- 关于2020年发布的游戏,请见使命召唤:战争地带。
- 关于手游版,请见使命召唤:战争地带手游。
《使命召唤:战争地带2.0》(Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0),后简称为《使命召唤:战争地带》,是一款由Infinity Ward和Raven Software开发的免费使命召唤游戏作品。《战争地带2.0》内置于《使命召唤:现代战争II 2022》和《使命召唤:现代战争III 2023》之中,包含四个主要模式,分别为生存游戏、重生、勇往直钱,还有以撤离玩法为主的无人区。
《使命召唤:战争地带2.0》最初于2022年9月15日的Call of Duty NEXT发布会上公布,并在同年11月16日正式发布,发布后的5天内有超过2500万玩家下载游玩。[1]
几乎所有出现在《使命召唤:现代战争II 2022》和《使命召唤:现代战争III 2023》多人游戏中的武器皆可使用。
《使命召唤:现代战争III 2023》第一赛季发布后,《战争地带2.0》的武器分为了多个稀有度,类似于前作《战争地带》。玩家可通过搜索战利品、完成合约等方式来获取不同稀有度的武器。
- 自定义武器(初始武器和/或通过作战包获得)
- 普通(0/1配件)
- 精制(2配件)
- 稀有(3配件)
- 史诗(4配件)
- 传奇(5配件)
- 保密涂抹(8配件/无法从战利品箱中获得)
- 悬赏(Bounty)合同要求玩家队伍限时击杀一名指定的敌对玩家,该玩家会在战术地图上被一个圆圈符号标记出大概的位置。当一名玩家被标记为赏金目标时,他和他的队友会收到提示,在游戏界面中可以看到一个计量表,用于提示猎杀者与目标队友的大致距离。
- 最高通缉(Most Wanted)合同会将接受合约的玩家位置标记给所有敌人,在时限内将标记的玩家击杀可获得物资奖励,如果时限过后该玩家存活,则该玩家队伍得到物资奖励,同时重新部署队伍中被歼灭的队友,自动救起队伍中被击倒的成员。
- 上传情报(Upload Intel)合同要求玩家队伍拾取一份情报并将其送至地图中指定的档案终端进行上传。
- Safecracker合同会在玩家附近标记3个保险箱,要求玩家队伍限时炸开这些保险箱。
- 打扫战场(Scavenger)合同会在玩家附近先后刷新3个补给箱,在前一个补给箱被搜索后才会刷新下一个补给箱,玩家队伍需要限时搜索这些补给箱。
- 搜索与夺取(Search & Seizure)合同要求玩家队伍夺回被当地佣兵把守的一辆被盗载具,并将其转移至安全地点撤出。仅在海狮岛中出现。
- Signal Intelligence合同要求队伍限时内破解3个标记的合约手机。
- 头号目标合同将当前对局中击杀最多的玩家标记在战术地方图,如果队伍限时击杀该玩家则可获得尖端无人机。
- 间谍无人机(Spy Drone)合同会在地图中刷新一片无人机群,玩家队伍需要限时内击毁这些无人机。
- 主页面:补给站
- 作战包主武器:$3000
- 特长包:$3000
- 防弹插板:$500
- 防毒面具:$2000
- 防弹插板箱:$2000
- 弹药箱:$2000
- 无人侦察机:$6000
- 迫击炮打击:$4000
- 精确空袭:$6000
- 作战包空投指示器:$7500(单人),$10000(双人),$12500(三人),$15000(四人)
- 电子干扰机:$3000
- 集束地雷:$4000
- 增援信号弹:$5000
- 单兵重新部署无人机:$2000
- 自救包:$4000
- 耐用型防毒面具:$3500
- 主页面:古拉格 (战争地带)
- 越狱事件让古拉格中所有玩家重新部署到地图中,其他玩家在越狱发生前1分钟会收到越狱
- 减价热卖事件降低补给站购买物品的价格,持续一分钟,最高降低100%的价格。
- 重新补给事件会补满所有补给箱,使其可被重新搜索。
- 全地形车(1位司机,2位乘客)
- 货车(1位司机,1位车内乘客,货厢可站人)
- 掀背车(1位司机,3位乘客)
- 越野车(1位司机,3位乘客)
- 轻型战术车(1位司机,3-4位乘客)
- 多功能车(1位司机,3位乘客)
- 敞篷车(1位司机,3-4位乘客)
- 电动悍马(1位司机,3-4位乘客)
- 武装卡车(1位司机,3-4位乘客)
- 两栖战术车(1位司机,1位车内乘客,货厢可站人)
- 轻型直升机(1位飞行员,4位乘客)
- 重型直升机(1位飞行员,货厢可站人)
- 刚性充气艇(1位司机,1位车内乘客,货厢可站人)
- 装甲巡逻艇(1位司机,2位.50机枪手,船体可站人)
- 摩托艇 (1位司机,1位乘客)
《现代战争II 2022》第一赛季起与《战争地带2.0》共享统一的等级进度,玩家在55级满级后自动获得巅峰等级1,此后每升50级又会提高1级巅峰等级。新赛季开始时保留赛季等级和巅峰等级,并开放更高的5个巅峰等级供玩家升级。这套系统在《现代战争III 2023》发售后仍继续沿用。
《战争地带2.0》也和《现代战争II 2022》与《现代战争III 2023》共享商店及战斗通行证系统。
