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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019)

"El Traficante's train has left the quarry carrying explosives. Fight your way through the railyard, recall the train, and rig it for detonation."
— Mission briefing.

Operation Brimstone is an Operation featured within the Special Ops mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It serves as a follow-up to Operation Harbinger. The operation was released for free on November 22nd, 2019 on all platforms.


After retrieving MAGE, the Arm-4 team infiltrated the Quarry next to their safehouse while under mortar fire. Fighting through Al-Qatala, they disrupted several communication arrays to prevent the AQ forces from calling for reinforcements. The team then eliminated three high value targets who were guarding the terminal keys for the train control room. Utilizing all three keys allowed the team to recall the train.

Once the train arrived at the loading platform, the team opened the doors and rigged charges to the weapons before exfiltrating via Fulton system.


Operation Brimstone will require players to attack the quarry while under mortar fire. The players will have to capture three comms arrays defended by dozens of foot soldiers and Juggernauts. The more players close to the objective, the quicker the capture will be. The last objective will have multiple suicide bombers swarming in.

Once the three objectives are captured, players will need to eliminate three Juggernauts to recover three keys. Once the keys are retrieved, they need to be plugged in the control terminal to recall the train. The players will have to defend themselves against waves of enemy troops and several Juggernauts while waiting for the train to arrive. The players will also have the option to control an enemy Chopper Gunner to provide cover. Once the train is in the loading platform, the players will have to open two doors and rig the shipment with explosives. Once done, they will have to make their way to the extraction zone and wait for the exfil.

While at the exfil site, an enemy helicopter carrying El Traficante will attempt to escape, though a nearby Javelin launcher can be used to down the helicopter. The players will have to continue to hold out against a Juggernaut and dozens of enemies while waiting for exfil. At least once player will have to prepare the Fulton recovery system before the timer is up, otherwise the mission will fail. Once ready, the players will need to attach themselves for extraction, though, players will thankfully be invincible once they are hooked in. At least one player needs to be attached for the mission to succeed.


  • Infiltrate the Quarry (Calling Card)


