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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode
DirectedMode Zombies Icon BO6

Directed Mode is a Zombies based mode added to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as part of the Season One update, with the Season One update adding in Directed Mode for the maps Liberty Falls and Terminus. Directed Mode is a guided mode specifically designed around aiding new or casual players in completing the Main Quests in the Zombies maps to allow players to follow the story.


Due to the focus on the Main Quests, Directed Mode introduces a variety of tweaks to the gameplay structure:

  • All quest steps are now displayed via a UI widget, specifically instructing players what to do.
  • A Round cap has been introduced. Starting at Round 3 and increasing with the more steps completed, maxing out at Round 15.
    • Completion of a capped round will have a delay before the round effectively restarts with the exact same health values and enemy amount.
    • If it is a Max Ammo wave however, completion of the round will function as normal and proceed into a standard wave, rather than repeating the singular enemy type wave.
  • The majority of Easter Eggs have been visually removed or cannot be activated.
    • This does not include the buildable Wonder Weapons, which have become part of the Main Quests.
  • The Rampage Inducer has been removed from maps.
  • The Der Wunderfizz machine is active at the start of the match, rather than spawning in at Round 25.
  • The ability to Exfil from the map has been removed from the mode.
    • Following an update, an Exfil will be forced if a match in Directed Mode reaches a maximum duration of 5 hours.
  • The ability to continue after the completion of the Main Quest has been removed.
  • The completion rewards offer a "Directed" version of the quest completion calling card, while also offer reduced rewards compared to the Standard mode's completion rewards.
  • Additional dialogues are included to help aid direction.
  • New outlines are added to Main Quest critical items to help visual aid.
  • S.A.M. Trials are entirely disabled.