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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode

The Bastard Swords are a set of four melee based wonder weapons featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies in the map Citadelle des Morts. They are a set of four swords belonging to the bastard sons and enforcers of Guy de Saint-Michel.


How to obtain[]

To obtain any of the Bastard Swords, a Stamp first must be collected. After the Pack-a-Punch Machine has been activated and Round 10 has been hit, standard zombies with Great helms will start to spawn, with them becoming more common as the rounds increase. These Great helm zombies have a near immunity to headshots, with only Insta-Kill alongside high penetration weaponry able to critically damage them.

A single of these stamps can be carried per person and can be used on the statues of the knights within the Dining Hall location. Each statue bears some form of the animal on them to signify which sword it carries.

  • The front left statue is the statue of the Stag Bastard, and holds the Stag Bastard Sword.
  • The front right statue is the statue of the Dragon Bastard, and holds the Dragon Bastard Sword.
  • The back left statue is the statue of the Raven Bastard, and hold the Raven Bastard Sword.
  • The back right statue is the statue of the Lion Bastard, and holds the Lion Bastard Sword.

After interacting with it, the statue will present the sword and it can be picked up. If the sword itself is removed by means of swapping Melee weapons, after a short time, it will return to its respective statue. It also can be returned to its respective statue by interacting with it in either its standard, non-elementally upgraded form or its elementally imbued form.


  • Dragon/Caliburn
  • Stag/Durendal
  • Raven/Balmung
  • Lion/Solais


The Dragon Bastard Sword is a Melee Weapon that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies in the map Citadelle des Morts. It is the weapon used by the bastard son and enforcer of Guy de Saint-Michel, known as The Dragon.

Much like the other Bastard Swords, the Dragon Bastard Sword is obtained at Common rarity and lacks the ability to be upgraded at the Armory nor can be given Ammo Mods. This is countered in that the Bastard Swords have much higher base damage, starting at 1,500 damage without the aid of Melee Macchiato. In addition, all Bastard Swords are able to be automatically swung as long as the fire button is held.

They have access to a parry, which affects a near 180° cone in front of the player. During this, strikes done by zombies will have their damage negated and the zombie will recoil away and be temporarily stunned. Higher tiered zombies such as the Doppelghast and Amalgam, however do not get stunned by the parry but still have their attacks negated, including that of the Amalgam's grab attack. Projectile attacks done by Parasites and Vermin are also parryable and will reflect the to the attacker and damages them instead if it hits. Much like the primary melee attack, the parry function also can be automatically triggered as long as the relevant button is held.



"Go scorched-earth on your enemies with the purifying flame of the Dragon's blazing blade."
— In-game description

The Dragon Bastard Sword can be upgraded into Caliburn, gaining fire elemental damage and increased melee damage. It also is raised to Wonder Weapon tier of rarity. The Caliburn was left for The Dragon by Guy de Saint-Michel with a trial left for The Dragon to undertake. Krafft speculates that this is the closest that Guy ever came to showing any of his sons warmth.

After being upgraded, it gains an increased damage and an innate fire damage with Napalm Burst affects as long as it is charged. It also retains the ability to parry, however it also gains a charged attack. This charged attack fires a trio of fireballs. After these have been thrown, the Caliburn temporarily loses the innate fire damage and Napalm Burst affects until it becomes recharged again, which it gains from killing zombies.

It can be returned to its respective statue if not needed or if it is left on the ground for too long, it will return there automatically.


The Dragon Bastard Sword can be upgraded into Caliburn by interacting with the Dragon head statue in the Entrance Hall, at the top of the staircase. Which will insert the sword into a slot in the front of it. Doing so will light three dragon themed braziers around the map.

  • On the Village Ramparts.
  • In the Nature Path, next to the portcullis to the Town Square.
  • In the Town Square, near to the Rampage Inducer.

Interacting with these will engulf the player with dragon fire, dealing 15 damage upon every damage tick. During this section, purple-eye zombies will spawn and the player will be locked to fists only. However, fists will do Insta-Kill damage on standard zombies alone and upon killing an enemy, will regenerate their full health, regardless of the type of zombie killed. Infinite Tactical Sprint is also enabled while engulfed. The dragon fire can be dispersed by changing weapons to remove the effects but will cancel out that section of the trial. Taking this fire back to the dragon statue with Caliburn and interacting with it will cause the statue to breathe fire on Caliburn alongside restoring the health of the player. This needs to be repeated with all three braziers.

When all three of the braziers are completed, the statue will start to breath more fire than usual and Caliburn will be created and be obtainable.



The Stag Bastard Sword is a Melee Weapon that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies in the map Citadelle des Morts. It is the weapon used by the bastard son and enforcer of Guy de Saint-Michel, known as The Stag.

Much like the other Bastard Swords, the Dragon Bastard Sword is obtained at Common rarity and lacks the ability to be upgraded at the Armory nor can be given Ammo Mods. This is countered in that the Bastard Swords have much higher base damage, starting at 1,500 damage without the aid of Melee Macchiato. In addition, all Bastard Swords are able to be automatically swung as long as the fire button is held.

