The Dragon Egg[1] is a quest item in Call of Duty: Black Ops III on the zombies map Gorod Krovi. It is required in order to obtain the Gauntlet of Siegfried and the Dragon Wings. It is the one remaining unbroken Egg located in the hatchery basement in the rafters near the sewer exit, and is tied to the bottom Trial on the Trials gravestone, requiring players to fully incubate it. In co-op, there is still only one Dragon Egg, and progression for it is shared between all players.
It is important to note that the displayed progression bar when viewing the scoreboard for the Dragon Egg does not visibly update with every single zombie kill. If it increases at all from when it was last looked at (recommended to check with each step, as it increases a substantial amount when it does), the current objective for it is complete.
To incubate the Dragon Egg, the following must be done in this specific order:
- Set the Dragon Egg down in a Nest, such as in front of the Dragon Command building looking back towards the Operations Bunker. It must now be set on fire by a Dragon, which will automatically occur every couple of minutes to light the area where the player is currently standing, if it is exposed to the open sky. It must now cool down for the remainder of the current round, the full round after, after which it can then be picked up again.
- The Dragon Egg must be placed before the Dragon begins breathing fire. If placed in the middle, it will not heat up properly and must be breathed on again by the Dragon.
- Upon being picked up after cooling down, the Dragon Egg progression bar will now roughly be 1/3 of the way full.
- Kill around 8-10 Napalm Zombies created by the Dragon breathing fire on a horde of zombies.
- When complete, the Dragon Egg progression bar will now roughly be 2/3 of the way full.
- Kill around 8-10 zombies with penetrative kills.
- The mounted MG42 (1000 Points per use) on the top floor of the Hatchery counts for completing this objective. Killing multiple zombies at once is not required. This is the most consistent method, and can be performed safely during the Dragon Strike Lockdown even when only the side of the Hatchery with the MG42 is attacked.
- Sniper Rifles can be used if obtained from the Mystery Box, but in this instance, it must kill at least 2 zombies in a single shot.
- The GKZ-45 Mk3 cannot be used despite it having a piercing effect like Sniper Rifles.
- When complete, the Dragon Egg progression bar will now roughly be 5/6 of the way full.
- Kill around 8-10 zombies with melee kills.
- The Knife, Bowie Knife, and Guard of Fafnir can be used, including the latter's fireball attack. The fireball attack is the most recommended option.
- Once complete, the Dragon Egg progression bar will now be completely full.
- Place the Egg inside the Incubator machine in the Hatchery basement, in the center. A small Lockdown event will begin, where enemies must be killed close to the Egg, similar to Groph Pods. Once complete, the Egg must cool down again for the remainder of the current round, the full following round, with the subsequent round after fully completing the incubation process for the Egg.
- Players do not need to remain in the Hatchery while it cools down in the basement. S.O.P.H.I.A. will mention "incubation complete" when it is ready.
- Once picked up, returning to Belinski Square and interacting with the bottom-most Trial on the tombstones will award the Gauntlet of Siegfried.
- When picking up the Dragon Egg after the incubation is complete, it rewards all players with 5000 XP.