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Storm the Walls is the last level in the American campaign in Call of Duty: World at War (Nintendo DS).
- Rook (playable)
- Cpt. Reese
- Pvt. Jackson (K.I.A.)
- Pvt. Munsey (K.I.A.)
- Pvt. Colliatie (K.I.A.)
- Pvt. Wang
Shuri Castle stands before the American attack force. Their goal is within reach, and the enemy has nowhere to go. It will be a fierce battle and will surely help determine the outcome of the war. The attack force is on their own due to the pair of Anti-Air guns positioned on the castle grounds. The American forces must disable the air defenses and then subdue the rest of the compound. After the player destroys the AA guns, the team heads up to the central part of the castle, defeating the last of the enemy soldiers and planting the US flag on top, completing the level as well as the US campaign.