Template:CoDWZ Features
- 主页面:生存游戏
- “收集装备,消灭敌人。活到最后的一方获得胜利。”
- ——生存游戏描述
- “Recruit enemies and expand your squad. Loot and kill. Last Squad standing wins.”
- ——Unhinged描述
Introduced at launch, Unhinged is a limited-time variant of Battle Royale in which teams can request other players to join their squad. Once all players have accepted, a new HUD will be displayed showcasing their new allies and all players in the end can be declared winner if they are the last team standing. Up to 6 players can be part of a squad.
Third-Person Playlists[]
Introduced at launch, Third-Person Playlists allows to play the Battle Royale in the Third-Person perspective.
- 主页面:重生 (战争地带)
- “只要幸存就能让倒下的队友重生,还能通过获得分数加快重生速度。”
- ——重生描述
《使命召唤:现代战争II 2022》的第二赛季更新了重生模式,玩法与前作的重生模式类似,包含海狮岛和冯德尔两张地图。只要至少一个队友存活,玩家就可以在倒计时结束后复活,重新部署到战场上。第一个圈的复活倒计时为15秒,第二、三个圈则为39秒。每局游戏开始后的第9分15秒会停止复活,这之后玩家仅能通过队友买活或队友使用增援信号弹来重新部署。在玩家击杀一名敌人后,可以在小地图上短暂看到他的队友的位置。此外,每个玩家开局都自带自救包。
- 主页面:勇往直钱
- “Collect as much Cash as you can.”
- ——勇往直钱描述
Introduced with the Season Three of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Plunder takes place on Al Mazrah and works similarly to Plunder in Call of Duty: Warzone. In Plunder, squads race to collect two million in cash. Each match only lasts 30 minutes. Unlike Battle Royale, players have unlimited respawns and redeployments and can spawn with their own loadouts.
In order to accumulate the most amount of cash before time runs out, squads can open Supply Boxes, taking and completing Contracts or eliminating players who will drop a percentage of the cash they were holding before dying. Cash Drops containing $100,000 can also appear around the map. The squads with the most money are marked on the Tac Map of all players by a red bag icon and a red crown icon for the squad with the most cash.
Once a squad has reached $2,000,000, an overtime timer appears with a 4-minute countdown and all the cash collected afterward is automatically deposited. In addition, all the cash collected by every squad during the overtime is multiplied by 1.5x. The match ends after the standard 30 minutes or after the 4-minute timer.
