The subject matter of this article was cut from the final version of a Call of Duty game. Since some information can lack context, the content on this page may not be accurate and is subject to change.
During development of Call of Duty games many things are cut during the process of development. These changes can range from weapons and characters to entire campaign missions and features.
During the development of the game, it was stated that the game was originally going to have one mission that took place in Panama, Central America at one point, with the location was meant to have radiation contamination. However, it was cut later on in the current version of the game, with the location was changed to Korea.[1]
Full-auto Assault Rifle. Fully usable, but unfinished. The weapon can be seen in various Xbox 360 achievement images, and can still be obtained in Armada through modding.
A variant of the SAC3 which was the same as the normal SAC3 except it was to be single-wield and was going to have a Red Dot Sight. It was going to be released with the other single-wield versions in the update which added them.[2]