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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II


Kate Laswell walks down the hallway of the Pentagon towards General Shepherd's office, carrying a tablet in her hands.


Laswell knocks on the door to Shepherd's office.

Shepherd: Come in.

Laswell enters the office.

Shepherd: Laswell.

Laswell: General Shepherd.

Shepherd: Boy, I know that look. Are we at war?

Laswell: You would be the first to know, sir.

Shepherd: Damn right I would. Talk to me.

Laswell lays the tablet on Shepherd's desk. An image of Hassan Zyani is displayed on the tablet screen.

Laswell: We have a hit on Ghorbrani's second-in-command.

Shepherd looks at the tablet.

Shepherd: Hassan Zyani. Quds Force major.

Laswell: He's taken up the mantle for Iran.

Shepherd: Supplying terrorists.

Laswell: Money, weapons, intel.

Shepherd: Well, he's ambitious.

Laswell: He's dangerous. He wants retaliation for the Ghorbrani strike. He's planning something.

Shepherd: We can't take him in Iran.

Laswell swipes the tablet screen to reveal Al Mazrah.

Laswell: He's not in Iran. He's on the ground in Al Mazrah.

Shepherd: What the hell is he doing in Al Mazrah?

Laswell: There is only one way to find out, sir.

Shepherd: Well, let's get him.

Laswell: When?

Shepherd grins.

Shepherd: What time is it now?

Laswell: Who do we send?

The scene cuts to a military airbase in the Middle East. Ghost walks toward a military transport plane.

Shepherd: (over radio) You're wheels-up in five.

Ghost: Roger.

Shepherd: Marines are loading in now. You and the Sergeant are leading the way on this.

A truck drives up and off-loads the Marines and Sergeant Johnny "Soap" MacTavish.

Ghost: The Sergeant?

Shepherd: Soap MacTavish.

Soap walks up to Ghost, brimming with enthusiasm.

Soap: Let's get ourselves a win, yeah, L.T.? Save ya a seat, sir...

Soap fist-bumps Ghost's shoulder and walks toward the plane.

Ghost: Fucking hell...

Shepherd: Ghost - you copy?

Ghost: Yes, sir.

Shepherd: Any issues?

Ghost: Negative, sir. Out here.

A computerized map of Al Mazrah appears with enhanced images of the enemy area including a compound.

Laswell: Airstrikes are hitting enemy positions bordering Al Mazrah. Intel confirms a concentration of AQ fighters converging in the valley. We believe they're protecting something. Surveillance indicates soldiers guarding three structures. Major Hassan may be holed up inside.

An image of both Ghost and Soap appears.

Laswell: Ghost and Soap will lead a Marine Special Operations unit to kill or capture Hassan, tonight.

The computer displays the tactical plan.

Laswell: One help will insert two teams at separate offset points bordering the target area. Bravo Team will sweep and clear buildings one and two. Alpha Team takes building three. All shooters have execute authority, but we want Hassan alive for interrogation.

Two images appear, one of Hassan and Ghorbrani and the other of Hassan alone. The scene shifts to...


...the task force helicopter approaching the target area.

Laswell: And be advised. Hassan is AQ's lifeline. If he is there, they will die for him. Good hunting...

The camera shifts to the inside of the helicopter where Ghost, Soap, and the Marines prepare to offload. Ghost walks down the line.

Ghost: Bravo Team offloads here. Alpha Team stays onboard to land downrange. Both teams meet in the middle. Remember, we want Hassan alive, but this is capture or kill.

Bravo Team stands up, including Soap who trades fist-bumps with a fellow Marine and joins Ghost.

Ghost: Keep up, Soap.

The team exits the helicopter just moments before the chopper flies off to its next destination. Soap deploys his scoped EBR-14 marksman rifle and activate his night vision goggles.




28 OCT 2022, 0130

Razor 1 Pilot: Razor-1, all Bravo deployed. Moving to secondary HLZ.

Bravo Team moves through the area to its target building. Up ahead, their helicopter comes under fire from Al-Qatala's anti-aircraft guns and missiles..

Razor 1 Pilot: All stations - Razor-1 is bracketed, we're getting lit! Incoming - Flares! Flares!

