Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki
The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III

In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Stickers are earned through challenges in Ranked Play and Special Ops modes as well as in Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 modes Battle Royale and DMZ. Some can also be purchased through the store or by progressing the Battle Pass. Others are obtained via events or promotional collaboration.

Every Sticker unlocked in Modern Warfare II is also available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.



Store Stickers
Abezy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Abezy 2023
Atlanta Faze Team Supporter Pack
AcidAcquired WeaponSticker MWII
Acid Acquired
Tracer Pack: Poison Dart Bundle
Accuracy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Accuracy 2023
Seattle Surge Team Supporter Pack
Afro2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Afro 2023
Minnesota Rokkr Team Supporter Pack
AllAces WeaponSticker MWII
All Aces
Acid Washed Bundle
AnimeEnjoyer WeaponSticker MWII
Anime Enjoyer
Notice Me 1.0 Bundle
AnotherOne WeaponSticker MWII
Another One
Tracer Pack: 2023 CDL Champs Bundle
AtlantaFaze WeaponSticker MWII
Atlanta Faze
Atlanta Faze Team Pack
Arcitys2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Arcitys 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
AridAssault WeaponSticker MWII
Arid Assault
Arid Assault Bundle
Asim2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Asim 2023
London Royal Ravens Team Supporter Pack
Assault2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Assault 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
Attach2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Attach 2023
Minnesota Rokkr Team Supporter Pack
Bance2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Bance 2023
Minnesota Rokkr Team Supporter Pack
BastilleDay WeaponSticker MWII
Bastille Day
Bastille Day Pack Bundle
BattleMessi WeaponSticker MWII
Battle Messi
Tracer Pack: Messi Operator Bundle
Beans2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Beans 2023
Boston Breach Team Supporter Pack
BlackNoir WeaponSticker MWII
Black Noir
The Boys: Black Noir Operator Bundle
Board WeaponSticker MWII
Fresh Powder Bundle
BostonBreach WeaponSticker MWII
Boston Breach
Boston Breach Team Pack
Brack2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Brack 2023
Florida Mutineers Team Supporter Pack
BronzeKing WeaponSticker MWII
Bronze King
Bronze Age Bundle
BumpaBerry WeaponSticker MWII
Bumpa Berry
Tracer Pack: Crash Bandicoot Bundle
Cacodemon WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Doom Bundle
CallOfDuty WeaponSticker MWII
Call Of Duty®
The Classic Pack Bundle
Cammy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Cammy 2023
Minnesota Rokkr Team Supporter Pack
CandyCane WeaponSticker MWII
Candy Cane
Holiday Gift Pack Bundle
(Dec. 17, 2022)
CartwheelsInSnow WeaponSticker MWII
Cartwheels In Snow
Holiday Gift Pack Bundle
(Dec. 14, 2022)
CATSquad WeaponSticker MWII
CAT Squad
Whisker Tango Bundle
CautionFallingBodies WeaponSticker MWII
Caution: Falling Bodies
Raid: Season 2 Bundle
Cellium2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Cellium 2023
Atlanta Faze Team Supporter Pack
ChargingIn WeaponSticker MWII
Charging In
Matuzel Maneuver Bundle
CherubCheeks WeaponSticker MWII
Cherub Cheeks
Free Love Gift Pack Bundle
(Feb. 15, 2023)
Classic2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Classic 2023
Atlanta Faze Team Supporter Pack
Clayster2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Clayster 2023
Vegas Legion Team Supporter Pack
Clawed WeaponSticker MWII
Scavenger Bundle
Cleanx2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Cleanx 2023
Toronto Ultra Team Supporter Pack
Coco WeaponSticker MWII
Crash Team Gift Pack Bundle
(May 10, 2023)
ColdHeart WeaponSticker MWII
Cold Heart
Tracer Pack Elementals: Iceflow Bundle
ConcussiveConclusion WeaponSticker MWII
Concussive Conclusion
Bomb Squad Bundle
Crash WeaponSticker MWII
Crash Team Gift Pack Bundle
(May 10, 2023)
Cryogen141 WeaponSticker MWII
Cryogen 141
Cryogen Bundle
Cthulhu WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Cthulhu Bundle
Cubist WeaponSticker MWII
Flowstate Bundle
CupidsUpgrade WeaponSticker MWII
Cupid's Upgrade
Tracer Pack: Ballistic Love Bundle
