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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II


Phillip Graves triumphantly slams his hands on the desk inside the AC-130 Gunship AKA Shadow-1.

Graves: Hook, line, and fuckin' sinker! That's what I'm talking about, Shadows! You know I love that shit! Comms, get me the General.

Shadow-1 Comms Ofc: Check.

General Shepherd's voice comes online.

Shepherd: Graves, Actual. Make my day.

Graves: We got him. Escorting him back to base as we speak.

Shepherd: Make it quick, we can't hold him for long.

Graves: Roger that.


The Shadow-1 TV operator's monitor activates, displaying the road leading through the town of Olmeda.

Shadow-1 Pilot: Approaching a town to the north, crew.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Off the trigger.

The ground team's vehicle can be seen stopping on the road ahead.

Shadow-1 Nav: Be advised, friendlies have stopped on the road.

Graves: All stations, what's the hold-up down there?

Alejandro: Shadow-1, there's movement at the fuel station ahead. Possible cartel. Roping now.

Graves: Copy. We'll recon the area. Be ready to move. TV, get a visual on that gas station, pronto.

(If the TV operator doesn't immediately zoom in on the gas station...)

Shadow-1 Nav: Friendlies are roping the gas station. Confirm visual.

Graves: TV, get eyes on that gas station. Our boys are sitting ducks down there.

Alejandro: Shadow-1, we need to move now. Keep us covered.

Graves: Copy. We'll do what we can from here.

The TV operator zooms in on the gas station ahead of the ground team and marks it.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Copy visual.

Graves: Nav, set an overlay-ID on the gas station.

Shadow-1 Nav: Copy, OID set.

Shadow-1 FCO: Multiple unknowns in the area.

Graves: Scan for weapons. See if any cartel's looking for trouble.

The TV operator zooms in on the area and visually inspects the people on the ground.

Shadow-1 TV operator: No visual on weapons. More unknowns, south of the gas station.

Graves: Looks like a market.

Shadow-1 Nav: A-firm. Overlay-ID set.

Graves: Any sign of possible intent?

Shadow-1 Nav: Negative. From what we can see, it's clear.

Graves: Let's get this show on the road. All stations, no visible threats in the area. You are clear to proceed.

Alejandro: Shadow-1, copy that. We're moving. Rodolfo, adelante. (Rodolfo, let's roll.)

The ground team's vehicle resumes driving.

Graves: All shadows, ground team is mobile. Keep 'em covered.

The vehicle is seen stopping in front of a pedestrian crossing the road and hauling a food cart.

Shadow-1 Nav: Uh, there's an individual crossing the road...

Graves: What the fuck's he doing?

Soap: Shadow-1, we may have a situation here...

Rodolfo: ¡Quítate de mi camino! (Get out of the way!)

Alejandro: ¡Rodéalo! ¡Rodéalo! Go around!

The vehicle drives through the food cart, narrowly missing the pedestrian and reaches the intersection.

Shadow-1 Nav: Vehicle, south.

Soap: On the right-!

A red vehicle barrels down the road and rams into the ground team's vehicle, causing it to flip over on its side.

Shadow-1 Nav: Friendly vehicle is hit. They're down in the intersection.

Two cartel members exit the red vehicle and attack the ground team. The TV operator activates his weapons systems.

Alejandro: Bail out! Bail out!

Shadow-1 FCO: Armed personnel at the intersection.

Graves: It's a fuckin' ambush. TV, get on the trigger, keep our men secure!

(If the TV operator fires too close to the ground team:)

Ghost: Shadow-1, check fire! Check fire!; Shadow-1, check your bloody fire!; Graves, tell your men to stop firing at us!

Alejandro: What the fuck?!

The ground team exits the vehicle and defend themselves from the cartel members.

Shadow-1 Nav: Friendlies appear to be moving at this time.

Ghost: Cover! Cover!

Graves: All stations, we're engaging danger close. Give me a sitrep when able.

Ghost: Shadow-1, we're up! No casualties, Hassan is secure!

Graves: 0-7, copy that. Colonel Vargas, what's the word?

Alejandro: Shadow-1, we'll hardpoint in the building behind us, over!

Graves: Copy that.

The ground team moves toward the restaurant.

Rodolfo: ¡Avanzo! (Moving!)

