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Commendations are a feature in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone. The game has 144 commendations. Up to three are awarded after each match depending on the player's performance.
List of Commendations[]
Commendation Name | Image | Description |
7.62mm | Most LMG kills | |
AFK | No kills and no deaths | |
AR Expert | Most Assault Rifle headshots | |
AR Specialist | Most assault rifle kills | |
Accident Prone | Most suicides | |
Air Superiority | Most aerial Killstreak kills | |
Alpha | Most kills on lower ranked scoreboard players | |
Ambusher | Most Claymore kills | |
Anchor | Most spawned on | |
Arsonist | Most Molotov kills | |
Assaulted | Most assault rifle deaths | |
Avenger | Most avenger kills | |
Blinder | Most Flashbang hits | |
Blindfire | Most bullet penetration kills | |
Blindsided | Most deaths from behind | |
Bomb Expert | Most plants | |
Boomstick | Most Shotgun headshots | |
Brawler | Most Melee kills | |
Buckshot | Most shotgun kills | |
Bulldozer | Most Infantry Assault Vehicle kills | |
Burnout | Most kills and assists with White Phosphorus | |
Butcher | Most Throwing Knife kills | |
CQB | Most SMG kills | |
Captured | Most captures | |
Carrier | Most kills as carrier | |
Chimney | Most Smoke Grenades used | |
Clay Pigeon | Most shotgun deaths | |
Clutched | Most kills as the last alive | |
Combat Engineer | Most Deployable Covers used | |
Confirmed Kills | Collected the most tags | |
Cross Country | Longest distance travelled in a vehicle | |
Cruise Control | Most Cruise Missile kills | |
Dead Aim | Most Sniper headshots | |
Death Dealer | Most Weapon Drops used | |
Death From Above | Most Gunship kills | |
Defense | Most defend kills | |
Demoted | Most setbacks | |
Denied | Denied the most tags | |
Destroyer | Most targets destroyed | |
Devastation | Highest multikill | |
Driver | Most time spent driving | |
Eternity | Most time spent on a single weapon | |
Evolver | Most classes changed | |
Executioner | Most Finishing Move kills | |
Explosive | Most Launcher kills | |
Flag Runner | Most flags carried | |
Flanker | Most kills from behind | |
Fly On The Wall | Most targets marked with Recon Drone | |
Fragger | Most Frag Grenade kills | |
Fubar | Most launcher deaths | |
Gaseous | Most Gas Grenade hits | |
Genocidal | Most multikills | |
Grassy Knoll | Most time spent prone | |
Grim Reaper | Most kills and longest killstreak | |
Ground Control | Most ground based killstreak kills | |
Guard Dog | Most VTOL Jet kills | |
Guardian | Most damage absorbed with Riot Shield | |
Hairtrigger | Most ADS kills | |
Handle With Care | Most C4 kills | |
Hands Up | Most Pistol deaths | |
Hard Boiled | Most pistol kills | |
Heads Up | Most launcher headshots | |
Heavy Metal | Most Juggernaut kills | |
High Command | Highest average altitude | |
Hoarder | Most Care Packages captured | |
Home Base | Most base spawns | |
Hunter | Most Chopper Gunner kills | |
Jammed | Most assists with scrambler drones | |
Juggernaut | Fewest deaths | |
King of the Hill | Most time spent on the objective | |
Knocked Out | Most melee deaths | |
LMG Expert | Most LMG headshots | |
Lifer | Longest life | |
Loaner | Most picked up weapons | |
Lock & Load | Most reloads | |
Low Profile | Lowest average altitude | |
MVP | Most kills and fewest deaths | |
Made You Look | Most Decoy Grenade hits | |
Map Awareness | Most assists with UAVs | |
Marksman | Most longshots | |
Megabank | Megabanked Tags | |
Mission Failed | No kills and at least 10 deaths | |
Navigator | Most time spent as a passenger | |
No Thanks | Most Trophy System intercepts | |
Nomad | Longest distance traveled | |
None Spared | Killed entire enemy team | |
Not Today | Most healing from Stim | |
Nothing Personal | Most kills with a Personal Radar active | |
Objective Focused | Most FOB spawns | |
Offense | Most assault kills | |
One Shot Kill | Most one shot kills | |
Oscar Mike | Most vehicle spawns | |
Overkill | Most kills and most headshots | |
Overpowered | Most Stopping Power kills | |
Participant | No kills with at least 1 death | |
Payback | Most revenge kills | |
Personal Space | Most point blank kills | |
Photographer | Most Snapshot Grenade hits | |
Provider | Most Munitions Boxes used | |
Proxy Kill | Most Sentry Gun kills | |
Ragdoll | Most deaths | |
Rally | Most comebacks | |
Red Iron | Most Thermite kills | |
Regicide | Most kills on the highest ranked scoreboard players | |
Revenant | Most Tactical Insertions used | |
Roll Out | Most Wheelson kills | |
Run and Gunned | Most SMG deaths | |
SMG Expert | Most SMG headshots | |
Savior | Most teammates saved | |
Scrap Metal | Most killstreaks destroyed | |
Selfish | Fewest assists | |
Sharpshooter | Most headshots | |
Shelled | Most Cluster Strike kills | |
Shell Shocked | Most explosions survived | |
Shielded | Most Shield Turret kills | |
Short Circuit | Most hits with EMP Drone | |
Silent But Deadly | Most kills with Dead Silence active | |
Sixth sense | No deaths from behind | |
Smoking Gun | Most pistol headshots | |
Sneaker | Most time spent crouched | |
Sniper | Most sniper kills | |
Sprayer | Most hipfire kills | |
Spy Game | Most time watching killcams | |
Starter | Most killcams skipped | |
Steamroller | Most damage dealt | |
Sticky | Most Semtex kills | |
Streaker | Most killstreak kills | |
Stunner | Most Stun Grenade hits | |
Target Dummy | Most damage taken | |
Target Practice | Most LMG deaths | |
Target Rich Environment | Most Advanced UAV assists | |
Terminal | Shortest life | |
The Feared | Most kills | |
The Fearful | Fewest kills | |
The Show | 10 or more kills and no deaths | |
Thunderstruck | Most Precision Airstrike kills | |
Trapper | Most Proximity Mine kills | |
Trigger Happy | Most shots fired | |
Twin Cannons | Most Support Helo kills | |
Unstoppable | Longest killstreak | |
Upriser | Most kills on higher ranked scoreboard players | |
Wingman | Most assists | |
Zeroed In | Most sniper deaths |