A timeline of events in the Exo Zombies universe from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
Before November 23rd
- After Atlas launches a Manticore strike at a prison in order to put an end to a prison riot, the deceased rioters reanimated into zombies, forcing the four operatives sent to contain the riot to escape via Warbird with Gideon, who is pulled out of the Warbird by a zombie.
- Atlas contains the outbreak, but suffered heavy casualties. However, Atlas also managed to capture a few zombies, which they bring to a facility for experimentation.
November 23rd
- The Atlas facility which stored the zombies experiences an outbreak.
- Four Atlas employees, Oz, Kahn, Lilith Swann and Jim Decker, band together and fend off the undead forces. They attempt to call in a Warbird for rescue, but it is shot down. They eventually mount a last stand, but end up being overrun.
- Atlas forces come to rescue the four survivors in the nick of time, and place them in stasis bags and transports them away for unknown purposes.
- Overnight, Atlas sets up a base around a Burger Town at which they left the survivors.
November 24th
- The survivors recover after an unknown amount of time, and find that the Burger Town has become overrun with the infected. They proceed to fend off the undead, while rescuing trapped civilians for Sentinel One.
- The survivors launch a missile from the Burger Town burger tower.
- The Sentinel Task Force captures the team, and Sentinel One declares that one of the four "has to go" and proceeds to shoot Oz, killing him.
- The Sentinel Task Force takes the remaining three to an Atlas carrier and they, along with Lennox, proceed to sink it, but encounter a zombified Oz before they can escape.
- Oz escapes the group as the ship is destroyed.
November 25th
- The group attack an Atlas black spot known as the Trident's Retreat.
- Oz is killed by the group, although it was revealed that he has been cloned.
After Oz's Death
- Lennox is promoted to Lieutenant Colonel for eradicating the source of the infection.
- Jim Decker is enlisted into Sentinel by Lennox and now fights against his former employer.
- Lilith Swann becomes a hacktivist and helps Kahn sue the Atlas Corporation.