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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019) The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone
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For similar features, see Medal and Accolades.

Commendations are a feature in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone. The game has 144 commendations. Up to three are awarded after each match depending on the player's performance.

List of Commendations[]

Commendation Name Image Description
7.62mm Most LMG kills
AFK No kills and no deaths
AR Expert Most Assault Rifle headshots
AR Specialist Most assault rifle kills
Accident Prone Most suicides
Air Superiority Most aerial Killstreak kills
Alpha Most kills on lower ranked scoreboard players
Ambusher Most Claymore kills
Anchor Most spawned on
Arsonist Most Molotov kills
Assaulted Most assault rifle deaths
Avenger Most avenger kills
Blinder Most Flashbang hits
Blindfire Most bullet penetration kills
Blindsided Most deaths from behind
Bomb Expert Most plants
Boomstick Most Shotgun headshots
Brawler Most Melee kills
Buckshot Most shotgun kills
Bulldozer Most Infantry Assault Vehicle kills
Burnout Most kills and assists with White Phosphorus
Butcher Most Throwing Knife kills
CQB Most SMG kills
Captured Most captures
Carrier Most kills as carrier
Chimney Most Smoke Grenades used
Clay Pigeon Most shotgun deaths
Clutched Most kills as the last alive
Combat Engineer Most Deployable Covers used
Confirmed Kills Collected the most tags
Cross Country Longest distance travelled in a vehicle
Cruise Control Most Cruise Missile kills
Dead Aim Most Sniper headshots
Death Dealer Most Weapon Drops used
Death From Above Most Gunship kills
Defense Most defend kills
Demoted Most setbacks
Denied Denied the most tags
Destroyer Most targets destroyed
Devastation Highest multikill
Driver Most time spent driving
Eternity Most time spent on a single weapon
Evolver Most classes changed
Executioner Most Finishing Move kills
Explosive Most Launcher kills
Flag Runner Most flags carried
Flanker Most kills from behind
Fly On The Wall Most targets marked with Recon Drone
Fragger Most Frag Grenade kills
Fubar Most launcher deaths
Gaseous Most Gas Grenade hits
Genocidal Most multikills
Grassy Knoll Most time spent prone
Grim Reaper Most kills and longest killstreak
Ground Control Most ground based killstreak kills
Guard Dog Most VTOL Jet kills
Guardian Most damage absorbed with Riot Shield
Hairtrigger Most ADS kills
Handle With Care Most C4 kills
Hands Up Most Pistol deaths
Hard Boiled Most pistol kills
Heads Up Most launcher headshots
Heavy Metal Most Juggernaut kills
High Command Highest average altitude
Hoarder Most Care Packages captured
Home Base Most base spawns
Hunter Most Chopper Gunner kills
Jammed Most assists with scrambler drones
Juggernaut Fewest deaths
King of the Hill Most time spent on the objective
Knocked Out Most melee deaths
LMG Expert Most LMG headshots
Lifer Longest life
Loaner Most picked up weapons
Lock & Load Most reloads
Low Profile Lowest average altitude
MVP Most kills and fewest deaths
Made You Look Most Decoy Grenade hits
Map Awareness Most assists with UAVs
Marksman Most longshots
Megabank Megabanked Tags
Mission Failed No kills and at least 10 deaths
Navigator Most time spent as a passenger
No Thanks Most Trophy System intercepts
Nomad Longest distance traveled
None Spared Killed entire enemy team
Not Today Most healing from Stim
Nothing Personal Most kills with a Personal Radar active
Objective Focused Most FOB spawns
Offense Most assault kills
One Shot Kill Most one shot kills
Oscar Mike Most vehicle spawns
Overkill Most kills and most headshots
Overpowered Most Stopping Power kills
Participant No kills with at least 1 death
Payback Most revenge kills
Personal Space Most point blank kills
Photographer Most Snapshot Grenade hits
Provider Most Munitions Boxes used
Proxy Kill Most Sentry Gun kills
Ragdoll Most deaths
Rally Most comebacks
Red Iron Most Thermite kills
Regicide Most kills on the highest ranked scoreboard players
Revenant Most Tactical Insertions used
Roll Out Most Wheelson kills
Run and Gunned Most SMG deaths
SMG Expert Most SMG headshots
Savior Most teammates saved
Scrap Metal Most killstreaks destroyed
Selfish Fewest assists
Sharpshooter Most headshots
Shelled Most Cluster Strike kills
Shell Shocked Most explosions survived
Shielded Most Shield Turret kills
Short Circuit Most hits with EMP Drone
Silent But Deadly Most kills with Dead Silence active
Sixth sense No deaths from behind
Smoking Gun Most pistol headshots
Sneaker Most time spent crouched
Sniper Most sniper kills
Sprayer Most hipfire kills
Spy Game Most time watching killcams
Starter Most killcams skipped
Steamroller Most damage dealt
Sticky Most Semtex kills
Streaker Most killstreak kills
Stunner Most Stun Grenade hits
Target Dummy Most damage taken
Target Practice Most LMG deaths
Target Rich Environment Most Advanced UAV assists
Terminal Shortest life
The Feared Most kills
The Fearful Fewest kills
The Show 10 or more kills and no deaths
Thunderstruck Most Precision Airstrike kills
Trapper Most Proximity Mine kills
Trigger Happy Most shots fired
Twin Cannons Most Support Helo kills
Unstoppable Longest killstreak
Upriser Most kills on higher ranked scoreboard players
Wingman Most assists
Zeroed In Most sniper deaths