Kasserine, North Africa
February 22nd, 1943
1350 Hours
Roger and his squad are walking through a village amidst the sound of warfare in the distance. Nearby, several medics are tending to the wound in an open-air tent.
Denley: What the hell's going on?
Kelly: Looks like they're pulling back.
Bloomfield: I guess they didn't know we was comin'.
Denley: Shut up for once Brookyln, would you?
Hawkins walks over to the squad.
Hawkins: Alright, gather 'round, boys. Just got word from Battalion. The Germans are mounting a full-scale counterattack to retake this village.
Denley: We ain't gonna let that happen.
Hawkins: Slow down, cowboy. This village is only a field hospital. Look around, our medics aren't armed.
Bloomfield: What are you sayin'?
Hawkins: I'm saying we gotta defend this position long enough to get our docs safely out of here. The Forward O.P. puts the Germans to the Southeast and closing fast. They'll be moving up the road towards our position with at least one full infantry division, probably more.
Denley: Ha, gotta love those odds.
Hawkins: (to Roger) Private, you, Kelly and Brooklyn, take a couple other men...
Bloomfield: (interrupting) Actually, Sarge, I'm from the...
Hawkins: Take a couple other men and set up defensive positions at the main intersection. You'll have a good field of fire from there. Keep those Krauts out of this town, understand?
Denley: What about me?
Hawkins: You're staying with me.
Roger, Bloomfield, and Kelly run off towards the main intersection to set up their defenses. They run through several buildings and encounter several 1st Division infantrymen.
Bloomfield: Hey, we're looking for the main intersection. This is?
Soldier: Get down, are you crazy?!
Kelly: Guess this is it.
Soldier: Get up on the roof, you'll get a better angle from up there.
Roger runs up to the rooftop of the building and joins a couple more soldiers, one of whom mans a .30 machine gun. just as the Germans being their counterattack. Roger and the squad opens fire on the advancing Germans. A German halftrack arrives on the field and offloads several more troops.
Kelly: We got company! They're moving in from the south.
Soldier: Krauts moving in on the--
The machine gunner is shot to death.
Kelly: Man down! Medic! Somebody get on that thirty.
Roger mans the machine gun and fires upon the advancing Germans.
Bloomfield: We need suppressing fire!
Roger continues to lay suppressing fire on the Germans until the halftrack explodes thanks to a bazooka team arriving to reinforce Roger and the other US infantrymen and many Germans have been eliminated.
Bloomfield: Take that! Ya Kraut bastard!
Soldier: Hawkins is under heavy fire from the southwest. Get over there and rejoin the rest of your company ASAP!
Roger, Bloomfield, and Kelly, exit the building and run over to rejoin Hawkins and Denley.
Bloomfield: I think I might actually make it home from this lousy war. Come on! Come on!
Roger and the team continues running through the town until they spot Hawkins and Denley.
Bloomfield: There's the Sarge!
Hawkins point to a nearby house from which the Germans are opening fire on their position.
Hawkins: That house is lousy with 'em, let's get in there and clear it out.
The squad moves through the nearby house and cleans it of all German defenders.
Denley: Clear!
Hawkins: Outsanding! Let's get the next one.
The squad moves down the road towards the next house, fighting more Germans along the way. Hawkins spots a .30 machine gun lying nearby.
Hawkins: We could really use that .30. Vic, you're with me. The rest of you, cover from here.
Hawkins and Denley make their way towards the machine gun only for Hawkins to be shot by a sniper.
Kelly: Sniper!
Denley: Hawk's been hit!
Kelly: Where is he? Did anyone see?
Soldier: What do we do...
Bloomfield: They're pinned down!
Denley: Sarge is down! Medic!
Soldier: Oh, God...
Bloomfield: (to Roger) Okay, you go back and grab that medic we saw. Keep your head down and get back here quick!
Roger falls back towards where the medic was last seen. After spotting the medic attending to a wounded soldier, Roger gets his attention.
Medic: Alright, take me to him.
Roger escorts the medic back to Hawkins' position.
Denley: Where's that damn medic?!
Bloomfield: We're sending him over, hold on!
Denley: Come on! What are you waiting for?
Roger runs over to Hawkins' position and mans the machine gun. The medic is shot dead by the sniper.
Bloomfield: Okay, get over there! We'll give ya cover.
Roger opens fire on the German positions until Bloomfield spots the sniper
Bloomfield: I see 'im! He's up that tower! You're a better shot than me, take 'im out.
