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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile
For other uses, see David and Mason.

Lieutenant Commander David Mason (codenamed Section) is a character featuredt in Call of Duty: Mobile. He is the son of CIA Agent and USMC Captain Alex Mason. Section was added to Call of Duty: Mobile as part of the Season 5 Steel Legion Battle Pass[1]. Section also appears in the comics.


Early life[]

David Mason was born in 1979 to CIA Agent Alex Mason and his unidentified wife. Raised in his father's hometown of Fairbanks, Alaska, David's relationship with his father soured after the death of his mother. Due to his father's past experiences, harsh upbringing, and his commitment to serve the U.S. David held a deep resentment towards his dad but did not want to lose him, which was why he made his dad promise to not go on any more missions for the military.

Atlas Corporation Protest[]

Section appears in Detroit, Michigan, where he's caught in the middle of a protest against Atlas Corporation. He reports to Rampage that he has spotted 'new arrivals', apparently having the look of an ops team. Rampage orders him to keep tabs on them, as the crowd there is ready to pop off and the last thing they need are Atlas operatives in the mix stoking the flames. Section acknowledges the order before signing off.

Section approaches one of the agents from behind and grabs their shoulder. But as he does, the agent turns around to reveal that it's Alex Keller, who quickly dons a gas mask and deploys smoke grenades, along with the rest of his team, causing the protest to turn violent. Although Section was caught in the melee at the time, he manages to escape.

Section is later seen meeting with Frank Woods, along with Alias and the rest of the team. After Woods christens the new team The Phantom Corps, Section is shown giving a toast along with them, except for Alias and Deadman.

Manitoba, Canada[]

Later, Section is in Manitoba, Canada, along with Alias, infiltrating a snowy forest and spying a target's house. Section reports to Ether that they have reached the house and that there's no sign of security or defenses, and decide to proceed, despite Alias cautioning him. Suddenly, a Reaper springs from the ground beneath him, shocking Section. Multiple other Reapers appear from the ground, forcing the duo to defend themselves; but they're quickly disarmed and surrounded by them. A voice speaks out from one of the Reapers, who notes that they don't look like an Atlas hit squad, but also don't look like journalists.

Alias recognizes the voice as Dr. Mendelsohn, and informs her that they're there to ask for her help. Recognizing Alias for her work on machine intelligence, Dr. Mendelsohn invites Section and her inside. Afterwards, Dr. Mendelsohn realizes they intend to stop the Iron Will, and Section says that they know the Director is using it to "vanish" any UAC members that were involved in the New Vision City incident, and Alias tells her that she needs to know how it thinks and predicts, so as to find a way to counter it or shut it off, but Dr. Mendelsohn informs them that there's no way to shut off the Iron Will as the Director had given the AI control over its "off-switch". She also tells them that the Iron Will is currently contained, but if the Director were to release it onto the global net, it would have catastrophic results.

Memnos Island[]

Dr. Mendelsohn tells them that there are only 2 places where they can gain access: New Vision City, and Memnos Island, a hidden Atlas laboratory in the Aegean islands. Although initially hesitant to tell them about Memnos, Section and Alias plead with her to tell them, as they only have one chance of stopping the Iron Will. Dr. Mendelsohn relents and tells them that Atlas hosts a gathering on Memnos every year, for the world's most powerful. She had previously turned down the Director's invitations to the event, but decides that she will go this time.

Mason, along with Ether, pose as Dr. Mendelsohn's security detail and attend the event on Memnos Island. They manage to clear security, and are allowed to enter. Mason notes the presence of many world leaders, with Ether and Dr. Mendelsohn noting that every country's leadership is present--those who cannot make it will always send a representative. Additionally, those in the halls of power are required to attend the event.

Mason wonders if Atlas ever tells governments what to do, and Dr. Mendelsohn states that Atlas is never blunt--they tell the government what Atlas thinks is important and they're expected to fall in line. Those who do not, will be targeted by Atlas until they fall in line. Soon, Dr. Mendelsohn spots the Director in the crowd, and advises Mason and Ether to meet with their contact while she holds his attention.

Mason and Ether then meet with Kestrel and Dusk, the latter who introduces the pair to the former as Rin Yoshida's allies. The group make their way outside, where Kestrel relents to helping to them after pressing from Ether and Dusk. As they are make their way into the Iron Will's control room, Mason is present as Ether prepares to upload the crypt-key into the access point. Just then, the Director enters with Dr. Mendelsohn, mockingly saying he didn't know her friends were so curious; he also expresses surprise at Kestrel being present. When the Director taunts Kestrel about her true allegiance, Kestrel shoots him, fatally wounding him. However, his demise causes the Iron Will to be freed from containment.

The lights suddenly go off, and Kestrel turns on the group as well, shooting Dusk before running away. Mason attempts to chase after her but in vain, and is forced to escort the injured Dusk out with Ether. Along the way, they stumble upon Lazarus barring their path, and they are forced to take cover. Mason ultimately decides he needs to stay behind to delay Lazarus so they can escape. He then engages in a vicious fight with Lazarus. Despite his efforts, Mason is no match for Lazarus and is subdued, before being taken captive for Richtofen by Lazarus.

Using a simulation made from Mason's memories, Tempest tries to gain information on the Phantom Corps but he notices her and the simulation is forced to shut down. Tempest suggests retrying once David's cortisol levels decrease but mentions that they know who David's associates are to Richtofen. Richtofen sarcastically says "Wunderbar" and that he knows who David's associates are and that he needs to know how much they know about the Tontine. Tempest says the experiment is untested but Richtofen says that without the Iron Will, they will have to resort to "enhanced interrogation techniques" despite how distasteful they find them. Tempest says that's actually torture and it's something David has been trained to resist. Much to his disappointment, Richtofen calls it off for tonight and says they'll retry in the morning. Tempest notes that synching with foreign synapses can trigger her migraines.

Later on, an alarm goes off and Richtofen sends Lazarus to investigate. While the former is monologuing, Tempest knocks him unconscious with a taser and sets David free. Tempest reveals she pulled the alarm to get Lazarus out of the way. While the two escape, Tempest explains the implant in David's head is a neural chip of her design. She then states that she's seen documents about Lazarus dating back to the 1940's, making him 150 years old and that Richtofen has his signature on most of them. Just then, Atlas guards catch up to them. Tempest then pushes David into an elevator, declining his request to go with him saying she's "Not done here yet".

David would later arrive in the La Sous Terre headquarters in Paris to reunite with the Phantom Corps.


Call of Duty: Mobile[]


Name Image How to obtain
David Mason Section Mobile Season 5 2020 Premium Battle Pass Tier 12
Enforcer David Mason Enforcer CODM Season 1 2021 Premium Battle Pass Tier 1
Bandit David Mason Bandit Skin CODM Neon Paint Lucky Draw
Maestro David Mason Maestro in-game CODM Season 10 2023 Premium Battle Pass Tier 1
Claws of Iron David Mason Claws of Iron in-game CODM Season 2 2024 Premium Battle Pass Tier 50
Ruin Ranger David Mason Ruin Ranger in-game CODM Season 4 2024 Premium Battle Pass Tier 12


