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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops Declassified
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"Cover the operative's escape."
— Mission Briefing

Ops M.I.A. is the eighth Operation in Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified. It involves Alex Mason to provide cover and escort an operative to safety.



"Here he comes. We've only got one shot at this."
— Beginning of the mission.

The mission begins with Alex Mason waiting for a signal to begin sniping hostiles. Once prompted, the Operative acts and Mason begins sniping enemies. Quickly, the Operative moves out of sight, so the player must move through the building. At the next sniper balcony, a large building can be seen with hostiles in it. Clear all enemies in the building along with clearing the street. After a while, a truck will arrive, dropping off more hostiles. Kill every enemy on the street and the Operative will make a final run for the extraction point. When he successfully makes it to this point, the mission will end.


Starting Loadout[]

Found in Mission[]


Crack Shot (Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon) - Perform 10 head shots with the .357 Magnum in ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation.

Double Down (Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon) - Kill 8 enemies with 4 or fewer bullets in ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation.

Waste Not, Want Not (Silver Silver Trophy PS3 icon) - Complete ‘OPS M.I.A.’ Operation with 100% accuracy.


Main article: Ops M.I.A./Transcript