Roger opens fire on the sniper's position until that sniper is shot dead.
Denley: You nailed that sumbitch!
Roger sees that the medic has been shot dead with his field dressings lying next to him.
Denley: What are you waiting for?! Grab those field dressings and get 'em over here! Now!
Roger picks up the field dressings and brings them over to Hawkins, where he applies them to the Sarge's wounds. Hawkins recovers his strength quickly and gets back in the fight. The squad continues to fend off the advancing Germans until an artillery strike hits their area.
Denley: What the heck was that?
Hawkins: Dammit...Screaming Mimis! We can't stay here. Get back into the house and take cover.
The squad retreats into the house, holed up while the artillery strikes continue.
Hawkins: Those damn rocket launchers have officially become our problem now.
Bloomfield: I could do without 'em, Sarge.
Hawkins: They're holed up on that ridge and they don't have much protection. Take Denley and assault the right flank. Make sure you grab what ammo you can from the trucks before you head out. Now get goin'.
Roger, Bloomfield, and Denley run out of the house and back to the trucks where they resupply on ammo and health packs before moving out again. They come across more Germans in the nearby houses.
Bloomfield: Get 'em!
Denley: Move up! Stay low. Krauts, dead ahead! Keep on 'em! This way!
Bloomfield: We gotta knock out those Screaming Mimis!
As the squad pushes further and further towards the guns, they encounter more German resistance.
Denley: This way! We gotta shut those damn rockets down!
The squad runs along the nearby ridge and spots the artillery guns.
Denley: Look, there they are!
The squad reaches the guns and eliminates the Germans that were defending the area. Once all the Germans are dead, Roger plants explosives on the two Nebelwerfer 41s to silence them.
Bloomfield: Place some charges on those friggin' launchers!
Once Roger plants the explosives, the squad gets clear until the rocket launchers explode. Once the Nebelwerfers are destroyed, two 1st Infantry soldiers man the leftover MG42s to rain hell down on the Germans still assaulting Hawkins and Denley's position.
Denley: Yeeeeehaaaaw!
Bloomfield: Let's keep moving! Hustle!
Denley: We got 'em on the run now!
The squad eliminates the remaining German attackers and reunites at the machine gun.
Bloomfield: We did it! This crappy mud pit is ours!
Kelly: I hope our docs got out okay.
Hawkins: I think we gave 'em enough time. Now it's our turn, let's hustle back to camp and bug outta here.
Suddenly, a Panzer tank arrives and beings firing on the squad's position.
Kelly: Aw crap.
Denley: Panzers!
Bloomfield: Fall back! Fall back!
Denley: Move, now! Run! Run!
The squad retreats from the area and down the road to escape the Panzer tanks.
Hawkins: Come on! We're almost there!
The squad reaches a nearby archway only for the Panzer tanks to destroy it and block their route.
Denley: Get back! Watch out!
Hawkins: We'll go around!
The squad bypasses the blocked route and runs further down the road only to run into more Germans.
Bloomfield: More Krauts!
Hawkins: We have to keep moving!
As the squad deals with the German attackers, they run into a German halftrack with an MG42 mounted on top.
Bloomfield: Watch out for the 42s.
Another Panzer tank arrives next to the halftrack and cuts off the squad's escape route.
Bloomfield: We're cut off!
Denley: We're dead meat out here!
Bloomfield: We got nowhere to run! We gotta move!
Denley: Push through! We got no other choice!
Hawkins: We're almost clear!
The squad almost reaches their exit route only to find it cut off by a collapsed overhead bridge from the fire from the Panzers.
Hawkins: Run!
Kelly: Up and over!
Bloomfield: Panzers right on our tail!
The squad squeezes through the collapsed bridge and reaches their truck.
Hawkins: Get into the halftrack! Get in! C'mon!
As they board their halftrack, they leave the area and breathe a sigh of relief. Hawkins clutches his sniper wound.
Hawkins: I gotta report his mess to Delaney.
Bloomfield: You gonna be okay, Sarge?
Hawkins: This one wasn't even close.
Kelly: I'd try to get some time off for that. Maybe go home. Wouldn't you?
Bloomfield: Nah. Gettin' shot at here is still better than sellin' shoes for my girlfriend's dad back home. Seriously, you could see some pretty scary stuff when ya take off people's shoes all day...
End of level.