There are 28 Intel available in the Special Ops mode of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. Each intel is obtained after the player acquires 5 Intel Fragments for a total of 140 Intel Fragments spread across the different Missions and Atomgrad Raid episodes.
- "Mother,
I want you to know that I am safe, for now. Though this may be the last time you hear from me.
This morning, the Killers arrived. They came with weapons and anger. They took us from our homes and gave them to soldiers. The house papa built for us now houses those monsters.
I was able to escape, but my Kamal was taken. God only knows what they've done to him.
You will worry for me, and I would be a fool to tell you otherwise.
Please know that I have not given up. I still have hope.
-Amal" - — Translation
"Safi- The enemy is here. We will be overrun.
I am low on men. Replaced a group we lost just yesterday. Supplies are scarce from the fighting in areas 5 and 6.
Destroy Site 3. Do not let the enemy find its destination. Use groups 6, 7, and 12.
Do not hesitate."
"Yes, brother?"
"What is taking so long? Get the launchers in position."
"We are moving as fast as we can."
"You must go faster, brother. Gunships are in the air."
"For days we have run supplies, moved launchers, dug men are exhausted!"
"What do you need then?"
"Proper equipment- and rest!"
"Sleep is not an option. Start drinking all that coffee around you."
"We are! I came here to fight, not harvest beans."
"Yes, brother. Thank you."
Request immediate deployment of THREE (3) Demon Dog Squads to the ZAYA OBSERVATORY. Al-Qatala is after stockpiles of munitions abandoned by Shadow Co. operators.
Primary Objective(s):
Secure munitions and the Zaya Observatory.
This will give us a tactical advantage in the region and keep weapons out of AQ hands.
"Brothers - we are losing too many soldiers. Team 3 was wiped out. We lost 6, 7, and 12 at the observatory. If we do not win the next battles, we will lose this war.
We need immediate reinforcements to zone 17.Send team 9. They must not fail their mission."
"Yaser, come in."
"Go ahead, brother."
"You are in Zone 17, yes?"
"Yes. Setting up the servers now."
"Two years? This hardware is ancient."
"We need it done today."
"Then get Abu-Jamil here. He has more experience with this."
"He is needed in Zone 5. You will have to do this alone."
"Okay, but I will tell you, this hardware is easy to detect. Drones, satellites...any newer tech will find these fast."
"Understood. We just need it working, as planned. Security will come later."
"Okay, brother."
Received intel on hidden bunker in the Sattiq mountains.
NE hillside - hatchway leads underground.
Need Echo team to gain access and recon the location.
This could be what we've feared. Guard yourself.
- K"
"Brothers, we were victorious in our mission."
We killed many invaders and captured the ones we sought.
The prisoners were taken to the embassy.
They will be ready to instruct our teams.
- Jabour"
Contact LAB01/02 Management for assistance."
We have sent word to our partners across the sea.
They are on their way to Al-Mazrah.
Arif and others dead.
Heading up silo - will disarm if able.
We lost a brother to the gas.
The vent system reboots - the chemicals come back.
Security systems are becoming more difficult to bypass.
With faith, we will find what we need before being discovered.
My sister, Farah Karim, has been captured.
Two soldiers are with her. One British, one American.
These soldiers are subject to the law of war. They live by the sword; they die by it.
As for my sister, trust when I tell you- she is better to us alive.
The Russians are her enemy. Our enemy. Urzikstan is her home. Our home.
Why follow him?" they have asked.
I follow him because I followed the Wolf.
Sulaman believed in Hadir, and in return he gave us the power to fight.
Fight those who have sought to be our masters.
Now Hadir has given us something beyond power- and so I follow him, still.
What future exists if we live on our knees?"
I understand your hatred for these things I have done- and your hatred for me.
I do not bear your scorn lightly, for we are the same blood, but it is a price I am willing to pay.
My hatred is to the Russians. The real Russians. The ones who destroyed our family, our country, and hid their cities beneath our ground.
We have fought the Russians since were children. No child should have to fight them again.
We are through the underground city.
This is but one. Of how many, only the real Russians know.
These weapons they made to kill us, will send them to hell.
Prepare the barrels for transport.
Be safe, brothers. We know what harm these chemicals can do.
- The Islamic date, "25 Safar, 1441", featured in Intel 24 corresponds to the date "October 24, 2019" which is when the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare mission Fog of War takes place and during which Hadir Karim and Al-Qatala stole the Russian gas in Verdansk.
- Prior to an update, Intel 25 originally contained an image with no text, depicting an illustration of Konni Group's insignia.[1]