DamHelp WeaponSticker MWII
Dam Help
Tracer Pack: Damascus Forge 2 Bundle
DarkestRose WeaponSticker MWII
Darkest Rose
Dark Rose Bundle
Dashy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Dashy 2023
Optic Texas Team Supporter Pack
Davpadie2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Davpadie 2023
Florida Mutineers Team Supporter Pack
Deadites WeaponSticker MWII
Ash Operator Bundle
DeadTired WeaponSticker MWII
Dead Tired
Greased And Camo'd Bundle
DeathNod WeaponSticker MWII
Death Nod
Midnight Merc Bundle
DeathShot WeaponSticker ClearcoatCommando MWII
Death Shot
Clearcoat Commando Bundle
DeathShot WeaponSticker DeathShot MWII
Death Shot
Death Shot Bundle
Deceives2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Deceives 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
DesertDeath WeaponSticker MWII
Desert Death
Desert Rogue Pack
Dingo WeaponSticker MWII
Crash Team Gift Pack Bundle
(May 10, 2023)
Drazah2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Drazah 2023
Los Angeles Thieves Team Supporter Pack
EastCoastLove WeaponSticker MWII
East Coast Love
Hip Hop Hutch Bundle
EchoThreeOne WeaponSticker MWII
Echo Three-One
Tracer Pack: Ruff Day Bundle
EDI WeaponSticker MWII
Infinite Warfighter: ETH.3N Bundle
Envoy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Envoy 2023
Los Angeles Thieves Team Supporter Pack
Exceed2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Exceed 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
ExtraPower WeaponSticker MWII
Extra Power!
The Hella Sick Pack Bundle
ExtremePI WeaponSticker MWII
Extreme PI
Paranormal Investigator Pack Bundle
FallingLead WeaponSticker MWII
Falling Lead
Meteor Strike Bundle
Fame2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Fame 2023
Minnesota Rokkr Team Supporter Pack
FeathersOfFlame WeaponSticker MWII
Feathers Of Flame
Recruited Bundle
FeelinPunchy WeaponSticker MWII
Feelin' Punchy
Tactical Beats Bundle
Fender WeaponSticker MWII
Fringe Tactical 2 Bundle
FeudalMerc WeaponSticker MWII
Feudal Merc
Tracer Pack: Shinobi Bundle
FeverDream WeaponSticker MWII
Fever Dream
Yokai Bundle
FishAI WeaponSticker MWII
Fish AI
Love And Hate Bundle
FightRun WeaponSticker MWII
Fight Run
Game Is Life Bundle
Flexing WeaponSticker MWII
CDL Midseason Pack Bundle
FloridaMutineers WeaponSticker MWII
Florida Mutineers
Florida Mutineers Team Pack
ForestKing WeaponSticker MWII
Forest King
Demon Deer Pack
FourTwenty WeaponSticker MWII
Four Twenty
Tracer Pack: Dr. Kushlov Bundle
ForValhalla WeaponSticker MWII
For Valhalla
Age Of The Viking Bundle
FuerzaDeJaguar WeaponSticker MWII
Fuerza De Jaguar
Jaguar Warrior Bundle
FuerzasEspeciales WeaponSticker MWII
Fuerzas Especiales
Urban Veteran Pack
GameOver WeaponSticker MWII
Game Over
Pixel Perfect Bundle
GhostDog WeaponSticker MWII
Ghost Dog
War Hound Bundle
GhostInTheCrosshairs WeaponSticker MWII
Ghost In The Crosshairs
Battle Buddy: Chatter Pack Bundle
GhostPop WeaponSticker MWII
Ghost Pop
Merry Mayhem Bundle
GimmeScratches WeaponSticker MWII
Gimme Scratches
War Hound Bundle
Gingerly WeaponSticker MWII
Holiday Gift Pack Bundle
(Dec. 21, 2022)
GoldenCage WeaponSticker MWII
Golden Cage
Silk And Sable Bundle
GoldenDragonfly WeaponSticker MWII
Golden Dragonfly
Season Two Combat Pack
GoldenWumpa WeaponSticker MWII
Golden Wumpa
Tracer Pack: Crash Bandicoot Bundle
Gooselight WeaponSticker MWII
Chrome and Pixels Bundle
GooseOnTheLoose WeaponSticker MWII
Goose On The Loose
Night Of The Evil Goose Bundle
Granny WeaponSticker MWII
Grimm: Crimson Pack Bundle
GrowlFace WeaponSticker MWII
Growl Face
Raw Tiger Bundle
HammerUnite WeaponSticker MWII
Hammer Unite
Damascus Forge Bundle
Havok2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Havok 2023
Florida Mutineers Team Supporter Pack
HellsingFamily WeaponSticker MWII
Hellsing Family
Tracer Pack: Hellsing Operator Bundle
Hicksy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Hicksy 2023
Toronto Ultra Team Supporter Pack
HighMoon WeaponSticker MWII
High Moon
Psychedelic Bundle
HipHopSubway WeaponSticker MWII
Hip Hop Subway
Tracer Pack: Hippin' and Hoppin' Bundle
HoHoHo WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Klaus Operator Bundle
HoldingItDown WeaponSticker MWII
Holding It Down
CDL Launch Pack
Hoops WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Kevin Durant Operator Bundle
