Call of Duty Wiki
Call of Duty Wiki

An oblivious gamer is someone who refuses to realize modern games will always be leaps ahead of games from the late 90's/early 2000's, even in modern times. Here are some examples:

"Jet Force Gemini had such a better story than Mass Effect or Uncharted. It's clearly better."

-oblivious gamer.

"Keep your Battlefield, Skyrim, and CoD. I'll have Superman 64!!!!!1!11!!!"

-oblivious gamer.

"Super Mario 64 and Galaga were truly great for their time."

-Human with more than 7 brain cells.

please, if you see one of these...things, beat them it within an inch of their life with your choice of a N64, Dreamcast, PS1, or even a Gamecube. (Controllers count.)

brought to you by your friendly bro.
