The Titan S.C.R.E.A.M. Device (Titan Sonic Communication Radar and Echolocation Array Module) [1] is an item featured in Call of Duty: Warzone, exclusive to the Operation Monarch mode. Acting as a Killstreak, the S.C.R.E.A.M. Device is obtained through a special meter requiring the collection of 100 Monarch Intel, however can't be dropped on death.
Once the S.C.R.E.A.M. Device is activated, a player can choose between either the Godzilla's Heat Ray Killstreak or the Kong's Wrath Killstreak and where they will be deployed. Only one device can be active at a time, with a cooldown between each use among all the devices available to the players.
Godzilla's Heat Ray acts similarly to a Precision Airstrike with a straight line representing the Heat Ray's path. Any player who finds themselves crossing that path gets automatically downed. Kong's Wrath is displayed as a circle representing the area that is struck by a massive boulder thrown by Kong. Any player inside the circle area will be automatically downed.