"Former Nigerian Army. Witnessed atrocities committed by Al Qatala. Defected after accusing the government of keeping funds meant to fight Al Qatala. Formed the Jackals to defend Africa, funded by black market oil. Classified as terrorists."
Viktor Metiko was born on June 20th, 1984, in Nigeria. He served in the Nigerian Army for 12 years between the 1st Division, 3rd Armoured Division and the 7th Infantry Division. During his service, he achieved the rank of Captain.[1]
On April 2nd, 2016, Metiko resigned in protest after having filed 3 formal complaints against the government alleging misappropriation of foreign aid intended for the fight against Al-Qatala in West Africa.[1]
Metiko left with his brother, Abraham, and founded the Jackals, a PMC backed by the Allegiance, is primarily financed by black market petroleum and illegal arms sales. Metiko became known as "Commander Zane". Zane began recruiting and training troops from across Africa "in defense of our countries, our families, and our way of life". He was the sole recruiter of the operator Grinch. Zane also entered a tenuous partnership with Azur El-Sarraf, an Egyptian arm dealer.[1]
On June 12th, 2018, Coalition launched Operation Iron Canopy with the intent to capture Zane. Lieutenant Jacob Thorne was believed to have encountered Zane during the operation but reported negative contact.[1]
In March 2020, Al-Qatala's new leader Khaled Al-Asad launched a full-scale assault against Verdansk in Kastovia. Operators from Coalition and Allegiance were deployed to Verdansk to stop Al-Qatala as part of the Armistice initiative.
Zane is unlocked when the Player has completed all given Co-Op Operations in Verdansk
Zane's Polarized skin is based off The Butcher's outfit.
Even if Zane and Azur aren't in good terms, they still have voice lines and dialogues when working as a team in Special Ops and Warzone.
During Modern Warfare's multiplayer beta premiere, Infinity Ward's Community Manager Ashton Williams mentioned that Zane in his default skin is wearing a tactical poncho and not a cape, which some assumed he was wearing.