Shadow-1 Nav: Friendlies are moving into the restaurant.

Graves: Nav, set a marker on that building.

The TV operator marks the target building where the ground team is taking cover.

Rodolfo: Clear!

Shadow-1 FCO: Check fire. Civilians are exiting the AO.

Graves: Getting the fuck outta of Dodge, good on 'em.

The ground team is seen moving onto the building roof.

Shadow-1 Nav: Visual on friendlies. Roof of the restaurant.

Alejandro: Rodolfo, pide los helicópteros. (Rodolfo, call for the helicopters.)

Rodolfo: Copiado. Me copian, habla Victor Tres-Uno, solicito extracción inmediata. Mi posición actual es el techo del edificio del restaurante en Olmeda. (Copy that. Main, this is Victor 3-1, request immediate extraction. Current position is the roof of restaurant building in Olmeda.)

Cartel members can be seen on a hill to the east where they open fire with RPGs.

Alejandro: Check east! Movement on the hill!

Ghost: RPG!

Soap: Get down! Shadow-1, we're taking RPG fire from the east. Roping now!

Graves: Copy. Engaging,

Alejandro: Cartel at the church!

Graves: Copy. Church.

The TV operator moves his monitor to zoom in on the church nearby where more enemy RPGs are seen.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Visual on RPGs.

Graves: TV, engage those cartel, but do not fire on the church. Civilians may be internal.

Soap: Get down!

The TV operator kills an RPG soldier.

Shdaow-1 FCO: That RPG's down.; RPG down.; Got that RPG guy.

Rodolfo: Hacha Tres-Uno está en camino. Cinco minutos. (Hatchet 3-1 is inbound. Five minutes.)

Alejandro: All stations, extract birds are inbound. Five minutes!

Ghost: RPG! Get down!

Rodolfo: RPG!

The TV operator kills an enemy soldier.

Graves: Good attacks; Direct!; Good shot.; Fire for effect.; There ya go.; Good attack.; Direct.; Good impact.; Good shots.

More cartel members are seen at the school building.

Alejandro: Check south! Cartel near the school!

Shadow-1 Nav: Cartel near the school building.; Adjust south, to the school building.

More cartel members are seen at the gas station.

Shadow-1 Nav: Cartel. Gas station.; Cartel moving near the gas station.

Cartel vehicles are seen approaching the graveyard.

Shadow-1 Nav: Vehicles incoming from the northeast. Near the graveyard.

Soap: Taking effective fire!

The TV operator destroys a cartel vehicle.

Shadow TV Operator: Back on the trigger.

(Every time the TV operator fires an accurate shot...)

Shadow-1 Nav: Awwwww, man...; Sweet.

Alejandro: Check south! Cartel near the school!

The TV operator moves in on the school area.

Shadow-1 Nav: Watch for movement...

Shadow-1 FCO: No movement at this time.

Graves: Bravo 0-7, Shadow-1, all visible threats are down.

Ghost: Be advised. Resupplies are low. Conserve your ammo. Sergeant, sitrep?

Soap: Hassan is secure. He's still a prick.

Hassan: And you are as mindless as your weapons of war!

Graves: Bravo-7-1, you are cleared hot to shut Hassan the hell up.

Shadow-1 Pilot: All Shadows, we've got incoming vehicles at the soccer field. Southwest-

Ghost: Incoming!

Soap: Southwest!

Alejandro: The football field!

Shadow-1 Pilot: Copy.

The TV operator zooms in on the soccer field and sees mortar positions being set up.

Graves: TV, engage those mortar positions.

The TV operator fires on the mortar crew and eliminates them.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Mortar crew is down.

Shadow-1 Nav: Enemy personnel to the southwest.

Graves: Clear to engage all of 'em.

A cartel anti-aircraft team can be seen firing on Shadow-1.

Shadow-1 Nav: Visual on anti-aircraft team. East of the soccer field.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Countermeasures!; Countermeasures out!; Countermeasures deployed!; Flares deployed!; Flares away! Flares away!

Shadow-1 fires its countermeasures and staves off the attacking missile. The Mexican Army can be seen arriving in the area.

Shadow-1 Nav: Army personnel are moving northeast at this time.

