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Forums: Index Watercooler Am i the only person who wants another ww2 game ?
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I think its whats lacking i would like to see another pacific campaign anybody with me ?

For some reason, I'd love to see a WW1 shooter, just to have a change in the genre. Phillycj 17:29, April 6, 2012 (UTC)

That would be cool very different and a trenches map wouldbe awsome you could have recon planes artillary mortars gas as kill streaks and gas masks and periscopes for equipment i want a ww1 game !

The big problem I'm seeing with WW1 is that it would be very slow-paced for a CoD game. The majority of weapons back then were bolt-action or lever-action, and trench warfare would be very slow as well. It would probably end up getting tedious before long. Sgt. S.S. 09:43, April 8, 2012 (UTC)
I've always wondered why they haven't ever bothered with a WWI game. WWI to most people may lack weapons, scenarios and content, but it was one of the worst wars in history, covering a large portion of the globe, spanning four years. They could do a lot of interesting stuff, cover a lot of battles, and Theyarch would be fantastic at showing the horrors of the war. It was a more barbaric, primative style of WWI, and the tanks they used again were very odd looking. They could really strike some fear in and it would create some fantastic trench fighting online. Yes, weapons were more primative, but that again can also reate some fantastic scenes and also provide some nice balance to gameplay.
Machine guns during WWI were typically huge, heavy things which needed to be set in certain positions. This already gives you an idea of how it could be used- the rest of the battles would generally be fought with single shot rifles, whereas if one player had a machine gun, they wouldn't still have a massive advantage due to the requirements to place down and manuover themselves whislt carrying this heavy machine gun.
There was also a lot of use of mustard gas, pistols, mortars, bayonets, flame throwers, grenades, dogs, and planes in relatively minor roles.
There's so much to do with a WWI game, and I don't think anyone has really bothered to give it the time of day. Yeah, the fashions and designs of things during the 1914-1918 period were a lot different to that period 20 years further down the line, but that's what makes it interesting. There was still a call of duty to the millions whom lost their lives in the great war, and it is all but overshadowed by WWI. SpeedStarTMQ 21:54, April 8, 2012 (UTC)
"A large portion of the globe"? AFAIK, WWI was fought almost exclusively in Europe. Sgt. S.S. 08:59, April 9, 2012 (UTC)
Actually, whilst the majority of the fighting was in Europe (which itself is massive), there was figthing in Africa, China, the Middle East and in coastal areas in small colonies around the pacific were also affected. I've not learned much about figthing outside of Europe though, so I can't really go too much in to the extent. SpeedStarTMQ 09:21, April 9, 2012 (UTC)