The helicopter deploys flares and narrowly avoids the missile.

Bravo 7-3: Shit, that was close!

A second missile fires at the helicopter.

Bravo 7-6: Second missile!

The helicopter deploys more flares, but the missile hits it this time.

Bravo 7-2: Oh fuck...!

Ghost: Hold up!

Razor 1 Pilot: Razor 1 going down! We're going down!

Bravo Team watches as their helicopter spirals out of control and crashes to the ground.

Ghost: Alpha, what's your status?!

The radio crackles with the sound of Marines coughing from the crash.

Ghost: Alpha, how copy...?

Alpha 0-2: Bravo - Alpha is immobile. Multiple critical! Oh, shit-! We're taking effective fire!

Ghost: Alpha, we're moving to building 1. Hold tight!

Soap: Ghost, we need to secure that crash site now.

Ghost: First, we clear for Hassan, that takes the heat off Alpha. Then, we secure the crash site. Clear?

Soap: Roger that.

Ghost: Let's move.

Bravo Team resumes its mission and heads toward the target building.

Ghost: Force up to the house.

Bravo Team reaches the house. They can hear Al-Qatala soldiers inside shouting in Arabic as Soap deploys his VEL 46 SMG.

AQ Soldier 2: Bring more ammo! Fast! Fast!

AQ Soldier 1: Fire at the helicopter! They will send others to help them!

AQ Soldier 2: Kill all that they send here!

AQ Soldier 1: Our brothers are on the way!

A Marine hands Ghost his sledgehammer as the team stacks up outside the door to the house.

Ghost: Breacher up.

Ghost slams the hammer against the door and forces it open.

Ghost: Sweep through!

Soap and the team shoots the Al-Qatala soldiers inside the first floor.

Bravo 7-2: First deck clear! Negative on Hassan.

Bravo 7-3: Copy that. second deck's clear!

Ghost: Rog.

(Alternatively, Soap can also enter the house through the second deck.)

Soap: Second deck, clear! Negative on Hassan!

Soap, Ghost, and the Marines move up to the second floor and spot the second building where Al-Qatala soldiers fire on them.

Bravo 7-3: Contact! Building two!

Ghost: They know we're here!

Soap deploys his EBR and fires on the enemy soldiers in the second building until the outside is clear.

Ghost: All Bravo, move on building two!

Alpha 0-2: All stations, crash site is taking rocket fire from building two, second deck!

Ghost: Alpha, taking building two now, hold fast!

(If Soap doesn't move up with Ghost and the team...)

Ghost: Soap, stay with us.

Bravo team moves up to the next building and spots Al-Qatala soldiers firing rockets on the crash site.

(If Soap hasn't yet reached the second house...)

Ghost: 7-1, form up.; Sergeant, second structure, now!

AQ Soldier 1: (in Arabic) They are coming! Take positions!

AQ Soldier 2: (In Arabic) Amin! Guard the back room! Do not let them in!

AQ Soldier 3: (in Arabic) Where are the reinforcements?!

AQ Soldier 2: (in Arabic) They will be here soon!

AQ Soldier 1: (in Arabic) Do not let these shit dogs take you alive!

Soap, Ghost, and the Marines approach a window.

Ghost: Soap, take the window.

Bravo 7-5: Take the window, we're good here.

Soap enters through the window. An AQ fighter pops out of a manhole in the floor and fires on Soap, but Soap dispatches him.

Soap: 7-1 moving interior.

Soap sees Ghost kill an AQ fighter with a knife to the head, before retrieving the knife. The team moves up the stairs to the second level.

Bravo 7-3: Pushing up to the second deck.

AQ Soldier 1: (in Arabic) They are inside the building!

AQ Soldier 2: (In Arabic) Fire the rockets! I will cover the door!

AQ Soldier 1: (In Arabic) Okay, brother! Kill anyone who comes through!

Soap: 7-1. moving to second deck.

Bravo 7-3: They're up here.

Bravo 7-3 approaches a door only to fired upon and hit by an AQ soldier. He quickly scampers out of the way.