Hot WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack Elementals: Magmaflow Bundle
HotRod WeaponSticker MWII
Hot Rod
Hot Rod Bundle
Huke2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Huke 2023
Optic Texas Team Supporter Pack
HuntingClub WeaponSticker MWII
Hunting Club
Timeless Fury Bundle
Hydra2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Hydra 2023
New York Subliners Team Supporter Pack
Illey2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Dashy 2023
Optic Texas Team Supporter Pack
Impact WeaponSticker MWII
The Throwback Audio Pack Bundle
Insight2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Insight 2023
Toronto Ultra Team Supporter Pack
InnerFire WeaponSticker MWII
Inner Fire
Spectral Flames Bundle
ItsChill WeaponSticker MWII
It's Chill
Tracer Pack: Blunt Fingers Bundle
Izzy WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Izzy Operator Bundle
KeepItDown WeaponSticker MWII
Keep It Down
Banshee Scream Bundle
Kenny2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Kenny 2023
Los Angeles Thieves Team Supporter Pack
Kevin WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: TimTheTatman Operator Bundle
Kinetic WeaponSticker MWII
Kinetic Bundle
Kismet2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Hydra 2023
New York Subliners Team Supporter Pack
LarasStyle WeaponSticker MWII
Lara's Style
Tracer Pack: Tomb Raider Operator Bundle
LeafMeAlone WeaponSticker MWII
Leaf Me Alone
Overgrown Bundle
LetsJustSmile WeaponSticker MWII
Let's Just Smile
Glitter Bomb Bundle
LifeBlood WeaponSticker MWII
Life Blood
Demoness Bundle
LilithsCall WeaponSticker MWII
Lilith's Call
Tracer Pack: Lilith Operator Bundle
LondonRoyalRavens WeaponSticker MWII
London Royal Ravens
London Royal Ravens Team Pack
LordAngKing WeaponSticker MWII
Lord And King
Baroque Bundle Bundle
LosAngelesGuerrillas WeaponSticker MWII
Los Angeles Guerrillas
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Pack
LosAngelesThieves WeaponSticker MWII
Los Angeles Thieves
Los Angeles Thieves Team Pack
MaceReturns WeaponSticker MWII
Mace Returns
Tracer Pack: Mace Operator Bundle
Mack2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Mack 2023
Seattle Surge Team Supporter Pack
MacTavishSoap WeaponSticker MWII
MacTavish Soap
Soap: Going Dark Bundle
MadDog WeaponSticker MWII
Mad Dog
Frontline Fighter Bundle
MadHoppin WeaponSticker MWII
Mad Hoppin'
Tracer Pack: Hopping Mad Bundle
Maniak2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Maniak 2023
Florida Mutineers Team Supporter Pack
MansBestie WeaponSticker MWII
Man's Bestie
War Hound Bundle
Mantelpiece WeaponSticker MWII
Dragon's Bane Bundle
MeatEater WeaponSticker MWII
Meat Eater
Whisker Tango Bundle
MedievalCommando WeaponSticker MWII
Medieval Commando
Knight's Command Bundle
MedusasCurls WeaponSticker MWII
Medusa's Curls
Spartan Tower Bundle
MeetCute WeaponSticker MWII
Meet Cute
Love And Hate Bundle
Meiko WeaponSticker MWII
Kintsugi Bundle
MeikoStamp WeaponSticker MWII
Meiko Stamp
Ebony & Iron Bundle
MetalHead WeaponSticker MWII
Metal Head
Heavy Metal Bundle
Methodz2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Methodz 2023
Boston Breach Team Supporter Pack
MFAM WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Nickmercs Operator Bundle
MineDancer WeaponSticker MWII
Mine Dancer
Deepwater 2 Bundle
MinnesotaRokkr WeaponSticker MWII
Minnesota Rokkr
Minnesota Rokkr Team Pack
Monarch WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Golden Blossom Bundle
MoneyFlight WeaponSticker MWII
Money Flight
Combat Couture 2.0 Bundle
MurderousHornet WeaponSticker MWII
Murderous Hornet
Killer Bees Bundle
Nastie2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Nastie 2023
London Royal Ravens Team Supporter Pack
NaturalSwimmer WeaponSticker MWII
Natural Swimmer
Bog Bandit Bundle
NeoCortex WeaponSticker MWII
Neo Cortex
Crash Team Gift Pack Bundle
(May 10, 2023)
Neptune2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Neptune 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
Nero2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Nero 2023
Boston Breach Team Supporter Pack
NewYorkSubliners WeaponSticker MWII
New York Subliners
New York Subliners Team Pack
NightVisions WeaponSticker MWII
Night Visions
Field Trippin' Bundle
NoTouching WeaponSticker MWII
No Touching
Warning Skin Bundle
NotYourGrandmasChina WeaponSticker MWII
