Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Vanguard

"There's a difference between suicide and sacrifice. You'd do well to learn it."
— James Washington

Sergeant James "Booker" Washington is a character featured in Call of Duty: Vanguard.


James "Booker" Washington led the 93rd Infantry Division of the United States Army. He and the 93rd were in Papua New Guinea at the time Wade Jackson crashes his SBD Dauntless. Washington, with the help of Corporal Lewis Howard, save Jackson and Mateo Hernandez. The two join Washington in defeating the Imperial Japanese Army located on the island. During this, Howard was shot, seemingly killing him. To honor his "death", Washington gives Jackson, Howard's flamethrower. Washington helps Jackson and Hernandez get to a D3A Type 99 in which the two eliminate the rest of the Japanese. Jackson and Washington nod at each other, now respecting one another.

