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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile
For other uses, see Ivan.

Ivan Alexxeve, also known as Ares, is a character featured in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 in the event, Shadow Siege and the quaternary antagonist of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.

Ivan was released as a playable Operator of the KorTac faction in Modern Warfare III and Warzone 2.0 on July 24th, 2024 with Season Five as part of the Battle Pass.


Background and joining Konni[]

Ivan was born in Russia, but in his young and impressionable youth, he spent time with his father in New York City, witnessing a world of espionage and deceit. He took some hard lessons back to Russia, where he carried on his family’s decorated military legacy in his own military career, climbing the ranks with sheer determination and physicality.

His distrust and dislike of the West eventually led him to the Konni Group, where he met and aligned himself with Makarov in the hopes of dismantling and disproving the West’s notion of being the most powerful military in the world.

Infiltrating Shadow Company[]

Ivan alongside Andrei Nolan disguised themselves as Shadow Company contractors, during Operation Rogue Arsenal. They got on board a Shadow Company's Pave Low containing the chemical gasses. Ivan then contacted Vladimir Makarov who ordered the two to kill the other Shadow Company contractors aboard the Pave Low. Ivan and Nolan would successfully use their X-12s, killing the Shadow Company contractors on it, and took control of the Pave Low.

Rescuing Prisoner 627[]

On November 10, 2023, Ivan, Nolan and other Konni operators infiltrated Zordaya Prison Complex in Verdansk and incited a prison riot, allowing them to free Prisoner 627. The mission went slightly awry as they were briefly attacked by an attack helicopter, but they managed to narrowly escaped, though with some casualties.

After returning to Konni Headquarters, Ivan was blamed for the less than desirable outcome of the mission, and has his title stripped by Makarov. Immediately after that, Nolan executed him and received commendation from Makarov, and was promoted to Ivan's position.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III[]


Name Image How to obtain
Ares Ivan Default Skin MWIII Battle Pass Season Five Sector 16
Ares BlackCell Ivan Boss' Favorite Skin MWIII Battle Pass Season Five Sector 16 (BlackCell Exclusive)


Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0[]

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III[]


  • Ivan speaks English with an American accent, as heard in Operation 627.
    • In his Operator bio, it is explained that he lived in New York during his youth.
  • Ivan's Operator bio states that he was executed by Makarov, even though Nolan was the one who shot him.
  • Ivan's Operator skin has a small dent-like scar on his left temple. This is most likely a reference to his death in the Modern Warfare III campaign, where he was shot by Nolan in the exact spot.
  • Although Ivan is known to be Russian, his citizenship is labeled as "[REDACTED]" in his character bio.