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Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.
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For other uses, see Ozone.

Ozone was a Task Force 141 operative that appeared in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Special Ops mission "Kill Switch".


Infiltrating a Russian Communications Station[]

Ozone appears, along with Scarecrow, in "Kill Switch". Ozone and Scarecrow were tasked with destroying a Russian communication station by using an EMP. Ozone provided sniper support from an unfinished suspension bridge for Scarecrow as he made his way into the communication station. After Scarecrow entered the station, Ozone provided air support with a Reaper drone. While Scarecrow armed the EMP, an enemy Hind shot down the support beams of the suspension bridge, knocking Ozone to the ground. As the EMP went off, Ozone and Scarecrow regrouped and fought their way through the dock, then making their escape via Zodiac.

