Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Mobile

Raul Menendez (Spanish: Raúl Menéndez) is a character featured in Call of Duty: Mobile introduced initially in the Season 13 Wint3r War Comics and later in the Season 2: Day of Reckoning returning as a playable character added as part of the "Rebel Crate".


Menendez in the Comics, is a member of the The Five Knights. According to Makarov, Menendez wants to take control of the government system by hijacking it.

Some time later, he is shown to have been apprehended in a building by Charly's squad. However, the Templar, presumed to be working with Menendez, shows up and kills everyone save Charly herself, allowing Menendez to escape unscathed.

He later appears again in the Raid, where he was slated to be operating out of after Cordis Die hacked the computers. Mace, Mara and Alex are tasked by Shepherd to track him down. He realizes that Mace had apparently betrayed him, and then makes haste to exfil while noting that the Templar is off-site. Unfortunately, he doesn't get far as Alex shoots down his pilot before he can take off, and is then apprehended by Mace. After being captured, Menendez is held in a prison and interrogated by both Shepherd and Price.

