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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode The subject of this article appears in Blackout The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile

The Maddox RFB is a bullpup assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and Call of Duty: Mobile.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4[]

"Full-auto assault rifle. Fastest fire rate in class with a larger ammo pool."
— In-game descriptionThe Maddox RFB is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It was developed in the United States by the fictional manufacturer Milstop. It also has an MKII variant along with a Mastercraft variant.


The Maddox RFB is a bullpup assault rifle with extremely quick handling and a fast rate of fire, allowing players to challenge enemies at close and long range engagements. Attachments such as Laser Sight and Quickdraw, along with their tiered variations, turns the Maddox into an extremely aggressive weapon for CQB combat. It also has the Echo Fire, an exclusive Operator Mod that makes every other bullet fire faster; effectively increasing the time-to-kill of the Maddox overtime.

Optics such as the Reflex or ELO may be chosen over the default Iron Sights, however this is entirely up to personal preference. Using a longer-range optic, such as the Dual Zoom, allows the player to better engage enemies at long distances.


The Maddox RFB appears in the Zombies maps Voyage of Despair, IX, Blood of the Dead, Classified, Dead of the Night, Ancient Evil, Alpha Omega and Tag der Toten where it's available as a weapon to buy from the wall for 1450 points or from the Mystery Box for 950 points.

When upgraded via Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Red Fiend Bull with the magazine size increased to 60 rounds and its ammo reserve increased to 480. It is unlocked for customization in the Armory at level 13.


The Maddox RFB has a targeted set of attachments, focused on improving handling and accuracy. The Maddox also has the Echo Fire, an Operator Mod that adds a blowback system where each other bullet fires faster.

Name Icon Description
Reflex Black Ops 4 Reflex Attachment Icon Precision red dot sight with 1.35x magnification.
Holographic Black Ops 4 Holo Attachment Icon Wide view with 1.75x magnification, and a fine point circular reticle.
Dual Zoom Black Ops 4 Dual Optic Attachment Icon Magnification Optic. Press X while aiming down the sight to switch between 1.5x and 3.0x zoom levels.
ELO Black Ops 4 ELO Attachment Icon Clear open sights with a lens projected dot.
Laser Sight Black Ops 4 Laser Attachment Icon Improved hip-fire accuracy.
Fast Mags Black Ops 4 Fast Mags Attachment Icon Reload faster.
Quickdraw Black Ops 4 Quickdraw Attachment Icon Improved aiming speed.
Stock Black Ops 4 Stock Attachment Icon Improved movement speed while aiming.
Laser Sight II Black Ops 4 Laser Attachment Icon Maximized hip fire accuracy and no hipfire penalty while moving.
Fast Mags II Black Ops 4 Fast Mags Attachment Icon Reload faster. Every second magazine auto loads.
Quickdraw II Black Ops 4 Quickdraw Attachment Icon Maximized aiming speed and increased peripheral vision while looking down sights. Multizoom optics do not gain peripheral vision bonus.
Echo Fire Black Ops 4 Echo Fire Attachment Icon Firing blowback system shoots each other bullet at an increased fire rate.


Name Image Rarity How to Obtain

Carbon Cobra

Ultra Fall Firearms Special Order
$treet Maddox RFB $treet preview BO4 Ultra


Call of Duty: Mobile[]

"A high mobility assault rifle with relatively fast fire rate and a special Echo Fire Mod."
— Description

The Maddox returns in Call of Duty: Mobile. It was added in February 2023 as part of the Season 2: Heavy Metal update.


The Maddox is a moderate to low damage-per-bullet weapon. Up to 16 meters, the Maddox will be a consistent four-hit-kill. From 16 to 30 meters, the weapon will be a consistent five-hit-kill. After 30 meters, the Maddox will be a consistent six-hit-kill.

Fire rate is 723 RPM, similar to weapons such as the Dingo, L-CAR 9 and overall above average in class.

Aim Down Sight time is 255 milliseconds, average for class. This is an aspect that players should take care of, since the Maddox does not offer plenty of attachments that improve the ADS time.

Sprint to fire time is 150 milliseconds, average for class. Most stock attachments can help improving the weapon's sprint-to-fire time.

Hip fire spread is 210(200), somewhat average for class. Hip firing with the Maddox can be a viable choice, due to the above average fire rate and consistent hip spread.

ADS Spread is 20(15), below average in class. Attachments such as Aim Assist Laser is a highly recommended choice in case players choose to improve the Maddox's sustained accuracy over range.

Recoil is low, however, it can sometimes deviate horizontally within a small area. Attachments such as Flash Guard barrel, Task Force or Task Force Quickdraw rear grip can help improving the Maddox's long range accuracy. However, it is advised not to fire the entire magazine at once with the Maddox, as the recoil will kick stronger at the last few rounds, similar to the QQ9 and AS VAL.

