The Low Power Scope is an attachment in Call of Duty: Black Ops that is exclusive to the G11.
The Low Power Scope is a bit of a cross between a sniper scope and a regular optical attachment. The player retains HUD elements when aiming down the sight, but the user's peripheral vision is highly darkened. Peripheral vision is not completely blacked out as it would be with other scoped attachments, but it is made much darker, making it more difficult to focus on things in the peripheral view. It has a zoom level equivalent to the low zoom setting on the Variable Zoom Scope. The Low Power Scope uses a red Lambda reticle.
The G11 receives significant idle sway with the Low Power Scope that cannot be steadied. The amount of idle sway is equal to the L96A1. However, the G11 with the Low Power Scope will sway slower than an L96A1 does. The sway speed is 33% faster than the stock G11. The G11's aim down sight time is also slowed down to 300 milliseconds versus the traditional 250 milliseconds.
In Zombies, the Low Power Scope is used on the G11. It can be found in the Mystery Box. When Pack-A-Punched, the Low Power Scope's sway is removed. Also, a G11 with a Low Power Scope can be found in one of the later weapons caches in "Numbers", without any sway.
- While using the Classic Controller on the Wii, it has no sway at all.
- The inside of the Low Power Scope turns gold when the G11 is fitted with Gold Camouflage. The exterior, however, remains black.
- In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the reticle for the Low Power Scope returns as a usable reticle called "Lambda" for the ACOG Scope, the Red Dot Sight, and the Holographic Sight.