Not Your Grandma's China
Porcelain Slay Bundle
Octane2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Octane 2023
Los Angeles Thieves Team Supporter Pack
OGGhost WeaponSticker MWII
OG Ghost
Classic Ghost Pack Bundle
OneDigit WeaponSticker MWII
One Digit
Love And Hate Bundle
OneShotOneKill WeaponSticker MWII
One Shot One Kill
Overgrown 2 Bundle
OperationToeBeans WeaponSticker MWII
Operation Toe Beans
Whisker Tango Bundle
OpticTexas WeaponSticker MWII
Optic Texas
Optic Texas Team Pack
OrangutanOps WeaponSticker MWII
Orangutan Ops
Operation Primate Bundle
Orochi WeaponSticker MWII
Engraved Dragon 2 Bundle
Outlined WeaponSticker MWII
Terror Task Force Bundle
Paulehx2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Paulehx 2023
London Royal Ravens Team Supporter Pack
Perseverance WeaponSticker MWII
C.O.D.E. Perseverance Pack
Piper WeaponSticker MWII
Torment's Return Bundle
PixelSmile WeaponSticker MWII
Pixel Smile
Battle Buddy: War Computer Pack Bundle
PlantLover WeaponSticker MWII
Plant Lover
Night Patrol Bundle
Pred2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Pred 2023
Seattle Surge Team Supporter Pack
PreparedToFight WeaponSticker MWII
Prepared To Fight
Season Three Combat Pack
Priestahh2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Priestahh 2023
New York Subliners Team Supporter Pack
Prolute2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Prolute 2023
Vegas Legion Team Supporter Pack
PogbaSlide WeaponSticker MWII
Pogba Slide
Tracer Pack: Paul Pogba Operator Bundle
PorkinYummy WeaponSticker MWII
Porkin' Yummy
VII: Gluttony Bundle
Predator WeaponSticker MWII
Whisker Tango Bundle
QuadDamage WeaponSticker MWII
Quad Damage
Tracer Pack: Crash Bandicoot Bundle
RacingTeam WeaponSticker MWII
Racing Team
Track Rivals Bundle
RaidBuddies WeaponSticker MWII
Raid Buddies
Raid: Season 1 Bundle
Raven WeaponSticker MWII
VII: Greed Bundle
RazorLove WeaponSticker MWII
Razor Love
Roze And Thorn Bundle
Reaps WeaponSticker MWII
Battle Buddy Tracer Pack: Grim Tiding Bundle
Relaxing WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Blunt Fingers Bundle
Remember WeaponSticker MWII
Warzone Anniversary Gift Bundle
(Mar. 23, 2023)
RemoveBeforeFlight WeaponSticker MWII
Remove Before Flight
C.O.D.E. Valkyrie Pack
ReportingForDuty WeaponSticker MWII
Reporting For Duty
Whisker Tango Bundle
Revan2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Revan 2023
Seattle Surge Team Supporter Pack
Revenge WeaponSticker MWII
Showdown Bundle
RidingTheCloud WeaponSticker MWII
Riding The Cloud
Tracer Pack: Blunt Fingers Bundle
RidingTheWave WeaponSticker MWII
Riding The Wave
The Offseason Bundle
RIP WeaponSticker MWII
The Boneyard Bundle
RogueAngel WeaponSticker MWII
Rogue Angel
Tracer Pack: Inarius Operator Bundle
RosyKiss WeaponSticker MWII
Rosy Kiss
Combat Couture Bundle
Sardaukar WeaponSticker MWII
Dune Part Two: Sardaukar Pack
Savage WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: 21 Savage Operator Bundle
ScorpionsSting WeaponSticker MWII
Scorpion's Sting
Exotic Bundle
Scrap2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Cleanx 2023
Toronto Ultra Team Supporter Pack
Scuba WeaponSticker MWII
Season Four Combat Pack
Scump2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Scump 2023
Optic Texas Team Supporter Pack
SeattleSurge WeaponSticker MWII
Seattle Surge
Seattle Surge Team Pack
Shane2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Shane 2023
Los Angeles Thieves Team Supporter Pack
SharpenedStiletto WeaponSticker MWII
Sharpened Stiletto
Carbon Blade Bundle
ShogunFrog WeaponSticker MWII
Shogun Frog
Fighting Frogs Bundle
Shotzzy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Shottzy 2023
Optic Texas Team Supporter Pack
Sib2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Sib 2023
Seattle Surge Team Supporter Pack
Simp2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Simp 2023
Atlanta Faze Team Supporter Pack
Skeletor WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Skeletor Operator Bundle
Skrapz2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Skrapz 2023
London Royal Ravens Team Supporter Pack
Skyz2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Skyz 2023
New York Subliners Team Supporter Pack
Slasher2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Slasher 2023
Atlanta Faze Team Supporter Pack