Hit flinch resistance is 0.65, average for class. Sturdy and Task Force Grips are viable options for flinch reduction if players desire.

Similar to several recent weapons , the Maddox uses bullet velocity mechanic, starting at 900 m/s, tied with the M13. Generally, this will not be a big issue, however if players wishes to improve the velocity for consistency, Reinforced Heavy Barrel is a valuable attachment.

Magazine size is 40 rounds, best in class, tied with Swordfish. Reload time is somewhat slow however, at 1.43s for tactical reload and 1.30s for empty reload. Fast Reload attachments are usually better options for a close range weapon like Maddox, however if players desire more magazine capacity, Extended Mag A or Fast Extended Mag A are viable options.

Mobility is above average in class, with walking speed at 4.84m/s and aim walking speed at 3.05 m/s. Attachments such as Agile Stock and Hollow Grip can help improving the Maddox's overall mobility.

Come with the Maddox is a lot of interesting attachment choices. As the weapon does not have an under barrel and muzzle slots, the unique attachments helps the Maddox in different ways.

The Flash Guard barrel conceal the muzzle flash, reduce vertical recoil by 10%, horizontal recoil by 15%, and increase range by 10%. This comes at a cost of 10% increase to the ADS spread. Overall highly recommended on the Maddox, as this is the one of the only two barrels option that reduces horizontal recoil and improves multiple different aspects of the weapon without hefty downsides.

The Light Muzzle Brake barrel reduces horizontal recoil by 20%, with a 20% increase to vertical recoil. This is generally not a bad option, however the lack of range increase as well as the inherent lack of muzzle flash concealment or sound suppression makes it not so much of a desirable attachment.

The Monolithic Silencer barrel suppresses the firing sound, reduces vertical recoil by 10%, and increases damage range by 25%. This comes at a cost of 8% reduction to muzzle velocity as well as 15% increase to the ADS spread. This attachment is essentially a combination of the Agency and Monolithic Suppressor, both reducing recoil and increase range. A highly recommended attachment for the Maddox, however it should be used with the Aim Assist Laser, as the increase to the ADS spread can be an issue over range.

The Reinforced Heavy Barrel increase both range and bullet velocity by 33%, with a 10% reduction to the aim walking movement speed. This attachment is valuable for players who seeks a more passive role in games, with long range accuracy and consistency.

The Echo Fire Mod, similar to Call of Duty: Black Ops 4's interpretation, changes how the Maddox functions. Each second bullet will fire significantly faster than every first bullet, with little delay in between, turning the Maddox into a two-round burst weapon. The burst will fire at a devastating rate of 2142 RPM, with a burst delay of 111 milliseconds, making the Maddox have an overall fire rate of 863 RPM. This, however, comes at a cost of significantly increase vertical recoil, and similar to the Pharo, the Maddox will not recenter after every burst.

Alongside interesting barrel options, the Rear Grip options are also designed to help the Maddox in different aspects.

The Fast Grip improves the ADS time by 20% with a sprint to fire delay by 15%. As aim down sight time is an issue with the Maddox, this is a highly valuable attachment.

The Sturdy Grip reduces horizontal recoil by 30%, vertical recoil by 15% and flinch by 30%, at the cost of 10% reduction to the aim walking movement speed.

The Lightweight Grip reduce horizontal recoil by 15% and increase sprint speed by 10%, at the cost of 5% reduction to the overall movement speed. Generally this is not an attachment worth picking, as there are better options.

The Hollow Grip increase overall movement speed by 3% and aim walking movement speed by 5%, as well as reducing ADS time by 10%, at the cost of 15% increase to the ADS Spread. This is a highly recommended attachment since it improves several aspects of the Maddox at once without having hefty downsides

The Task Force Grip reduces horizontal recoil and flinch by 20%, as well as ADS time by 15%. However, downsides are hefty, overall movement is reduced by 3%, aim walking movement speed by 10% and 20% increase to the sprint to fire delay time.

The Task Force Quickdraw Grip reduces horizontal recoil and flinch by 30%, as well as ADS time by 20%. The downsides are similar to the Task Force Grip, with a 5% additional aim walking movement speed penalty.

Generally, the two Task Force grips are more fitting towards passive players, as they are not fit for aggressive play style.







Rear Grip[]

  • Sturdy Grip
  • Fast Grip
  • Lightweight Grip
  • Hollow Grip
  • Task Force Quickdraw Grip
  • Task Force Grip




  • Aerodynamic
  • Menacing Champ
  • Collapse Fluid
  • Summer Sunset


  • Avalanche
  • Squash Demon