They have access to a parry, which affects a near 180° cone in front of the player. During this, strikes done by zombies will have their damage negated and the zombie will recoil away and be temporarily stunned. Higher tiered zombies such as the Doppelghast and Amalgam, however do not get stunned by the parry but still have their attacks negated, including that of the Amalgam's grab attack. Projectile attacks done by Parasites and Vermin are also parryable and will reflect the to the attacker and damages them instead if it hits. Much like the primary melee attack, the parry function also can be automatically triggered as long as the relevant button is held.



"Lightning strikes a lot more than twice with the Stag's electrifying instrument of vengeful voltage."
— In-game description

The Stag Bastard Sword can be upgraded into Durendal, gaining electrical elemental damage and increased melee damage. It also is raised to Wonder Weapon tier of rarity. It was left for The Stag by Guy de Saint-Michel, but was never claimed by him as The Stag never amounted to Guy de Saint-Michel's high expectations of him.

After being upgraded, it gains an increased damage and an innate electric damage with Dead Wire affects as long as it is charged. It also retains the ability to parry, however it also gains a charged attack. However, it now gains a new effect of being able to discharge a powerful beam of electricity from the tip of the sword, dealing rapid and high levels of electric damage. Upon use of this however, it loses its innate electrical damage and Dead Wire affects until it has regained the ability to use this charged attack, which it can regain from killing zombies.

It can be returned to its respective statue if not needed or if it is left on the ground for too long, it will return there automatically.


To infuse the Stag Bastard Sword with lightning, a total of three lightning rods will need to be obtained. These lightning rods can be found at:

  • One can be found next to the Deadshot Daiquiri machine in the Nature Path.
  • One is found by electrically charging a fuse box with a direct electrical attack with a Dead Wire Ammo Mod or by throwing a Shock Charge onto the front panel, the fuse box is close to the Speed Cola machine and the door that houses the Solais.
  • An Armored Zombie will spawn in in the Dungeon with a lightning rod stuck in its chest. Killing it will free the lightning rod.

These can placed in a metallic vase in a Hillside Ramparts. Upon doing so, a localized electrical storm will start on the Hillside Ramparts and the occasional purple-eyed zombie will start to spawn. During this, lightning will start to strike the area and will strike the Stag Bastard Sword. Striking the vase while it is electrically charge will transfer the charge to it but keeping the charge for too long will cause lightning to strike the player wielding the infused sword and deal damage, alongside causing the blade to lose the charge. The vase needs to be charged with three strikes before the Bastard Sword can be inserted into it. Doing so will quell the storm and infuse the blade with electricity and upgrade it into Durendal, which then it can be obtained for use.



The Raven Bastard Sword is a Melee Weapon that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies in the map Citadelle des Morts. It is the weapon used by the bastard son and enforcer of Guy de Saint-Michel, known as The Raven.

Much like the other Bastard Swords, the Dragon Bastard Sword is obtained at Common rarity and lacks the ability to be upgraded at the Armory nor can be given Ammo Mods. This is countered in that the Bastard Swords have much higher base damage, starting at 1,500 damage without the aid of Melee Macchiato. In addition, all Bastard Swords are able to be automatically swung as long as the fire button is held.

They have access to a parry, which affects a near 180° cone in front of the player. During this, strikes done by zombies will have their damage negated and the zombie will recoil away and be temporarily stunned. Higher tiered zombies such as the Doppelghast and Amalgam, however do not get stunned by the parry but still have their attacks negated, including that of the Amalgam's grab attack. Projectile attacks done by Parasites and Vermin are also parryable and will reflect the to the attacker and damages them instead if it hits. Much like the primary melee attack, the parry function also can be automatically triggered as long as the relevant button is held.



"Own the night and consign evildoers to eternal darkness with the Raven's shadowy sword."
— In-game description

The Raven Bastard Sword can be upgraded into Balmung, gaining shadow elemental damage and increased melee damage. It also is raised to Wonder Weapon tier of rarity. Balmung was left for The Raven under orders from Guy de Saint-Michel, however The Raven never claimed it from its resting place in the darkness.

After being upgraded, it gains an increased damage and an innate shadow damage with Shadow Rift effects as long as it is charged. It also retains the ability to parry, however it also gains a charged attack. This charge attacks tears a hole in reality and causes a massive explosive force, before the hole forcibly collapses and destroys itself. After the use of this power, it temporarily loses the shadow damage and Shadow Rift until it is recharged. It regains charge by killing zombies.

It can be returned to its respective statue if not needed or if it is left on the ground for too long, it will return there automatically.


Within the Alchemy Lab, one of five different antiquities can spawn within the Lab, these being.

  • A two-headed raven skull.
  • A fossilized fish.
  • A fossilized scorpion.
  • The jaw of a lion.
  • The horn of a ram.

