Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile

Friedrich Steiner is a minor antagonist in Call of Duty: Mobile. He was a Waffen-SS officer who had imprisoned both Stansfield and Viktor Reznov.


During World War II, Steiner was liberated by the Soviet Armed Forces an sent to torture prisoners in Vorkuta. Years later in the 1980s,[2] Stansfield was captured by the Soviets and brought to Vorkuta alongside Viktor Reznov as an opportunity to them. Steiner wanted to conduct experiments on Stansfield and Reznov, but soon became uninterested in Reznov. Steiner began to experiment on Stansfield, wanting to see if he could turn an enemy into a friend. However, the experiment didn't go as planned and turned Stansfield into a madman wanting carnage and mayhem, which in turn caused him to kill Steiner and eventually escaped the prison.

Years later, Reznov recounted his time with Steiner and Stansfield in Vorkuta to Shepherd and Captain Price after being asked about Jason Hudson and Stansfield.


  1. As stated in Reznov's bio
  2. Based off of Stansfield's biography