Slayer WeaponSticker MWII
Tracer Pack: Doom Bundle
SleepingSloth WeaponSticker MWII
Sleeping Sloth
VII: Sloth Bundle
SlicingSamurai WeaponSticker MWII
Slicing Samurai
Season Six Combat Pack
Slither WeaponSticker MWII
Executive Warfighter Bundle
SmokeAndShadow WeaponSticker MWII
Smoke And Shadow
Season Five Combat Pack
SnackTime WeaponSticker MWII
Snack Time
Donuts Go Nuts Bundle
Snarl WeaponSticker MWII
Nasty Neon Bundle
SolidPunch WeaponSticker MWII
Solid Punch
Vega Operator Bundle
Spart2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Spart 2023
Los Angeles Guerrillas Team Supporter Pack
SpeciesUnknown WeaponSticker MWII
Species Unknown
Frigid Future Bundle
Sprayers WeaponSticker MWII
Dope Streets Bundle
SpeedBoost WeaponSticker MWII
Speed Boost
Tracer Pack: Neymar Jr. Operator Bundle
SSSSmile WeaponSticker MWII
Red Lord Bundle
StaticSkull WeaponSticker MWII
Static Skull
Crimson Thunder Bundle
Standy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Standy 2023
Toronto Ultra Team Supporter Pack
Starlight WeaponSticker MWII
The Boys: Starlight Operator Bundle
StayFrosty WeaponSticker MWII
Stay Frosty
Liquid Cooled Bundle
StickyFeet WeaponSticker MWII
Sticky Feet
Nightrunner Bundel
Strength WeaponSticker MWII
Tokyo Streets Bundle
SuitedForLaughs WeaponSticker MWII
Suited For Laughs
Clownin' Bundle
SuitUp WeaponSticker MWII
Suit Up
Executive Warfighter 2 Bundle
SweetDreams WeaponSticker MWII
Sweet Dreams
Sleeper Bundle
SymbolOfTheDEAD WeaponSticker MWII
Symbol Of The D.E.A.D.
D.E.A.D. Bundle
TacticalExecutive WeaponSticker MWII
Tactical Executive
Executive Warfighter 3 Bundle
TacticalHuman WeaponSticker MWII
Tactical Human
Tactical Human 1.0 Bundle
Tawna WeaponSticker MWII
Crash Team Gift Pack Bundle
(May 10, 2023)
Temp2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Temp 2023
Vegas Legion Team Supporter Pack
Thathletics WeaponSticker MWII
Tactical Human 2.0 Bundle
ThatsMyIceCream WeaponSticker MWII
That's My Ice Cream
Tracer Pack: Nicki Minaj Operator Bundle
TheCrest WeaponSticker MWII
The Crest
Eastern Oak Bundle
TheDrake WeaponSticker MWII
The Drake
Engraved Dragon Bundle
TheFaceOfWrath WeaponSticker MWII
The Face Of Wrath
VII: Wrath Bundle
TheFringe WeaponSticker MWII
The Fringe
Fringe Tactical 3 Bundle
TheGeneralHimself WeaponSticker MWII
The General Himself
General Smuggypuss Bundle
TheHarvested WeaponSticker MWII
The Harvested
Reactive Pack: Soulless Bundle
Theory2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Theory 2023
Vegas Legion Team Supporter Pack
TheSpider WeaponSticker MWII
The Spider
Shrouded Bundle
ThickCuts WeaponSticker MWII
Thick Cuts
Thick Cuts Bundle
TjHaly2023 WeaponSticker MWII
TjHaly 2023
Vegas Legion Team Supporter Pack
TriclopsTiger WeaponSticker MWII
Triclops Tiger
Alpha Burn Bundle
TorontoUltra WeaponSticker MWII
Toronto Ultra
Toronto Ultra Team Pack
UAP WeaponSticker MWII
Dark Skies Bundle
UnflinchingFerocity WeaponSticker MWII
Unflinching Ferocity
Manticore Pack
VaultKeeper WeaponSticker MWII
Vault Keeper
Tracer Pack: Penumbra Bundle
VegasLegion WeaponSticker MWII
Vegas Legion
Vegas Legion Team Pack
Vikul2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Vikul 2023
Florida Mutineers Team Supporter Pack
Vivid2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Vivid 2023
Boston Breach Team Supporter Pack
Wake2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Wake 2023
Boston Breach Team Supporter Pack
WallMounted WeaponSticker MWII
Wall Mounted
Gunslinger Ghost Pack
Wardy2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Hydra 2023
New York Subliners Team Supporter Pack
WaspLove WeaponSticker MWII
Wasp Love
Yellowjacket Bundle
WatchMe WeaponSticker MWII
Watch Me
Graffiti Tactical Pack
WeaponsLocker WeaponSticker MWII
Weapons Locker
Weapons Locker Bundle
WeGamin WeaponSticker MWII
We Gamin'
Battle Buddy: NPC Pack Bundle
WelcomeDeath WeaponSticker MWII
Welcome Death
Season One Combat Pack
Wolfish WeaponSticker MWII
Grimm: Wolf Pack Bundle
YouCantSeeMe WeaponSticker MWII
You Can't See Me
Overgrown 3 Bundle
YoureARat WeaponSticker MWII
You're A Rat
WSOW Rat Pack Bundle
ZakhaevArms WeaponSticker MWII
Zakhaev Arms
Tracer Pack: Cyber Riot Bundle
Zeo2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Zeo 2023
London Royal Ravens Team Supporter Pack
ZLRSpaceDivision WeaponSticker MWII
ZLR Space Division
For Mankind Bundle