- 主页面:排位赛
- “Battle it out in Competitive Trios as you earn SR by getting Kills and Assists and outplaying other Squads.”
- ——排位赛描述
Introduced with the Season Three Reloaded of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, Ranked Play is a competitive mode with various rules and restrictions where players compete in "Seasons" to move up in Ranks and Divisions. Players can earn various rewards as they rise in a rank or complete season-exclusive challenges.
- 主页面:无人区
DMZ is a new extraction-type mode where operators can freely roam Al Mazrah, Ashika Island, Building 21, and Vondel, while fending off other operators and agents. There are multiple points of interest and activities that can be explored, as well as a diverse selection of Contracts like in Battle Royale.
There is no set main objective, but in order to complete certain Faction Missions and extract weapons and cash players must make their way to an exfil point on the map, where they can signal an exfil helicopter to leave the match. Keys can also be found and used to unlock certain spaces on the map, often holding valuable loot.
Before entering a match, players can select weapons from their Insured Slot(s) and Contraband Stash, keys from their Key Stash, and Field Upgrades and Grenades for free. Losing an insured weapon will put the slot on cooldown, this cooldown can be reduced by extracting Cash. Better equipment such as bigger backpacks and plate carriers can be rarely found on the map or bought from Buy Stations. Vehicles can also be found around the map and used.
Warzone Bootcamp is a Quad only training mode, designed for players to get a grasp at the Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 controls and mechanics. Taking place on Urzikstan, players have limited level and challenge progression, alongside that, the removal of advanced contracts and all public events. There's a total of 44 players, 24 of which are bots.
Template:Warzone 2.0 Gametypes
- 主页面:马兹拉
The first map released for Warzone 2.0 is Al Mazrah set in the United Republic of Adal. The map supports up to 152 players depending on the modes and playlists.
During Season Two, a crashed Shadow Company plane could be found in the Sattiq Cave Complex and guarded by Shadow Company soldiers.
With the release of Season Three Reloaded, a sandstorm was covering the northern portion of the map, especially within Al Mazrah City reducing the visibility of the Operators. Additionally, the Shadow Company soldiers were removed from the Sattiq Cave Complex while Las Almas Cartel soldiers were added to the Hafid Port.
With the release of Season Four, the sandstorm was covering the northern portion of the map was removed, leaving a significant part of Al Mazrah City covered with sand.
With Season Five, the Las Almas Cartel soldiers were removed from Al Mazrah. Eight missile launchers were also added in the point of interests around the Zaya Observatory. Following the Shadow Siege event, the Zaya Observatory could be destroy during a match after capturing five missile launchers, opening up a bunker and tunnels underneath. Following the Season Five Reloaded update, the Zaya Observatory was permanently destroyed with the tunnels and bunker available throughout a match.
Al Mazrah was removed from Battle Royale playlists with the release of Season One for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III.
- 主页面:海狮岛
The second map for Warzone 2.0 is Ashika Island designed for the Resurgence mode and also available for DMZ. The map was released with the Season Two update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. The map supports up to 52 players depending on the modes and playlists.
During Season Three, a Cargo Ship and several Submarines appeared outside Port Ashika.
- 主页面:冯德尔
The third map for Warzone 2.0 is Vondel designed for the Battle Royale, Resurgence mode and also available for DMZ. The map was released with the Season Four update for Modern Warfare II. The map supports up to 72 players depending on the modes and playlists.
- 主页面:乌兹克斯坦 (地图)
The fourth map for Warzone 2.0 is Urzikstan set in the city of Zaravan in Urzikstan. The map was released with the Season One update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. The map supports up to 100 players depending on the modes and playlists.
- 主页面:财富要塞
The fifth map for Warzone 2.0 is Fortune's Keep designed for the Resurgence mode. The map was released with the Season Two update for Modern Warfare III. The map supports up to 52 players depending on the modes and playlists.
