- For other uses, see Saw (disambiguation).
The Ripsaw is a buildable and upgradable geistkraft weapon that appears in the Nazi Zombies map The Darkest Shore as a buildable and The Shadowed Throne, The Tortured Path, Bodega Cervantes, U.S.S. Mount Olympus, and Altar of Blood from the Mystery Box for 1,000 Jolts.
The Ripsaw is described to be a combination of a buzzsaw and a broken Tesla Gun frame, which can handle against zombies up close and at a distance.
When initially obtained, the Ripsaw can only perform deadly melee attacks, either swinging the weapon across or bashing directly to the enemy. When upgraded, it can fire blades that can ricochet and penetrate through targets, but it must be reloaded after every shot. The upgrade retains its melee function, and all upgrades can allow the player to charge akin to a bayonet charge in multiplayer. In doing such an attack however, the player is vulnerable to any attacks during the sequence. In one such case, it is required to initially upgrade the weapon.
To obtain the Ripsaw within The Darkest Shore, the player must first obtain two pieces; the handle and the sawblade. The sawblade will always be found in the corpse of a man to the left of the fuse panel that unlocks the Ubersprengen. The handle will always be found in the Artillery Bunker, located either on a table to the right of the BAR, on a bunk in the power room, or on a table to the right of Faustblitz. When the player has both pieces, they can bring the parts to a assembly table in the hallway between the U-Boat Pens and the Bluffs. The player can then pick up the Ripsaw for 2500 Jolts.
The player can now upgrade the blade to be able to fire its blades. To do this, the player must obtain a Zombie spine by charging at a Zombie with the Ripsaw in the same fashion as a Bayonet. When the player obtains a spine that has a battery that is glowing, they can put it on the assembly table. The player must now kill roughly 20 zombies near the table. Once done, the player can fuse the battery from the spine with the Ripsaw, upgrading it. The player can now pick up the Ripsaw for an additional 500 Jolts, or 3000 Jolts if the player hasn't obtained the base variant.
The Ripsaw can be upgraded further via the Ubersprengen by acquiring a fuse, which can be gained by shooting the artillery cannon at a specific coordinate. The coordinate can be acquired via 6 hidden Enigma devices around the map, each of which contains a character corresponding to the coordinate. Once the fuse is acquired, the player can upgrade the Ripsaw via the Ubersprengen for 5000 Jolts, which turns it into the R.I.P. Saw. It has more reserve ammunition, as well as stronger damage.
Notebook Information[]
- "The latest in German manufacturing, these hardened-steel saw blades tipped in tungsten carbide are the tools preferred by Straub to modify his soldiers."
- — Notebook Information
- "Jefferson made sure to bring the team's Tesla weapons to the island... just in case. During the beach assault, the crate fell overboard from the Ranger vessel and the weapons were ruined. The gunstocks, however, might be salvageable."
- — Notebook Information
- The Bakers Dozen Massacre (50 /Bronze Trophy ) - In The Darkest Shore, line up and kill 13 zombies with one Ripsaw shot.