Battle Pass[]

Battle Pass Stickers
BestMercEver WeaponSticker MWII
Best Merc Ever
Season One - Sector A20
Bishop WeaponSticker MWII
Season Five - Sector E14
Calaveras WeaponSticker MWII
Season Three - Sector C5
CartelControl WeaponSticker MWII
Cartel Control
Season Three - Sector C4
Cavalry5 WeaponSticker MWII
Cavalry 5
Season Five - Sector E19
ClashingGiants WeaponSticker MWII
Clashing Giants
Season Three - Sector C18
CorinthianHelmet WeaponSticker MWII
Corinthian Helmet
Season One - Sector A15
DeathsPet WeaponSticker MWII
Death's Pet
Season Three - Sector C9
FlamingFox WeaponSticker MWII
Flaming Fox
Season Two - Sector B6
FollowOrDie WeaponSticker MWII
Follow Or Die
Season Four - Sector D9
GunfighterCoffeeCompany WeaponSticker MWII
Gunfighter Coffee Company
Season One - Sector A7
KidSpawn WeaponSticker MWII
Kid Spawn
Season Six - Sector F7
King WeaponSticker MWII
Season Five - Sector E7
Knight WeaponSticker MWII
Season Five - Sector E6
LasAlmasCartel WeaponSticker MWII
Las Almas Cartel
Season Three - Sector C11
Lucy WeaponSticker MWII
Season Six - Sector F11
MP0 WeaponSticker MWII
Season Four - Sector D6
NiceNods WeaponSticker MWII
Nice Nods
Season One - Sector A13
NiktoElectric WeaponSticker MWII
Nikto Electric
Season Four - Sector D19
NiktoSymbolism WeaponSticker MWII
Nikto Symbolism
Season Four - Sector D13
PartyPooper WeaponSticker MWII
Party Pooper
Season Six - Sector F4
PresenceOfDeath WeaponSticker MWII
Presence Of Death
Season Two - Sector B11
Queen WeaponSticker MWII
Season Five - Sector E8
Rook WeaponSticker MWII
Season Five - Sector E17
Scorpion WeaponSticker MWII
Season One - Sector A6
Season4 WeaponSticker MWII
Season 4
Season Four - Completion Sector
ShadowCompany2023 WeaponSticker MWII
Shadow Company 2023
Season Five - Sector E20
SomebodysMonster WeaponSticker MWII
Somebody's Monster
Season Six - Sector F16
SovereignSamurai WeaponSticker MWII
Sovereign Samurai
Season Two - Sector B14
SpawnSkull WeaponSticker MWII
Spawn Skull
Season Six - Sector F20
TeethAndHorns WeaponSticker MWII
Teeth And Horns
Season Two - Sector B19
WildDragon WeaponSticker MWII
Wild Dragon
Season Two - Sector B4
Who WeaponSticker MWII
Season Four - Sector D15