Bravo 7-3: Agh - I'm hit!

Ghost: Prep for breach.

Soap breaches through the room and kills the lone AQ fighter before going to check on Bravo 7-3 who is lying against a hand railing.

Bravo 7-3: Agh... Fuck- There's one in that hallway.; One's around that corner.

Soap enters the hallway and kills the AQ soldier who was firing rockets.

Soap: Ghost, enemy rocket's down.

Ghost: Solid copy. Good work.

Soap moves down the hallway and enters a room filled with computers and servers. A woman who is huddled over a dead AQ fighter spots Soap and fires on him, but Soap shoots the woman.

Soap: Ghost, building 2 secure.

Ghost: Roger. Time to hit the crash site.

A broadcast of Hassan plays from a laptop in the room.

Hassan: We're here today because we lost a great leader, and I am here to declare revenge for the killing of General Ghorbrani. The West must pay for a century of hostile acts against us. Together, we will avenge the death of General Ghorbrani. We will have revenge for the death of our General! If the world courts do not punish these war criminals, we will take matters into out own hands at the time and place of our choosing. If we must, we will retaliate! We hold your soldiers and generals directly responsible for assassinating General Ghorbrani... Our brave General was executed by the West! The perpetrators of General Ghorbrani's execution must be sentenced to the death penalty and the world must witness the deaths of those responsible!! The killers must be executed in public for the world to see!! The West will pay for their hostile aggression on my nation and our noble leaders. Because, they are lawless cowards who kill from afar. We will invade your borders and fight you face to face, like warriors!!

Soap: Got a video of Hassan in here.

Ghost: Hassan's their hero.

Soap: They're gonna need a new hero...

(If Soap hesitates to leave the building...)

Ghost: The house is clear, time to go.; MacTavish, we're moving to the crash site.; Sergeant, let's get to the crash site.

Soap leaves the room and spots Bravo 7-3 back on his feet.

Soap: You good, mate?

Bravo 7-3: Yeah, plate stopped it. These the fuckers that hit Alpha?

Soap: Aye. Now we can secure the crash site.

Ghost: All Bravo, circle up outside.

Soap: Ghost, Soap - AQ's workin' with some good gear./AQ's got some real kit.

Soap and the rest of Bravo Team meet up outside the building.

Ghost: Soap - we're moving to the crash site to help the wounded. Rest o' you hold here and cover us.

Bravo 7-6: Rog.

Ghost: Alpha 0-2, Bravo 0-7. Building two secure. We're coming to you.

Alpha 0-2: (over radio) Alpha copies all.

Ghost: Expect contact. A.Q.'s waitin' for us.

Soap and Ghost make their way to the crash site and reach the helicopter. Alpha 0-2 is trying to move a fallen comrade to a better spot.

Ghost: Blue! Blue!

Alpha 0-2: Damn good to see you guys. We got five KIA, one wounded. It's just my gun and I'm low on ammo. Help me move him.

Ghost: No time. They're here. Get your gun on that tree line.

Soap moves to a window and readies his EBR once again. He looks through the scope and spots AQ fighters approaching.

Ghost: You see anything?

Soap: Got movement.

Ghost: If you have a shot, take it.

Alpha 0-2: Shit, how many are there? I'm ready to light these fuckers up.

Ghost: Do it.

Soap aims and shoots an AQ soldier.

Ghost: Engage!

Soap, Ghost, and Alpha 0-2 defend the helicopter from the attacking enemy soldiers.

Alpha 0-2: Shooters at the wall!

Soap: You called it, L.T.!

An AQ soldier fires an RPG at the defenders.

Alpha 0-2: RPG!

The rocket hits the chopper, knocking Alpha 0-2 to the floor.

Alpha 0-2: Fuck, man! FUCK!

Ghost: Get your gun up!

Soap and his comrades continue defending from the AQ soldiers as the enemy approaches the chopper.

Ghost: They're getting close!

Soap snipes an enemy soldier.

Soap: Kill confirmed; Threat eliminated.; Dropped one.; Smoked one!; One iced.; X-ray, down.; Dusted him.; Scratch one shooter.

Alpha 0-2: Dropped one!

