Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies

The Corpse Eater is a special zombie, appearing in the Call of Duty: WWII Nazi Zombies map The Frozen Dawn.


Corpse Eaters are tall albino zombies with several spikes protruding out of their bodies. Instead of attacking the player, a Corpse Eater will instead attack other zombies. This allows a Corpse Eater to become more and more powerful with every zombie killed by it, making it even harder to kill if the player lets it kill other zombies. Because of this, it is important that players neutralize a Corpse Eater before it can become more powerful.

Corpse Eaters also have infinite stamina like the Gekochts.