(Every time Shadow-1 reloads its weapons:)

Shadow-1 Gunner: Loading rounds.; Gun ready.; Guns armed.; Loading. Stand by...

The TV operator destroys the anti-aircraft team.

Shadow-1 TV Operator: Anti-air team is down.; Anti-air team destroyed.; Got their Anti-air.

Ghost: Alejandro, where's extraction? We're burning through rounds, here!

Alejandro: One minute out!

Shadow-1 Nav: We got military vehicles moving through the soccer field right now.

Shadow-1 FCO: Rotor-wing aircraft incoming from the southwest.

Shadow-1 Nav: Enemies. School building.; More cartel at the school.

Graves: Copy. They're sending everything they got... Well hell, we'll clean out corruption in one afternoon.

Soap: Three mags left!

Rodolfo: ¡Me queda poca munición! (I'm down to two!)

Alejandro: I'm running low!

Ghost: Get your knives ready!

Rodolfo: ¡Moriremos luchando! (We die with our boots on!)

Another anti-air team fires on Shadow-1.

Shadow-1 Pilot: We've got an incoming missile!; We're being targeted!; We're being painted!; We're getting locked on!; Missile lock! Missile lock!; Missile's locked on to us!; Incoming missile!

Shadow-1 Nav: Enemies by the school building.; Enemies. School building.; That armored vehicle is moving north on the road.

The TV operator fires on the armored vehicle and destroys it, along with an incoming enemy helicopter.

Shadow-1 Nav: More cartel at the school.

Soap: Ghost, I'm gettin' overrun!

Alejandro: We're taking fire from the south! By the school!

Shadow-1 Nav: Adjust south, to the school building.

Hatchet 3-1: All stations, this is Hatchet 3-1. We are approaching from the southwest. Thirty seconds out.

Graves: Hatchet 3-1, this is Shadow-1. Copy that. Blue forces are on the roof of the restaurant building. HLZ will be hot. We'll remain on station to provide cover fire. How copy?

Soap: I can't hold 'em off!

Hatchet 3-1: Good copy. We're inbound now. 3-1 out.

Alejandro: Extract in thirty seconds!

Ghost: Solid copy!

Shadow-1 Nav: Anti-air team. North of the bridge.; Visual on AA-team, north of the building.; Visual on anti-air team, west of the school building.; Visual on AA-team, north of the bridge.

Soap: Shite, I'm out!

Rodolfo: Here! Last mag!

More enemy reinforcements arrive with armored vehicles and infantry.

Ghost: Graves, our exit's blocked by enemy armor. Requesting immediate air support.

Graves: TV, engage all those vehicles. When are those fuckers gonna realize Hassan's coming with us?

Rodolfo: Check north! We got armor crossing the bridge!

Shadow-1 Nav: More armored vehicles crossing the bridge. North side.

Hatchet 3-1 arrives and lands outside the restaurant building.

Hatchet 3-1: Shadow-1, Hatcher 3-1, we're on station.

Graves: 3-1, copy that. HLZ is west side of the building. Friendlies are inbound to your location.

Hatchet 3-1: 3-1 copies all.

Graves: Bravo 0-7, extract is on station. Exit west of the building, they are standing by.

Alejandro: Shadow-1, solid copy! We're moving now! Ghost, Soap, Rudy - we're leaving! Let's go!

Ghost: Copy! Moving!

Rodolfo: ¡Copiado! ¡Bendito sea! (Copy! Thank Heaven!)

Soap: Copy that.

Graves: Bravo 0-7, HLZ is secure. You're clear to proceed.

The ground team moves outside the building and piles into Hatchet 3-1's helicopter.

Alejandro: Everyone in!

Hatchet 3-1 takes off with its passengers onboard.

Soap: This should send a message to the cartel, yeah?

Alejandro: It will, hermano. They lost something more than just soldiers today.

Soap: What's that?

Alejandro: Their reputation.

Rodolfo: Word travels fast in Las Almas.

Alejandro: 3-1, we're set!

Hatchet 3-1: Shadow-1, Hatchet 3-1, all personnel and cargo secure. We are RTB at this time.

Graves: Yee fuckin' ha, 3-1, copy that. All Shadows Oscar.

Shadow-1 flies away into the skies.

Cut to black. End of level.