Ghost: Guard the ramp!; Cover the ramp!; Soap, cover the ramp! They're pushing up!; Watch the rear!

The first wave of enemy soldiers is defeated.

Soap: We clear?

Ghost: For now... Stay sharp on that tree line.

Another wave of AQ fighters appears in the area.

Alpha 0-2: They're still moving out there...!

Ghost: 7-6, call for fire. I want close air on that treeline.

Bravo 7-6: (over radio) Rog. Calling it in.

Ghost: Dig in, lads. We're not done yet.

Bravo 7-6: 0-7, CAS is three minutes out!

Ghost: Roger that. Air support's inbound.

AQ soldiers deploy smoke grenades in the area.

Alpha 0-2: Hey - we got smoke at the treeline!

Soap: No visual...

Alpha 0-2: Yeah, I don't see shit...

The second wave of AQ fighters attacks with grenades.

Ghost: Incoming! Take cover!

Alpha 0-2: They're launching grenades!

Alpha 2-3 gets hit from enemy fire.

Alpha 0-2: 2-3's hit! Man down!

Ghost: He's dead! Keep your gun in the fight!

Soap shoots an enemy soldier.

Ghost: Dusted him.; X-ray, down.

The crash site defenders eliminate several more AQ fighters.

Alpha 0-2: Only a few left!

Ghost: Pick 'em off!; Finish 'em!

Eventually, the Marines kill the last of the attacking soldiers.

Ghost: No movement! You good, Soap?

Soap: I'm good.

Alpha 0-2: 2-3 got hit. He's gone...

Ghost: 7-2, I need you up here now.

Bravo 7-2: Rog. Moving.

Soap: Ghost, we should fall back to the house.

Ghost: Negative - We hold or we push forward. Hassan's still out there.

Bravo 7-2 arrives at the helicopter.

Ghost: 7-6, patch us through to air support.

Bravo 7-6: Rog. Stand by...

Kilo 0-1: (over radio) 7 Actual, Kilo 0-1. Fire is one mike out.

Ghost: Kilo 0-1, you're cleared hot on anything forward of our position. Danger close approved.

Kilo 0-1: Roger that.

The sound of enemy vehicles is heard in the distance.

Alpha 0-2: Shit-! What now?

Bravo 7-2: LT, we got armored vehicles incoming. There's four of 'em.

Ghost: Conserve your ammo. Let 'em get close.

Bravo 7-2: Here they come!

The enemy armored vehicles approach.

Ghost: Standby to engage! Get ready...! Cut 'em down!

The team fires on the enemy vehicles.

Alpha 0-2: Hassan turned AQ into a fuckin' army...!

Kilo 0-1: All Bravo, Kilo 0-1 is inbound hot, danger close.

Bravo 7-2: Air support's on station!

Kilo 0-1's helicopter arrives in the air and fires down on the armored vehicles, destroying them and killing the AQ soldiers with them.

Kilo 0-1: Engaging secondaries.

Kilo 0-1 eliminates all the enemy soldiers and vehicles.

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1, good hits! Good hits!

Soap: We clear?

Alpha 0-2: Fuckin' hope so.

Ghost: All clear!

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1, no movement in the area. Thanks for the assist.

Kilo 0-1: Roger that, 7-6. Kilo 0-1, going into holding pattern.

Ghost: 7-6, task a bird for casualty evac.

Bravo 7-6: Rog'.

Ghost: Get yourselves sorted. Hassan is still the target.

Soap: Aye. Let's go get this fucker.

Ghost: Alpha - you're with us.

Alpha 0-2: Roger that, Lieutenant.

Ghost: Let's move out. Keep near, lads.

Soap and Ghost lead the Marines away from the crash site and towards their next objective. Kilo 0-1 flies above in escort position, firing on enemy positions ahead of them.

Alpha 0-2: Those fuckers used us as bait, didn't they?

Ghost: They're well-supplied and fighting smart. Thanks to Hassan.

Soap: Aye... Looks like you were right, L.T. You think Hassan's still here?

Ghost: Helo crash gave 'em an opening. Let's see if they took it.

An A-10 Thunderbolt flies overhead.

