Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the Nintendo DS.

"Parker. About time."
Capt. Wojick

First to Fight is the first level in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Nintendo DS).



The level starts with the player, Cpl. Zach Parker, undergoing some basic training. Parker is briefed by Capt. Wojick, then ordered to go to the firing range. When he gets to the firing range, he is ordered by Sgt. Hichborn to pick up an M16A4 and shoot the targets from the hip, while crouched, and aiming down the sights. After target practice, Parker is ordered to pick up Fragmentation grenades and throw them through the windows and doors of a building down range.

Next, Parker is ordered to go to the arming and disarming station where he is taught how to arm and disarm bombs by Sgt. Vance. First he arms a bomb, then he disarms one. Then he is ordered to the bomb range to call in an air strike on an inert T72 down range by Sgt. Newman. After Parker successfully calls in the air strike, Sgt. Newman congratulates Parker.

Suddenly, the OpFor attack the base. Newman kills an OpFor soldier, then orders Parker to get to a Humvee parked in the motor pool. As Newman is about to advance, he is killed, leaving Parker alone. Parker fights his way through portions of the base, witnessing the deaths of Pvt. Gant and Pvt. Owens. Enduring mortar fire and hostiles with rocket propelled grenades, Parker makes it to the Humvee and gets on the Browning M2 machine gun while another Marine drives it away.

Weapon Loadout[]

Starting Loadout


First to Fight/Transcript



  • When the base is invaded, the player can kill their teammates without penalty. Before this point, the mission fails if you kill a teammate.
  • Pvt. Dravinski never de-spawns and becomes invulnerable after a certain point.
    • This includes during the OpFor attack sequence, where Dravinski does nothing as bombs, grenades, and bullets fly around him.
  • Moving on to other areas before completing the firing range or bomb tutorials causes Capt. Wojick to ask Parker what his problem is, as he is not finished with training.
    • This also causes several internal game mechanics of the level to break. It is possible to save Pvt. Owens by blowing up the truck outside of the motor pool before the OpFor does. It is also prevents the Blackhawk helicopter from ever taking off.
  • Like several other levels, this level features friendly NPCs that cannot be saved without the usage of glitches.
    • Pvt. Gant can never be saved without going out of bounds, as he is scripted to die after Parker crosses a specific point in one of the tents on his way to the motor pool.
    • Pvt. Owens can occasionally be saved if Parker blows up the truck before the OpFor attack sequence.
  • In this level, the player can only carry one gun. If trying to pick up an AK-47 or an RPG, it will replace the M16, therefore leaving the player with only one weapon at any given time.
    • This is caused by a programming glitch, where it is assumed the player always has a sidearm and a main weapon.
  • It is possible to get out of bounds in this level, like several other levels. Doing so has interesting effects and can prevent the user from completing the level if done at the wrong point, but it can also make it possible for the player to save Pvt. Gant.

