"Born of an Urzikstani mother and Russian father during Barkov's occupation. Raised in Farah's Army as a Russian-fluent scout/saboteur. Cut-off outside Urzikstan after events at Tariq-Almawt. Joined Chimera to fight the new AQ."
Iskra has a friendly relationship with Mara, sharing unique dialogue with one another in Special Opsoperations.
Iskra's Heart of Glass skin bears a picture of an anime character identical to that shown in the "Oh Hai" spray.
Iskra's Killswitch skin has been teased in the multiplayer splash screen menu, Warzone wallpapers and posters and in the opening cinematic for Season 4 alongside Price, Gaz and Venerated.
Iskra seems to have some kind of history with Farah, as she served in the Urzikstan Liberation Force, and her in-game bio mentions that she was at Tariq Almwat.