Bravo 7-3: Flyboys are still on station.

Ghost: Keep 'em on standby. We're moving in.

Bravo 7-6: Rog.

Soap, Ghost, and the Marines reach the third target building.

Bravo 7-3: Visual on building three.

Ghost: That's our target. Hassan could be inside.

An enemy sniper fires on the team and hits a Marine. The rest of the team drops to the ground quickly.

Bravo 7-2: Fuck! Man down!

Ghost: A.Q. sniper on the roof! Get down! Soap, take out the shooter! Rest o' ya stay low until we're all clear!

Soap takes out his EBR, spots the sniper on the roof, and successfully shoots him.

Soap: Sniper down!

Ghost: Who's hit?

Bravo 7-6: 7-5 is down!

More AQ snipers appear on the roof, forcing the team to take cover.

Ghost: More snipers on the roof, take them out!

Alpha 0-2: How the fuck are they seeing us?

Bravo 7-6: AQ's got night vision! We're sitting ducks out here.

Ghost: Sniper's all you, Soap!

Soap snipes an AQ soldier.

Soap: Got another!

Ghost: Good shot. Soap, keep us covered, we're moving up!

Soap continues to cover his team while the enemy soldiers fiercely defend the third building.

Soap: AQ's dug in here -- Whatever they're defending, it's fuckin' big!

Bravo 7-6: We're getting chewed up out here!

Soap: AQ's pressing hard -- If Hassan's not here, what the hell is?

Alpha 0-2: We're not getting through here without air support!

Ghost: 7-6! I want fire on that building now!

Soap: Ghost, we don't know if Hassan's in there!

Ghost: They're forcing our hand! 7-6, hit that building but don't level it.

Bravo 7-6: Kilo 0-1. Call for fire. Target is in the building ahead of us. Do not level the building.

Kilo 0-1: 7-6, copy that, making our run.

Ghost: Force up to that wall! Move!

Soap and Ghost lead the Marines up to the wall ahead while Kilo 0-1 fires on the target building.

Bravo 7-4: Yeah, get some.

Kilo 0-1's fires on the building. Several explosions ensue.

Ghost: That's a glorious sight.

Kilo 0-1 eliminates all the AQ fighters around the building.

Soap: Thank Christ for air support.

Alpha 0-2: Yeah, hope Hassan's still in one piece...

Ghost: Several pieces'll do. Easier to find that way... All Bravo, move up. I want this building locked down. Lead us in, Sergeant. Soap, make entry. Let's find Hassan. Dead or alive.

Soap takes point and leads the team into the building.

Soap: 7-1, moving interior.

A wounded AQ soldier staggers into the hallway with a primed grenade.

AQ Grenade Soldier: (in Arabic) Die!

Bravo 7-6: Back up!

Soap can either shoot the soldier or avoid him. Either way, the grenade goes off.

Soap: Fucking hell!

(If the grenade went off close enough to Soap...)

Soap: Close one...

Ghost: You good?

Soap: Aye.

Ghost: Check the bodies. We need positive ID on Hassan.

The team searches the bodies for Hassan.

Bravo 7-4: Clearing the first deck.

Bravo 7-6: Negative on Hassan.

Bravo 7-2: Moving in, first deck.

Bravo 7-3: Heading in to the first deck.

The team encounters a couple of AQ soldiers and dispatches them.

(Every time Soap kills an Al-Qatala soldier:)

Soap: Kill confirmed.; Hostile down.; X-ray down.; Dropped one.

Ghost: Anyone have eyes on Hassan?

Soap: Negative on Hassan.

Bravo 7-2: Negative, no eyes on the HVT.; That's not our man.

Bravo 7-4: Negative. No visual on Hassan here.

Bravo 7-3: Nope. That's not him.

Soap encounters another wounded enemy soldier wearing a suicide vest and trying unsuccessfully to detonate.

AQ Clacker Soldier: (in Arabic) Damn it!

Soap: S-Vest!

Soap eliminates the suicide soldier.

Soap: Threat eliminated.; S-Vest neutralized!

Ghost: Pushing, first deck.

