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The subject of this article appeared in Call of Duty 2: Big Red One.


The Desert Fox

Near Kasserine, North Africa

February 19th, 1943

0910 Hours

Private Roger and Private Denley are riding in a jeep while Sgt. Hawkins drives. The jeep passes by a column of American troops.

Denley: It looks like we're moving the whole division up. What's goin' on, Sarge?

Hawkins: The 26th got their asses handed to them by Rommel and his damned Afrika Korps.

Denley: And we're coming to get it back, right, Sarge?

Hawkins: Something like that, Vic. (to a lone soldier on the road) Get off the damn road! (to Denley) As I was saying, Rommel's Panzers rolled over the 26th and took the pass. For some reason, they pulled out afterwards. Regiment's sending us up to take it back, this time for keeps. 

Denley: Panzers? Our Stuarts don't stand a chance! We got anything bigger?

Hawkins: Not much. We managed to scrape up a couple of halftracks with the 75's, like back in Oran.

Denley: Jesus, Sarge. That ain't makin' me feel any better.

Hawkins: Well, Vic, we gotta do something. And fast. (to Roger) When we stop, grab some mines from the back. We'll leave a little surprise for Rommel.

Roger, Vic, and Hawkins drive to the rolling hills where the rest of their men are setting up their defenses. A Panzer tank appears over the crest of a hill.

Hawkins: Dammit! We're too late! Hang on! If those tanks get through, we're screwed!

Hawkins drives the jeep away from the Panzers under heavy fire from the tanks.

Denley: Sarge, they're right on top of us!

Hawkins stops the jeep by a 75 mm halftrack that has been emplaced. 

Hawkins(to Roger) Man that gun now! No tanks get through! Understand?

Roger mounts the halftrack and fires on the tanks, destroying them one by one.

Hawkins: Keep firing! There's another! Take 'em out! More Panzers!

Denley: Give it to 'em!

Roger destroys the last of the Panzer tanks, forcing the Germans to retreat.

Denley: We got 'em on the run!

A Tiger tank arrives and destroys the gun that Roger was on, forcing him off the hakftrack.

Denley: Tiger! What the hell are we gonna do now?

Hawkins: Find a foxhole! We gotte hole 'em off till our tankers get here!

Roger jumps into a foxhole and aids in the defense of the area against the Germans.

Hawkins: They're flanking on the left! Get on that fifty! Now!

Roger jumps out of the foxhole and runs over to the right flank foxhole to man the machine gun. He continues firing on the assaulting Germans.

Denley: Where the hell's our armor?

Hawkins: They better get here soon or we're through! Just keep firing! Don't let up!

Eventually, the Stuart tanks arrive and open fire on the German Tiger and its infantry support.

Hawkins: Here come the Stuarts!

Denley: 'Bout time!

The Tiger is destroyed and the 1st Infantry troops eliminate the remaining German soldiers.

Denley: Whoowee. That was about as close as it gets.

Hawkins: You're telling me, Vic. Good work out there. Let's find what's going on.

Roger, Denley, and Hawkins meet up with a Stuart tank and converse with its commander.

Tank Commander: There's a minefield around the bend that's keeping us from advancing.

Hawkins: Why don't you send the engineers in to clear it out?

Tank Commander: That's where you guys come in. Area's too hot for them without an escort. Sgt. Hassler and his boys are waiting by a footpath to the minefield. Place is lousy with Germans, Sergeant.

Hawkins: We're getting used to that, Mac.

Tank Commander: Appreciate the help.

Hawkins(to the squad) Okay, you heard him. I want you guys to escort those engineers. Just provide support. Don't do anything stupid, I need you alive.

Roger and his team run off to join the engineers and pass by some soldiers who are in their foxholes.

Denley: You gonna stand there all day? Let's go!

The team meets up with the engineers, who are led by Sgt. Hassler.

Sgt. Hassler: You guys from Fox? Glad you could make it...let's get this done.

Roger and his squad lead the engineers to another area where they encounter Germans. Eventually, they run into a German machine gun nest.

Engineer: Kraut machine gun!

