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Hello guys sorry ive been inactive and stuff im sorry for that but I want everyone on the Call of Duty wiki to get Xfire. in casue you dont know what Xfire is its a text messening program for Gamers and stuff its a cool program so you like make a account and you add me which my name is pw3djoe on your xfire! i also got a Xbox 360 and i will be getting Call of Duty 2 soon! --Pw3djoe 01:57, 25 August 2007 (UTC)

Is Xfire for the PC or Xbox360? Master SergeantSgt. ChiafriendRifleman 21:37, 26 August 2007 (UTC)

Its for PC and its just a text program and i can message u instanitly and where is son of witch king--Pw3djoe 01:27, 30 August 2007 (UTC)