Alpha 0-2: Alpha's interior. First deck.

Bravo 7-2: Tight quarters.

Soap moves through the building as he and Ghost lead the Marines up the stairs to the second level.

Bravo 7-6: Heading up to the second deck.

Soap: Pushing to second deck.

The same broadcast of Hassan from earlier in the mission plays. Ghost reaches a door and opens it, only for an AQ soldier to walk out. Ghost pins the soldier down and shoots him once in the stomach and once in the head. Soap and Ghost enter the room and encounter another AQ soldier.

Ghost: Got two X-rays. Not Hassan.

(If Soap shoots the soldiers before Ghost gives the order to kill them...)

Ghost: Good call.

Alternatively, Soap will let Ghost give the order...

Ghost: Dump 'em.

Soap shoots the two AQ fighters.

Ghost: Clear. Hassan's everywhere...

Soap: Everywhere but here.

Soap and Ghost move through the area and encounter a couple more AQ soldiers, one of which Soap shoots.

Soap: Scratch one shooter.; Smoked one!; Threat eliminated.; One iced.

Bravo 7-6: Scratch one hostile.

Another AQ soldier shoots at Soap from under a grate.

Soap: Heads up, lads. Sneaky little gits are everywhere.

Soap and Ghost find and kill an AQ soldier in a room that holds a lot of heavy equipment and electronics.

Ghost: He was here. This was a bloody op-center... Poke around, Soap. Likely Hassan's. Good intel from Laswell.

Soap: Always.

Ghost: Look about, see what you can find.; Check for signs of Hassan.

Soap searches the second level until he finds a stack of papers on the desk nearby and Hassan's uniform.

Soap: Look - Hassan's uniform. So, he was here.

Ghost: Lost him when we secured the crash site.

Soap: Are you sayin' we shouldn't have helped?

Ghost: Choices have consequences.

Bravo 7-6: All Bravo - we got movement out here.

Ghost: On the way... All Bravo, circle up outside.

Soap: If Hassan's gone, then what the hell are they still protecting?

Ghost: Bloody good question. Let's find out.

Soap, Ghost, and the rest of Bravo Team rally up outside the house and head toward the warehouse.

Ghost: What do we got?

Bravo 7-6: A warehouse. Roll up door's open. Heard somethin' inside...

Ghost: Copy. Let's clear it.

Soap, Ghost, and the Marines crawl under the door and enter the darkened warehouse. Suddenly, the warehouse lights turn on and AQ soldiers burst out of hiding.

AQ Soldier 4: (in Arabic) Die in shame...!

Soap: Contact.

The Marines engage the enemy soldiers inside until the area is secured.

Ghost: We clear?

Soap: All clear.

Ghost: Search it. Let's find what they were hiding...

Bravo 7-3: Al-Qatala's got some serious shit in here.

Ghost: This warehouse wasn't on the intel. Check the container.

Soap searches the warehouse and comes upon a cargo container. He opens the door, revealing sophisticated computer tech inside it.

Soap: What the fuck is this?

Ghost: It's all in English.

Soap flips a switch on the console. The cargo container doors on top open to reveal ballistic missiles.

Soap: Steamin' Jesus...

Ghost: Ballistic missiles.

Soap: It's a mobile launcher.

Bravo 7-6: These'll go 1,000 miles.

Ghost: Yeah, at least...

Soap goes around the side of the container and climbs up top to look at the missile.

Soap: How the hell did Iran get their hands on this?

Ghost: 7-6, get us through to Laswell.

Bravo 7-6: Roger, stand by... Bravo 7-6 Charlie to Watcher-1, how copy?

Laswell: (over radio) This is Watcher-1, send traffic.

Ghost: Laswell, this is Ghost, we got something.

Laswell: Tell me you found Hassan...

Soap: Ghost, take a look at this...

Soap points out the American flag etched into the missile.

Laswell: Ghost, do you have Hassan?

Ghost: Negative. We found a weapons cache. Hassan's got missiles... they're American.

Shepherd: 0-7 -- This is Gold Eagle Actual, repeat that last...

Ghost: I say again - Hassan has missiles.

The level ends. Cut to black.