Roger and his team eliminate the machine gunner and more Germans with it. They reach a ledge overlooking an area where they see German tanks opening fire on American forces, guarded by the nearby minefield. They also find a nearby cache of German Panzerschrecks.

Sgt. Hassler: Well, we can't do anything with that armor down there.

Denley: Those Kraut bazookas sure tore up our Stuarts. I wonder how well they work against their own tanks.

Roger picks up a Panzerschreck and uses it to destroy the German tanks. A German armored car, an Sd.Kfz. 222, shows up and opens fire on the Americans with its heavy autocannon.

Denley: We gotta take out that Kraut armored car!

Roger uses the Panzerchreck to destroy the armored car. The Americans proceed with their mission.

Sgt. Hassler: You guys sure mean business. Let's go. The minefield's just down there, in the pass.

The Americans reach the minefield where they witness a Jeep driving until a sniper shot kills the driver and causes the Jeep to crash. A lone American soldier is thrown out of the Jeep and scrambles to cover quickly. He peaks over the rock and narrowly misses being shot.

Soldier: Sniper! Get down behind these rocks! I think I know where he is. Stay put.

The soldier fires a shot and stands up after a quick moment.

Soldier: I think I got him--

The soldier is shot dead on the spot.

Sgt. Hassler: We have to do something about that sniper. (to Roger) Grab that Springfield. You're a better shot with that than I am.

Roger grabs the Springfield sniper rifle and uses it to locate and kill three German snipers

Denley: Nice shot! Well? Get to it, would ya? We ain't got all day.

Sgt. Hassler: There's a fifty on that jeep. Give us some suppressing fire and buy us some time.

Denley: Let's hope that .50 still has something in it.

Roger mounts the Jeep and mans the machine gun while the engineers work on disarming the minefield. Eventually, German soldiers appear and open fire on the engineers. Roger and his team hold off the attackers until the Stuart tanks arrive and assist the soldiers.

Denley: There's our armor!

The American soldiers eliminate the remaining German attackers. Hawkins and the rest of the squad arrive in a Jeep.

Hawkins: I knew I could count on you two.

Denley: I had it covered.

Hawkins: The Germans have captured our artillery positions on the other side of the pass. We have to recapture them before our tanks can move through.

A German tank that was previously destroyed explodes.

Hawkins: Forward scouts have discovered an abandoned village in the hills above the pass. The route through it should take you directly to our captured artillery. Kelly! Go with 'em.

Roger and the squad move on to the abandoned village. They encounter more German soldiers and kill them. Eventually, they come to a large closed gate.

Denley: O'Bryant, you still got any satchel charges with you?

O'Bryant: Hell yeah, Vic. I got enough Comp B to blow us a hole all the way to China.

Kelly: Just clear the way, thank you.

O'Bryant plants the explosives on the gate and clears out before the doors blow open.

Denley: Damn it, O'Bryant. Thanks for the heads up before you detonated.

The American soldiers charge through the gate and into the village where they encounter the German defenders. After clearing out the village of all Germans, the team moves on to another area where they see the Germans commandeering their artillery guns on the Stuart tanks.

Kelly: There they are. They're using our own guns against us!

The Americans clear out the guns and kill any Germans they see. As they move through their objective, a US bomber plane is shot out of the sky by anti-aircraft fire and spirals down towards them.

Soldier: Lookout! He's coming right for us!

The bomber plane crashes near their position. The team continues on with their objective until they eliminate the last of the German soldiers. Roger plants some explosives on the nearby German Sd.Kfz. 222 AA vehicle and watches it explode. The team views an entire German force being routed by American aircraft as they strafe the German armor and infantry with rocket barrages.

Kelly: Here they come! We did it!

Denley: Yeeehaaaaw!!

Hawkins shows up in a Jeep and meets with his squad.

Hawkins: Good to see you guys in one piece. That was some real nice soldiering there.

Kelly: Thanks, Sarge.

Hawkins: Looks like you boys got the Desert Fox retreating with his tail between his legs. Time to head back to camp and get a hot meal.

End of level.