Miscellaneous Stickers
$$$ WeaponSticker MWII
CDL Championship - 2h Twitch Drop
(Jun. 16, 2023)
BeatDown WeaponSticker MWII
Beat Down
CDL Major V - 2h Twitch Drop
(May 27, 2023)
BigBrainPlays WeaponSticker MWII
Big Brain Plays
3 Winner And Score predictions
CDL Pick' Em
BleedOut WeaponSticker MWII
Bleed Out
Trophy Hunt event
(Apr. 14 - May 9, 2023)
BreathInTheSoul WeaponSticker MWII
Breath In The Soul
Assault on Vondel - Modern Warfare II only
CarvedUp WeaponSticker MWII
Carved Up
The Haunting event
(Oct. 17 - Nov. 6, 2023)
ChipOffTheOldBlock WeaponSticker MWII
Chip Off The Old Block
CDL Major V - 2h Twitch Drop
(May 28, 2023)
Compassion WeaponSticker MWII
The Path of the Ronin event
(Feb. 22 - Mar. 14, 2023)
DeadDetective WeaponSticker MWII
Dead Detective
4-day login
(Oct. 17 - Nov. 6, 2023)
EZXP WeaponSticker MWII
CDL Major I - 30 min Twitch Drop
(Dec. 17, 2022)
EZXP MajorIV WeaponSticker MWII
CDL Major IV - 1h Twitch Drop
(Apr. 22, 2023)
FuturePro WeaponSticker MWII
Future Pro
CDL Major IV - 2h Twitch Drop
(Apr. 22, 2023)
GetInMyBackpack WeaponSticker MWII
Get In My Backpack
CDL Major IV - 2h Twitch Drop
(Apr. 23, 2023)
GG WeaponSticker MWII
CDL Major II - 1h30 min Twitch Drop
(Feb. 4, 2023)
GoalMaker WeaponSticker MWII
Goal Maker
Support A Team event
(Nov. 23 - Nov. 30, 2022)
GoneBatty WeaponSticker MWII
Gone Batty
The Haunting event
(Oct. 17 - Nov. 6, 2023)
HalloweenWitch WeaponSticker MWII
Halloween Witch
9-day login
(Oct. 17 - Nov. 6, 2023)
ItsBooTime WeaponSticker MWII
It's Boo Time
The Haunting event
(Oct. 24 - Nov. 6, 2023)
KickIt WeaponSticker MWII
Kick It
Support A Team event
(Nov. 23 - Nov. 30, 2022)
LetsRock WeaponSticker MWII
Let's Rock
Recruit-A-Friend Matches Challenge
Recruit A Friend Program
OperationFirstBlood WeaponSticker MWII
Operation First Blood
Multiplayer Beta level 6
(Sep. 18 - Sep. 26, 2022)
RoyalSkull WeaponSticker MWII
Royal Skull
CDL Championship - 2h Twitch Drop
(Jun. 15, 2023)
SafetyFirst WeaponSticker MWII
Safety First
Multiplayer Beta level 21
(Sep. 18 - Sep. 26, 2022)
SomethingInMyTeeth WeaponSticker MWII
Something In My Teeth
45 min Twitch Drop
(Oct. 28 - Nov. 6, 2022)
StreakedOut WeaponSticker MWII
Streaked Out
CDL Championship - 2h Twitch Drop
(Jun. 17, 2023)
TripletsKinda WeaponSticker MWII
Triplets, Kinda
6-day login
(Oct. 17 - Nov. 6, 2023)
Twisted WeaponSticker MWII
WSOW Stage 1 EU Final - 2h Twitch Drop
(Jun. 8, 2023)

