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I been noticing that there are some gamers on Black ops2 that are hardly know how to assign wild cards, score streaks and even some weapons that there unfamiliar with from previous black ops. It would be a good idea to have some wiki staff members on call of duty wiki to educate a handful or so gamers on what there doing right or wrong so it will hopefully better educate other gamers in the future-Dan67

There is no difference our goal is to play and educate gamers that's all we need to do never more and never less Education is the building block for every gamer.


What you said was what Ask a Vet tried to accomplish, but (once again), no one used it. This is all similar to a gag on TV shows where someone tries for something (e.g. an electrified cupcake), gets hurt in the process, and then tries again, doing the exact same thing, expecting a different result. But, that doesn't happen. Jar making tacky jelly 15:47, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

Dan67- your idea was focused on the wiki not even trying to go on your Xbox and simply talk to a player and he will say "how does this gun work" "what is this map" "what are tokens" "how to prestige" instead your isolating yourself on the computer. You have to play the game to make a difference because not everybody that I met on Xbox doesn't even know this wiki even exists.

We need to find ways to educate without keeping our heads on the PC.

I'm slightly confused about what exactly you propose to do. Is it the wiki community you plan to "educate", or is it the wider Call of Duty Community you plan to? If it is the latter, I would highly oppose such an idea. I would do so, not because I do not want people to become more knowledgeable and hopefully bring them here, it is because it won't happen. A large education scheme requires:

A) Links to the wide community.

B) For those you do reach to listen and communicate.

I don't see it happening. To get out there, we already have a youtube account which can do just that. Not only this, but how will you educate them? If they want knowledge, direct them here. They can then find out what they want and hopefully get hooked. DrRichtofen (Talk) 19:03, November 29, 2012 (UTC)

We're both educating the call of duty community but since we're all convinced that everyone is educated then I won't see 30 more questions on call of duty answers wiki. Your right it's a failure I won't make a reply on this discussion no more unless it's urgent.

Should I close this forum then? 14:35, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

Closed - Dead forum.

17:29, December 7, 2012 (UTC)
