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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile

Sergeant Kyle Garrick, also known as Gaz, is a playable character that appears in Call of Duty: Mobile, and was added on November 30th, 2020, during Season 12 Going Dark as part of the Going Gaz Crate. Later, in Season 2: Task Force 141, Gaz returns in the Comics.


As a member of Task Force 141, alongside Captain Price, Ghost, Charly and Alex. He goes on a mission to Lisbon to free a group of hostages apparently held by Nikto. Gaz is grouped with Charly and Alex for their mission, and they head to secure the garage. During this time, Charly expresses her distrust for Ghost, which Gaz notes.

The trio neutralize the guards patrolling the parking garage, but find no trace of Nikto nor the hostages. Ghost and Price don't find anything on their end either, until Charly sees an elevator arriving at their level. They think it's Nikto, but instead they find barrels containing explosives, forcing them to exit the garage. When they make it outside, they only find Price, having apparently left Ghost behind for him to deal with Cipher. A moment later, the building explodes, leading the team to think Ghost is dead, only to find him carrying Cipher on his shoulders, who's unconscious.

Cipher is then rushed to a hospital, with the team unaware they are followed by Foxtrot. Upon arriving at the hospital, doctors tend to Cipher while Gaz lays out the information: a dozen bombings have occurred besides the one in Lisbon, and that the "People's Covenant" is taking credit for the attacks. Ghost believes Cipher is the key. All of a sudden, UAC agents in suits arrive to collect Cipher, which results in a skirmish between the agents, Cipher and Captain Price. Cipher is eventually anesthetized and taken away by the agents.

Gaz later accompanies Price, Ghost and the agents, with Cipher in tow, to a black site in the Moroccan desert. Along the way, they meet Roach and Farah, who offers them a ride. While en route to the site, their convoy is ambushed by Phantom and Spectre. Gaz is then assigned to call for evac and support along with Farah, while Price instructs Ghost to secure a hill and he and Roach scope the place out. Gaz's request for backup receives response as he is notified of helicopters arriving in 15 minutes.

After Captain Price and Foxtrot are shot down over the skies of Morocco, Gaz and Alex are dispatched on a rescue mission to recover them. Alex requests for backup, but is denied, and instead ordered to fall back. Before they can make sense of the current situation, Sparrowhawk suddenly appears, attacking both Gaz and Alex as well as the enemy troopers. Before she can finish the job however, UAC reinforcements arrive to assist them, giving them time to recover and get to the extraction site.

Upon reaching there, they discover a group of wounded guerrillas, one of them manages to cough out information that Cipher found them before they found him.

Some time later, Gaz attends a UAC briefing at their operations base in Tel Aviv, Israel. He, along with Alex, Tempest and Keegan are present during the briefing; Cipher has slipped through cordons by the UAC as well as the People's Covenant in Morocco and is at large, while Foxtrot (whose real name is revealed as former First Lieutenant Denise McDaniels) has been charged as an accessory and is considered a terrorist sympathizer, the UAC deems the apprehension or termination of Cipher its top priority.

Gaz doesn't believe Foxtrot is a terrorist, and Alex then asks the agents what evidence do they have against her. They remind them that Foxtrot resigned her commission and while searching for her brother, she committed numerous criminal acts, on top of that after she made contact with Cipher she went radio silent and is believed to be helping her brother escape justice. Until new evidence is presented that refutes that, both are to be considered enemy combatants.

Gaz feels the UAC's 'top priority' feels like a massive overreaction, and he discusses the matter with Alex. During this, the agents pinpoint 20 People's Covenant sites that are within reaching distance from where Cipher and Foxtrot were last seen. After the briefing, he further discusses Foxtrot and Cipher's situation. Tempest finds laughable the idea that Foxtrot would even join the People's Covenant, while Keegan mentions that 2 of the sites they've been sent to investigate are inactive for over a year. Gaz feels that everything has stunk to high heaven ever since they got their hands on Cipher, Alex deduces that he and Foxtrot may have sensitive information, and that anyone close to them is by default also considered to have the sensitive information, meaning someone is afraid of what they know and is throwing them under the bus. Alex realizes they must get to them before the someone does, or else they're dead and the chance of finding out what the root of the situation dies with them.



  • Garrick's blood type is B-.
  • Gaz's in-game bio, which reads: "I like to keep this for close-encounters", is a reference to the quote that the original Gaz said in the mission Crew Expendable in Call of Duty 4.