This alongside the Raven Bastard Sword needs to be taken to the device within the Tavern Cellar. Interacting with it will place the antiquity into the center of the device. With a second inserting the Bastard Sword and the third allowing control of the device. The outer circle of Alchemical symbols and inner circle of Zodiac symbols need to be aligned to match whatever the antiquity is in the device. With the correct set being at the arrow at the bottom of the device. Failing a combination simply resets the circles and allows interaction right away.

Two headed raven skull
Fish fossil
Scorpion fossil
Lion jaw
Ram horn

With the correct combination, a portal will open up and the machine will start to produce balls of dark energy. These balls explode on contact with a player, if shot and after enough time has passed, dealing high damage. The player needs to kite three of the balls into the portal, which when in range, the balls will fall into. When three balls have been taken into the portal, the portal will move further into the Tavern and the process needs to be repeated again. This needs to be done a total of three times. If the player wanders out of the Tavern far enough, the Raven Bastard Sword will eject itself from the wall and the entire process will need to be restarted from the beginning.

Upon finishing the three portals, the portal orb itself will return to the device and pool underneath it. Interacting with the machine will cause the Raven Bastard Sword to eject and the portal itself will grab it, swallowing it and then producing Balmung. Which then can be obtained for use.



The Lion Bastard Sword is a Melee Weapon that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies in the map Citadelle des Morts. It is the weapon used by the bastard son and enforcer of Guy de Saint-Michel, known as The Lion.

Much like the other Bastard Swords, the Dragon Bastard Sword is obtained at Common rarity and lacks the ability to be upgraded at the Armory nor can be given Ammo Mods. This is countered in that the Bastard Swords have much higher base damage, starting at 1,500 damage without the aid of Melee Macchiato. In addition, all Bastard Swords are able to be automatically swung as long as the fire button is held.

They have access to a parry, which affects a near 180° cone in front of the player. During this, strikes done by zombies will have their damage negated and the zombie will recoil away and be temporarily stunned. Higher tiered zombies such as the Doppelghast and Amalgam, however do not get stunned by the parry but still have their attacks negated, including that of the Amalgam's grab attack. Projectile attacks done by Parasites and Vermin are also parryable and will reflect the to the attacker and damages them instead if it hits. Much like the primary melee attack, the parry function also can be automatically triggered as long as the relevant button is held.



"If sunlight is the best disinfectant, then cleanse unholy filth with the Lion's luminous longsword."
— In-game description

The Lion Bastard Sword can be upgraded into the Solais, gaining increased damage. It also is raised to Wonder Weapon tier of rarity. Left for The Lion as a gift from Guy de Saint-Michel, however the test was never completed and it was never claimed. Gabriel Krafft can mention that Guy tested his sons all the wrong ways upon picking up the Solais.

After being upgraded, it gains an increased damage and innate light damage alongside Light Mend effects as long as it is charged, also having the ability to briefly stun Doppelghasts and Amalgams with its regular attack. It also retains the ability to parry, alongside gaining the ability to a special charged attack. This special attack cloaks the user in an aura that harms enemies that come in contact and functions similar to that of the Lacerating Whirlwind ability of the Chakrams of Vengeance. Upon using the charged attack, the weapon temporarily loses the innate light damage until it regains its charge. Which it gains from killing zombies.

It can be returned to its respective statue if not needed or if it is left on the ground for too long, it will return there automatically.


Upon grabbing the Lion Bastard Sword, four Parasites will spawn cloaked in a glowing aura. Killing one with the melee strike of the Bastard Sword will temporarily infuse the blade with the same aura. Within the Village Ascent, between where the Mystery Box spawn is and the Speed Cola Machine is, there is a door with a door knocker with a design of a lion. Striking the door with the infused blade will cause one of four alchemical symbols to light up on the door. Upon the fourth one being lit, the door can be interacted with and will take the player into the Sanctuary. If the Parasites are killed and the door hasn't been charged or an insufficient amount has been done, an additional four Parasites will spawn in the next round regardless of the round type, however only the required amount of Parasites with the aura will spawn with it.

A singular pedestal sits at the end of the room and upon interacting with it, the Lion Bastard Sword will be inserted into it and a 1:00 timer will begin and four symbols of alchemical importance will float out of the pedestal. The order of which they need to be shot in is shown on the pedestal itself and is done from top to bottom. If the incorrect symbol is shot, the symbols will reset themselves before the needing to reset from the first one, with the time remaining. However, if the timer runs out, the player is ejected from the Sanctuary along with the Lion Bastard Sword and simply needs to interact with the door to attempt it once more. The symbols need to be shot in order of:


Upon completion of shooting the symbols, a small nuke effect will clear the zombies in the room and the Lion Bastard Sword will upgrade into the Solais. Picking it up will also eject players out of the Sanctuary upon doing so.




  • If an Insta-Kill is active, zombies that were killed by either sword will remain intact instead of getting dismembered.
  • Each of the elemental variants of the swords were crafted by Guy de Saint-Michel himself, as gifts for his sons. However, each of them were placed at the end of the respective trials and were in turn, never claimed by any of his sons.