodachis Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo DualKodachis MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Tonfa Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Tonfa MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Pickaxe Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo Pickaxe MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII
Dual Kamas Mastery: Polyatomic Get 300 Kills while using the Polyatomic Camo DualKamas MasteryPolyatomic CallingCard MWII


Name How to obtain Calling Card
M4 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo M4 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
TAQ-56 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TAQ56 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Kastov 762 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Kastov762 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-556 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Lachmann556 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
STB 556 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo STB556 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
M16 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo M16 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Kastov-74u Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Kastov74u MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Kastov 545 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Kastov545 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Chimera Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Chimera MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
M13B Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo M13B MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
ISO Hemlock Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo ISOHemlock MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Tempus Razorback Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TempusRazorback MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
FR Avancer Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo FRAvancer MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
M13C Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo M13C MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
TR-76 Geist Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TR76Geist MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lachmann-762 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Lachmann762 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
SO-14 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo SO14 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
TAQ-V Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TAQV MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
FTac Recon Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo FTacRecon MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Cronen Squall Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo CronenSquall MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
VEL 46 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo VEL46 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
MX9 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo MX9 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Sub Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo LachmannSub MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Vaznev-9K Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Vaznev9K MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
FSS Hurricane Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo FSSHurricane MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Minibak Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Minibak MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
BAS-P Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo BASP MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
ISO 45 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo ISO45 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lachmann Shroud Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo LachmannShroud MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
ISO 9mm Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo ISO9mm MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
PDSW 528 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo PDSW528 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Fennec 45 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Fennec45 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lockwood 300 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Lockwood300 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Expedite 12 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Expedite12 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Bryson 800 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Bryson800 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Bryson 890 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Bryson890 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
KV Broadside Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo KVBroadside MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
MX Guardian Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo MXGuardian MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
SAKIN MG38 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo SAKINMG38 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
HCR 56 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo HCR56 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
556 Icarus Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo 556Icarus MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
RAAL MG Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo RAALMG MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
RPK Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo RPK MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
RAPP H Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo RAPPH MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
EBR-14 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo EBR14 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
SP-R 208 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo SPR208 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Lockwood Mk2 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo LockwoodMk2 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
LM-S Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo LMS MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
SA-B 50 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo SAB50 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
TAQ-M Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TAQM MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Crossbow Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Crossbow MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Tempus Torrent Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo TempusTorrent MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
MCPR-300 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo MCPR300 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Victus XMR Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo VictusXMR MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
FJX Imperium Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo FJXImperium MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Carrack .300 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Carrack300 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Signal 50 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Signal50 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
LA-B 330 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo LAB330 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
SP-X 80 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo SPX80 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Riot Shield Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo RiotShield MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
P890 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo P890 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
.50 GS Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo 50GS MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
X12 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo X12 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Basilisk Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Basilisk MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
X13 Auto Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo X13Auto MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
FTAC Siege Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo FTACSiege MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
GS Magna Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo GSMagna MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
9mm Daemon Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo 9mmDaemon MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
PILA Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo PILA MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Strela-P Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo StrelaP MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
JOKR Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo JOKR MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
RPG-7 Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo RPG7 MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Combat Knife Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo CombatKnife MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Dual Kodachis Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo DualKodachis MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Tonfa Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Tonfa MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Pickaxe Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo Pickaxe MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII
Dual Kamas Mastery: Orion Get 400 Kills while using the Orion Camo DualKamas MasteryOrion CallingCard MWII


  • The Country Flag Calling Cards were added with the Season Three Reloaded update, on May 10th, 2023.
    • The "Russia" Calling Card was removed with Season Four and the "Ukraine" Calling Card was added with the Season Four Reloaded update on July 12th, 2023.
  • The MGB Mastery Calling Cards were added with the Season Three Reloaded update.
  • The "Glass" Calling Card was originally called "30 Kill Sweaty".
  • The "Frag Finds A Way" Calling Card is a reference to a famous line from the 1993 movie Jurassic Park in which the character Ian Malcolm stated that "Life, uh, finds a way".
  • The "1000 Birds" Calling Card is a reference to the legendary tale of Tachibana Dōsetsu who used his sword "Chidori" to cut a lightning bolt.
  • The "Shadows" Calling Card was originally called "CLASSIFIED" before being renamed with Season Five.
    • The Calling Card was available in the Battle Pass between August 2nd and August 8th, 2023 and was replaced with the "Task Force 141" Calling Card.
  • The "Loose Ends" Calling Card references the mission of the same name from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
  • Following the Season Five Reloaded update on August 30th, 2023, the "Through the Window" Calling Card became a reward for both the "Missile Transports" Tier 2 mission and "Unobserved" Tier 3 mission.
  • The "Like & Subrscribe" and "Fit For A Ghost" Calling Cards were originally part of the PlayStation Warzone Elimination Challenge between July 5th and July 11th, 2023.
    • "Like & Subscribe" was rewarded if a player got 5 eliminations in Battle Royale, Mini Royale, or Resurgence.
    • "Fit For A Ghost" was rewarded after the community reached a total of 20 000 000 eliminations.