- "The army has never had an airborne unit before, and that makes the brass nervous, and what makes the brass nervous makes us drill even harder."
- — Private Martin's journal
Camp Toccoa is the first level in Call of Duty and Call of Duty Classic. It is also the first level of the Call of Duty series. It serves as a friendly tutorial map that teaches the player how to maneuver and fire in-game.
The level starts with Captain Foley addressing Private Martin on the training grounds of Camp Toccoa. He lays out the orders for the day, and tells Martin that he will be running the obstacle course and doing weapons training with Sergeant Moody. Foley first instructs Martin to look at five signs placed around the field, which read:
- Use grenades to flush out hard points!
- Attack attack attack! Move together as a team!
- Don't make the same mistake! Always move from cover to cover!
- Always reload before going into battle!
- Suppress then Flank!
Foley then instructs Martin on how to use the compass. Martin moves to the start of the obstacle course, where he is greeted by Private Elder and several other soldiers. Once the course begins, the soldiers crouch through a tunnel, mantle over obstacles, and crawl underneath barbed wire as an MG42 is fired over their heads. Once they crawl up and down an obstacle using ladders, Foley dismisses the rest of the men and tells Martin to head to the firing range.
When Martin arrives at the firing range, Moody greets him from an observation tower. Martin is instructed to pick up an M1A1 Carbine and take extra ammunition from another weapon. Martin learns to fire at targets from different stances, while both static and moving, as well as how to reload. At the second station, Martin picks up a Springfield and learns to fire while aiming down the sight. At the third station, Martin picks up a Thompson as Moody tells him that he may carry only two primary weapons at any given time. After doing more target shooting, Moody instructs Martin on how to perform a melee attack and tells him that certain weapons are better for certain situations. Martin then moves to the grenade range, where he picks up several M2 Frag Grenades. Here, Martin throws grenades into the various windows of a target structure and learns how to lean out from behind cover. At the final station, Martin learns the importance of the various types of Medical Kits. He is then instructed to pick up a charge of TNT, which he uses to destroy a cinder block wall to learn about timed explosives. Moody then dismisses Martin, after which he can either go back through the course for more weapons practice or exit the course.
Weapon Loadout[]
Found in Level |
Unobtainable |
- Main article: Camp Toccoa/Transcript
First Termer (20) - On Call of Duty Classic complete this level.
Cherry (Bronze ) - On Call of Duty Classic complete this level.
- Firing any weapon near Sergeant Moody when he is in the observation tower, regardless if the player hits him or not, will cause the player to fail the mission.
- The message displayed is "You fired a weapon at your instructor!"
- The player cannot climb the ladder to the tower that Sgt. Moody is in. In addition, if the player looks up the ladder on the tower with Sgt. Moody in it, there is no opening or trapdoor.
- In the crawling zone there is a sign that reads: "Here lies Pvt. Bell, he didn't keep his head down!".
- To the left of the obstacle course, soldiers can be seen ziplining.