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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile

Freya Helvig, also known as Wraith, is a playable character in Call of Duty: Mobile, and was added as part of the Season 6: To The Skies Battle Pass.[1] Wraith also appears in the Comics.


Wraith is working alongside Makarov and Sophia Couteau. Her group meets with Nyx, Kryptis and an Ortelius representative named Roger Vachon. Wraith is surprised that Kryptis is still alive, and Sophia notes that her late father Templar would be pissed if he knew Kryptis was not dead. Although Makarov provides reassurance, she and Sophia have their misgivings.

Later on, Wraith is waiting outside the meeting room along with Nyx, Kryptis and Sophia. When Kryptis taunts Sophia about wearing her father's mask on her belt, leading to an altercation between the pair, Wraith tries to calm Sophia down, though it doesn't seem to help much. Sophia tells Wraith that Kryptis is not that impressive, to which Wraith says that she isn't either, but it doesn't make her less dangerous. The pair then overhear radio chatter from Nyx, that "Zurich has been compromised". Wraith and Sophia attack Kryptis, but are fended off by Nyx, who defeats Sophia singlehandedly. Wraith attempts to help Sophia, but is knocked out by Kryptis who recovers from the attack.

Wraith is seen later back in the Caucasus with Sophia and Makarov. When Makarov delightedly announces that Atlas Corporation has agreed to meet with him at a location of his choosing, she asks him if his brain has gone soft as she believes they're not going to make a deal with him but kill him. Makarov is offended that she thinks he is that naïve, but nonetheless admits she is right as he fully expects them to try and kill him.

Despite her doubts, Wraith accompanies Makarov to New Vision City. She hides in a shipping container with the rest of the group. When the shipping container is moved into a warehouse, Sophia breaks through it and reports clear. Wraith admits to being impressed by Makarov's plan, even though she had put their chances at a hundred to one. During this time, Wraith packs a large quantity of C4 into a duffel bag, and reminds Makarov that they have a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of time. Before they can make their move, armed troopers and Samael enter the warehouse they are in.

Wraith manages to escape from Samael when Makarov directs her and Sophia to the open roof. Following this, she sets up multiple explosive charges in different locations around New Vision City, with Makarov noting that Montpierre's directions were very accurate and hopes that the place is as lightly guarded as he described. Once Wraith sets the last explosive charge, they then infiltrate a building with Sophia leading them.

Makarov holds the guard at the entrance of the building at gunpoint, before telling Wraith to lock down the place, only for her to tell him that she's done it way ahead before he even told her to. Afterwards, the trio enter the secure digital archive room of Atlas Corporation, with Makarov stating that every technological innovation, every strategy it's devised and every dirty secret is stored in the isolated servers there.

Sophia notices that they have company, which surprises Makarov as he realizes they were more competent than they appear. Wraith asks if it's time to set off the charges, but Makarov decides to put up a fight to make them believe they're desperate instead. A while later, Makarov decides it's time to go, and tells Wraith to blow up the charges, which she states that's what she likes to hear. As she presses the detonator, multiple explosions go off in New Vision City.

The entire city is reduced to flaming rubble, and as they make their way outside, Makarov relishes in admiring the explosion-torn landscape, telling Wraith that it is a thing of beauty. At the same time, they are greeted by Spectre, who is overjoyed to see them.

The trio open fire on Spectre, who activates his Poltergeist to evade their fire. As a result, they lose sight of him and Wraith is knocked over by a now-invisible Spectre, along with Makarov, much to Sophia's shock. Makarov directs Sophia to shoot at a nearby hydrant, which then sprays water into the surrounding area. After that, the trio immediately get into formation, as the water disables Spectre's Poltergeist ability.

With his invisible camouflage gone, Spectre immediately charges at Wraith, tackling her and throwing her into a nearby building. Makarov and Sophia continue to duel Spectre, but he kicks away Makarov's weapon and slices off his right arm, before throwing him to the ground, knocking Sophia down as well. But before Spectre can finish them off, Wraith recovers in time and shoots Spectre multiple times in the head, apparently killing him.

She then tends to the wounded Makarov, wrapping a tourniquet around his severed arm, noting he has lost a lot of blood. Sophia escorts them away, having an idea. They load the wounded Makarov onto an ambulance, and drive away.

Afterwards, Wraith is seen tending to Makarov, who now has a prosthetic arm. However, Makarov's complaints about his new arm frustrates Wraith, and things escalate when Sophia voices her own complaints about Makarov's supposed false promise of finding Ghost for her. Wraith isn't able to do much to diffuse the argument.

Wraith is seen again later at the Kazakh/Georgian border, where she watches Sophia exiting from a bar after an argument with Dame. Some time later, she shows up in the Sulyodansk Industrial City, where Sophia is attempting to enlist in Stitch's army. When the men ridicule her for attempting to enlist, she breaks one of the men's pinky fingers, but before the man can retaliate, Wraith appears and quickly whisks Sophia away from them.

Sophia says Wraith has 5 seconds to explain herself before she's gone, and she says that she knows why Sophia is there, and that the man next to Stitch isn't her father, and that Edouard is dead and she needs to learn to accept that. Sophia says that she went back to Alaska and only found his mask, but Wraith cuts her off, saying that even if she didn't find a body, it would most likely have been taken by the bears that live there. She tells Sophia to give up her attempt to join Stitch's army and return to them, as Makarov will help her to find Ghost as he promised.

But then, Sophia reveals she had already found Ghost, much to Wraith's shock. She explains that just like Makarov said, she found it out from the Atlas Corporation Archive. Ghost had hidden his identity pretty well, but since Atlas had been keeping tabs on him for years, Sophia found out where he lived and waited for him to make an appearance. However, Ghost found her first, and they talked; Ghost apologized for abandoning Sophia in Alaska, and that if he were in her place, he'd be looking for payback too. But he also told her that vengeance is a dead-end street that won't bring her peace, which hit Sophia hard. He then told her that if he wanted to avenge her father's betrayal, she should find the one who wielded the "weapon", which Ghost referred to himself as.

Sophia says that's the reason why she is there; whoever the man next to Stitch is, the shadow of her father, is somehow connected to this. Wraith decides to help Sophia after hearing her out, and tells her to meet her at a burnt out tank outside of town in ten minutes, or she will leave.

Some time later, Wraith and Sophia infiltrate Sulyodansk Industrial City, seeing Stitch having a meeting with Templar's Shadow in a warehouse. Wraith notes the lax security, and decides to call Makarov so they can rob them blind, but Sophia decides to barge in immediately, much to Wraith's chagrin.

While Sophia interrupts their meeting and demands to know answers, Wraith holds Stitch and Templar's Shadow at gunpoint. However, she soon drops her façade, pointing her gun to Sophia's head, revealing she was working with Stitch the whole time. Stitch reveals that he had always known where Sophia was and could have taken her at anytime, and there was nothing Makarov could have done to prevent it; he also reveals Sophia isn't their true target as she is just part of a larger plan.

Suddenly, the troops of men in the area are killed by throwing knives--revealed to have came from Templar, who's apparently alive, to Sophia's shock.



  • Wraith's blood type is A+.
  • Her last name, Helvig, translates to "hellish", in Norwegian.