- 主页面:复活岛 (战争地带)
The sixth map for Warzone 2.0 is Rebirth Island designed for the Resurgence mode. The map was released with the Season Three update for Modern Warfare III.
Combat Packs are downloadable content packs for Warzone 2.0 and the concurrent game at the time of their release. The packs were originally available as free limited-time content for PlayStation Plus subscribers. Most Combat Packs were released coinciding with the launch of a new season.
The Combat Pack for Season One, dubbed Phantom, was available between November 23rd, 2022 - February 14th, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Tactical" Oni Operator Skin
- "Oni Revenger" FSS Hurricane Weapon Blueprint
- "Oni Oracle" X13 Auto Weapon Blueprint
- "Sony Oni" Calling Card
- "Fractal Demon" Emblem
- "Welcome Death" Weapon Sticker
- "Demon Fang" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season Two, dubbed Crimson Way, was available between February 22nd, 2023 - April 11th, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Pyroclast" Oni Operator Skin
- "Oni Carver" Fennec 45 Weapon Blueprint
- "Oni Slasher" M4 Weapon Blueprint
- "Crimson Oni" Calling Card
- "Grinning Oni" Emblem
- "Golden Dragonfly" Weapon Sticker
- "Yordi" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season Three, dubbed Lotus, was available between April 19th, 2023 and June 13th, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Revenant" Oni Operator Skin
- "Striking Distance" TAQ-56 Weapon Blueprint
- "Showstopper" VEL 46 Weapon Blueprint
- "Crumbling" Calling Card
- "Tusk To Horn" Emblem
- "Prepared To Fight" Weapon Sticker
- "Oni Ready" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season Four, dubbed Hydro, was available between June 21st, 2023 and August 1st, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Diver" Oni Operator Skin
- "Breaker" SAKIN MG38 Weapon Blueprint
- "Dead Seas" LM-S Weapon Blueprint
- "Oni Shards" Calling Card
- "Many Faces Of Oni" Emblem
- "Scuba" Weapon Sticker
- "Jumper" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season Five, dubbed Shadow, was available between August 9th, 2023 and September 26th, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Eclipse" Oni Operator Skin
- "Shade Thrower" Lachmann-556 Weapon Blueprint
- "Gloom and Doom" BAS-P Weapon Blueprint
- "Rooftop Shadow" Calling Card
- "Beast Of Darkness" Emblem
- "Smoke And Shadow" Weapon Sticker
- "Komainu" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season Six, dubbed Shogun, was available between October 4th, 2023 and December 5th, 2023.
It included:
- "Oni Omega" Oni Operator Skin
- "Fin" Kastov 545 Weapon Blueprint
- "Culmination" Tempus Torrent Weapon Blueprint
- "Oni Mask" Calling Card
- "Verdant Oni" Emblem
- "Slicing Samurai" Weapon Sticker
- "Proud Warrior" Weapon Charm
The Combat Pack for Season One, dubbed Arsene-ist, was available between December 13th, 2023 - February 13th, 2024.
It included:
- "Arsoniste" Lockpick Operator Skin
- "Burning Michaux" MTZ-762 Weapon Blueprint
- "Fiery Curiosity" Holger 556 Weapon Blueprint
- "The Tinker" Calling Card
- "Dante's Incendiary" Weapon Sticker
- "Passion Igniter" Weapon Charm
- "Light Your Outer Fire" Emblem
The Combat Pack for Season Two, dubbed Decomposition, was available starting on February 14th, 2024..
It included:
- "Groundbreaking" Lockpick Operator Skin
- "Red Eye" WSP-9 Weapon Blueprint
- "Kleptomaniac" Renetti Weapon Blueprint
- "Escape Artist" Calling Card
- "Fourth Wall Blast" Weapon Sticker
- "Blaze of Glory" Weapon Charm
- "Self Portrait" Emblem
使命召唤:现代战争II 2022|战争地带2.0[]
使命召唤:现代战争III 2023|战争地带2.0[]
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