Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty. The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty: United Offensive.
For other uses, see Stalingrad (disambiguation).

Stalingrad is a multiplayer map featured in Call of Duty and Call of Duty: United Offensive. This map was originally released with the 1.4 patch for Call of Duty.


Submachine guns play a big role in the sewer battles. Automatic rifles are also good but the stopping power can work against the player in the accuracy for close quarters. Sniper rifles, bolt actions and semi-automatic rifles in Call of Duty: United Offensive are great for in the buildings when looking down on the large courtyard, but automatics are essential for self defense in the buildings. The sewers lead to 2 different open areas, both surrounded by 3 vantage points, and 1 to a building. A sewer war can be staged while snipers pick off anyone who tries to escape. Grenades and satchel charges are good for clearing out rooms, but many of the upper floors have holes in the floor for quick escapes. Artillery is sometimes effective against roofless areas but is mostly worthless because of the roofed buildings and the sewers.