Special Ops[]

Special Ops Stickers
BuzzOff WeaponSticker MWII
Buzz Off
TBD - Tier 4
ReapThis WeaponSticker MWII
Reap This
TBD - Tier 4
SmilingBones WeaponSticker MWII
Smiling Bones
Medic Kit - Tier 4

Ranked Play[]


Ranked Play Stickers
Season2Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
Season 2 Competitor
Season Two - 5 Wins
Season3Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
Season 3 Competitor
Season Three - 5 Wins
MWIISeason4Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
MWII Season 4 Competitor
Season Four - 5 Wins
MWIISeason5Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
MWII Season 5 Competitor
Season Five - 5 Wins
MWIISeason6Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
MWII Season 6 Competitor
Season Six - 5 Wins


Warzone Ranked Play Stickers
LostFull WeaponSticker MWII
Lost Full
Rank 15
BotPatrol WeaponSticker MWII
Bot Patrol
Rank 35
Season3Competitor Warzone WeaponSticker MWII
Season 3 Competitor
Season Three - 25 Kills or Assists
WZSeason4Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
WZ Season 4 Competitor
Season Four - 25 Kills or Assists
WZSeason5Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
WZ Season 5 Competitor
Season Five - 25 Kills or Assists
WZSeason6Competitor WeaponSticker MWII
WZ Season 6 Competitor
Season Six - 25 Kills or Assists



Warzone Stickers
Radioactive WeaponSticker MWII
Champion's Quest - Al Mazrah
Neptunium WeaponSticker MWII
Champion's Quest - Vondel
LordMane WeaponSticker MWII
Lord Mane
Vondel - 1 Win
MadeItOutAlive WeaponSticker MWII
Made It Out Alive
Zombie Royale - 1 Win

Battle Royale[]


Wins Stickers
FirstBRExtraction WeaponSticker MWII
First BR Extraction
Win a match 1 time
2BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
2 BR Extractions
Win a match 2 times
3BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
3 BR Extractions
Win a match 3 times
4BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
4 BR Extractions
Win a match 4 times
5BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
5 BR Extractions
Win a match 5 times
6BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
6 BR Extractions
Win a match 6 times
7BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
7 BR Extractions
Win a match 7 times
8BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
8 BR Extractions
Win a match 8 times
9BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
9 BR Extractions
Win a match 9 times
10BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
10 BR Extractions
Win a match 10 times
20BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
20 BR Extractions
Win a match 20 times
30BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
30 BR Extractions
Win a match 30 times
40BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
40 BR Extractions
Win a match 40 times
50BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
50 BR Extractions
Win a match 50 times
60BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
60 BR Extractions
Win a match 60 times
70BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
70 BR Extractions
Win a match 70 times
80BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
80 BR Extractions
Win a match 80 times
90BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
90 BR Extractions
Win a match 90 times
100BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
100 BR Extractions
Win a match 100 times
200BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
200 BR Extractions
Win a match 200 times
300BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
300 BR Extractions
Win a match 300 times
400BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
400 BR Extractions
Win a match 400 times
500BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
500 BR Extractions
Win a match 500 times
600BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
600 BR Extractions
Win a match 600 times
700BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
700 BR Extractions
Win a match 700 times
800BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
800 BR Extractions
Win a match 800 times
900BRExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
900 BR Extractions
Win a match 900 times
1000BRExtractionsPro WeaponSticker MWII
1000 BR Extractions Pro
Win a match 1000 times



DMZ Exfils Stickers
FirstDMZExtraction WeaponSticker MWII
First DMZ Extraction
Exfil 1 time
2DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
2 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 2 times
3DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
3 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 3 times
4DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
4 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 4 times
5DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
5 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 5 times
6DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
6 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 6 times
7DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
7 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 7 times
8DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
8 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 8 times
9DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
9 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 9 times
10DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
10 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 10 times
20DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
20 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 20 times
30DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
30 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 30 times
40DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
40 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 40 times
50DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
50 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 50 times
60DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
60 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 60 times
70DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
70 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 70 times
80DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
80 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 80 times
90DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
90 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 90 times
100DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
100 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 100 times
200DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
200 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 200 times
300DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
300 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 300 times
400DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
400 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 400 times
500DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
500 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 500 times
600DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
600 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 600 times
700DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
700 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 700 times
800DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
800 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 800 times
900DMZExtractions WeaponSticker MWII
900 DMZ Extractions
Exfil 900 times
1000DMZExtractionPro WeaponSticker MWII
1000 DMZ Extraction Pro
Exfil 1000 times

Faction Missions[]

Faction Missions Stickers
HappyChap WeaponSticker MWII
Happy Chap
"Intel Exchange"
Crown - Tier 2 mission
Season Two
Crowned WeaponSticker MWII
"No Traipsing to Trapper"
Crown - Tier 3 mission
Season Two
InTheShadows WeaponSticker MWII
In The Shadows
"One Shot, One Kill"
REDACTED - Tier 3 mission
Season Three
CrownSigil WeaponSticker MWII
Crown Sigil
"Bottom Of The Barrel"
Crown - Tier 3 mission
Season Four to Season Six

Weapon Case[]

Weapon Case Stickers
BearWithMe WeaponSticker MWII
Bear With Me
Ashika Island - 4 Exfils
Biohazard Sticker MWII
Al Mazrah - 2 Exfils
Roar WeaponSticker MWII
Building 21 - 3 Exfils