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The subject of this article appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 The subject of this article appeared in Zombies mode The subject of this article appears in Blackout

"Full-auto assault rifle. Superior mobility with a high rate of fire."
— In-game description

The VAPR-XKG is an assault rifle featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4. It was developed in the United States by the fictional manufacturer LVWS Phantom. It also has an MKII variant along with a Mastercraft variant.


The VAPR-XKG is a stealth-focused assault rifle with fast handling and an increased rate of fire, at the cost of a lower overall damage output. Attachments such as the Suppressor and Bayonet allow for a powerful flanking playstyle when compared to other weapon's in the assault rifle category.


The VAPR-XKG appears in the Zombies maps Voyage of Despair, IX, Blood of the Dead, Classified, Dead of the Night, Ancient Evil, Alpha Omega and Tag der Toten where it's available as a weapon to buy from the wall or the Mystery Box for 950 points.

When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch Machine, it becomes the Creepng Haze with the magazine size increased to 50 rounds and its ammo reserve increased to 400.


  • Voyage of Despair - In the room connecting the Forecastle and the Mail Rooms, as well as on the starboard side of the Sun Deck.
  • IX - In the entrance room of the Odin Tower, to the left of the stairs leading up to the Odin Altar Room.
  • Blood of the Dead - In the Transverse Tunnel near the fast travel to the Cafeteria, as well as in the Sally Port to the left of the locked door.
  • Classified - In the Server Room, on the side of a server directly in front of the room's entrance.
  • Dead of the Night - In the Gardens, at the T-shaped intersection to the right of the Maddox RFB.
  • Ancient Evil - In the River of Sorrows, around the corner on the right, immediately after climbing the stairs from Cliff Ruins.
  • Alpha Omega - In the Diner, next to the booths adjacent to the stairs leading to Green House Backyard.
  • Tag der Toten - Lighthouse Level 4, to the left of the door leading outside.


The VAPR-XKG has a great variety of attachments, focused on improving handling and damage. The VAPR also has the Bayonet, an Operator Mod which allows for a powerful flanking playstyle when combined with the Suppressor.

Name Icon Description
Reflex Black Ops 4 Reflex Attachment Icon Precision red dot sight with 1.35x magnification.
Recon Black Ops 4 Recon Attachment Icon Magnification Optic. Press X while aiming down sights to switch between 2.0x and 4.0x zoom levels.
ELO Black Ops 4 ELO Attachment Icon Clear open sights with a lens projected dot.
NVIR Black Ops 4 Thermal Attachment Icon Identify enemies by detecting their increased heat signatures against the environment.
Supressor Black Ops 4 Suppressor Attachment Icon Reduced muzzle flash and no mini-map signature while firing.
Long Barrel Black Ops 4 Long Barrel Attachment Icon Increased damage falloff ranges.
Stock Black Ops 4 Stock Attachment Icon Improved movement speed while aiming.
Fast Mags Black Ops 4 Fast Mags Attachment Icon Reload faster.
Rapid Fire Black Ops 4 Rapid Fire Attachment Icon Increased rate of fire.
High Caliber Black Ops 4 High Caliber Attachment Icon Increased damage to headshots.
Stock II Black Ops 4 Stock Attachment Icon Maximized movement speed while aiming. Maintain aim when jumping, landing, and moving while prone.
Bayonet Black Ops 4 Bayonet Attachment Icon A lethal melee attack with a short lunge range.


Name Image Rarity How to Obtain
VAPR-XKG MKII VAPR-XKG MK II reserves icon BO4 Ultra Reserve Cases or 50 Reserve Cases for Weapon Bribe
Vampire Hunter VAPR-XKG Vampire Hunter item preview BO4 Ultra Vampire Hunter Bundle



  • The VAPR-XKG was originally going to have a integrated suppressor.
  • In pre and post release versions of the game, picking up the VAPR-XKG from the floor would reveal it's name to be the "Vapr-XKG". However, this was changed to "VAPR-XKG" in all capitals in a post-launch update.