- For a similar perk, now called "Engineer" in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, see Spotter.
- For other uses, see Engineer (disambiguation).
Engineer is a Tier 3 perk featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Mobile, a Tier 1 perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and a Tier 2 perk in Call of Duty: Vanguard and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. It is similar to the Hacker perk from Call of Duty: Black Ops, the SitRep perk from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and the Bomb Squad perk from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered.
Call of Duty: Black Ops II[]
- "Show enemy equipment in the world. Delay triggered explosives. Reroll and booby trap Care Packages."
- — In-game description.
Engineer makes its debut appearance in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It highlights enemy equipment including Guardians and Sentry Guns, which appear as flashing red through walls, delays proximity explosives such as Bouncing Betties, and adds the ability to re-roll, booby trap and defuse care packages.
To re-roll a Care Package, double tap the Action button before capturing it. When an enemy Care Package is captured, either manually or through the Black Hat, it becomes booby trapped and will detonate upon opening. Packages booby trapped by enemies will glow in red, and can be defused without triggering the explosion.
Engineer goes well in conjunction with the Black Hat or EMP Grenade as it will assist detection of affectable technology, which include Sentry Guns, Guardians, player equipment, and most lethal equipment. The Black Hat can hack smaller equipment almost instantly through walls from a moderate range, making it perfect for players using this perk. It is additionally beneficial if a player has a Care Package selected as one of their scorestreaks and they call one in, as they can re-roll it for another scorestreak if desired.
Call of Duty Online[]
Engineer returns in Call of Duty Online as a Tier 3 perk, making planting and defusing bombs quicker to do, as well as capturing flags faster and hacking enemy equipment. In Survival, Cyborg Rising and Cyborg Evacuation it allows the player to interact faster with ammo crates, barricades and downed teammates.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III[]
- "Show enemy equipment and Scoresteaks. Re-roll and booby trap Care Packages."
- — In-game description.
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops III as a Tier 3 perk. It retains the same abilities seen in Call of Duty: Black Ops II; however, it now can detect and pinpoint all enemy score streaks, such as the UAV, HC-XD, and even the R.A.P.S., on the minimap as well as in-game highlighted in red. It can also detect Nomad's H.I.V.E. pods.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare[]
- "Detect enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls and delay activation of enemy mines. Plant the bomb silently in bomb objective game modes."
- — In-game description.
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as a Tier 3 perk. It lets the user detect enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls and delay activation of enemy mines. It also allows you to plant the bomb silently in bomb objective modes. It is unlocked at level 25.
This perk counters the Trip Mine and the Cryo Mine by delaying their explosions, as well as countering Stryker's Relay trait.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4[]
- "Detect enemy equipment and Scorestreaks through walls. Re-roll and booby trap Care Packages."
- — In-game description
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 as a Tier 1 perk.
Call of Duty: Mobile[]
- "Reveals enemy equipment and scorestreaks. Re-roll friendly Care Packages and booby trap enemy Care Packages."
- — Description
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Mobile as a Tier 3 perk.
It allows players to see enemy equipment and scorestreaks through walls and also possible re-roll friendly Care Packages and after stealing a Scorestreak from an enemy's care package, place a booby trap in the empty box left behind to kill any enemy who tries to get the contents.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War[]
- "Detect enemy equipment and Scorestreaks through walls. See enemy Scorestreaks on your minimap. Re-roll Care Packages."
- — In-game description.
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War as a Tier 1 perk.
Call of Duty: Vanguard[]
- "Detect enemy equipment, field upgrades, and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team by aiming down sights. Hack enemy equipment and field upgrades."
- — In-game description
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Vanguard as a Tier 2 perk.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6[]
- "See enemy equipment and Scorestreaks through wall and enemy Scorestreak icons on the minimap."
- — In-game description
Engineer returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as a Tier 2 perk.