- “谎言就是谎言。它不会因为被写下成文、被称作历史而成为事实。我们生活在一个眼见为虚的世界,只有极少数人才知道真相。在我们所生活的世界里,你所知道的一切都是错误的。”
- ——亚历克斯·梅森于全球公开预告的台词。
- 关于其他用法,请见黑色行动。
《使命召唤:黑色行动》(Call of Duty: Black Ops)是Treyarch开发的第一人称射击游戏,使命召唤系列第七部主要作品,《使命召唤:战争世界》的续作,于2010年4月30日公布,[3]发售于2010年11月9日。
- “40行动” - 逃离警察追捕并刺杀菲德尔·卡斯特罗
- “沃尔库塔” - 参与沃尔库塔监狱起义
- “U.S.D.D.” - 来到五角大楼,与约翰·F·肯尼迪会面
- "斩首指令" - 解救韦弗,阻止联盟二号发射
- "S.O.G." - 防御溪山作战阵地
- "变节者" - 取得俄罗斯变节者手上的情报
- "数字" - 与克拉克博士一起逃离德拉戈维奇手下的追杀
- "新星计划" - 找到斯坦纳,摧毁运输新星六号的运输船
- "维克多·查理" - 在越南的丛林中与越共交战
- "坠机现场" - 找到坠毁的新星六号苏联运输机
- "WMD" - 潜入乌拉尔山脉的苏联基地
- "报复" - 逃离越共营地,直面克拉夫琴科
- "重生" - 从梅森与哈德森两人视角分别重历寻找斯坦纳的经过
- "启示" - 发现数字背后的真相
- "救赎" - 摧毁广播站,对抗德拉戈维奇
Template:CoD7 Campaign
- 古巴,哈瓦那
- 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,五角大楼
- 墨西哥湾
- 加利福尼亚,比尔空军基地
- 越南,溪山
- 越南,顺化
- 英属香港,九龙
- 越南,非军事区
- 位于老挝某地的越共基地
- 哈萨克苏维埃社会主义共和国,拜科努尔航天基地
- 乌拉尔山脉,亚曼托山
- 俄罗斯苏维埃联邦社会主义共和国,沃尔库塔
- 北极圈,被击毁的德国船只
- 咸海,沃兹罗日杰尼耶“重生”岛
- 近地轨道
- 研究观察组/中情局
- 苏联红军(仅新星计划)
- 40行动小队(仅40行动与斩首指令)
- 第一装甲师
- 美国海军陆战队
- 美国海军
- 苏联红军(仅新星计划)
- 北越军队
- 越共
- 俄罗斯特种部队
- 古巴军队
- 纳粹军队(仅新星计划)
- 苏联红军(仅新星计划)
- 英国突击队(仅新星计划)
- 僵尸(仅僵尸模式)
Template:CoD7 Factions
- 弗兰克·伍兹 - 研究观察组成员
- 亚历克斯·梅森 - 可游玩角色,研究观察组及CIA成员
- 约瑟夫·鲍曼 - 研究观察组成员
- 杰森·哈德森 - 可游玩角色,CIA干员;曾担任梅森接头人
- 格里高利·韦弗 - 俄裔CIA特工
- 列夫·克拉夫琴科 - 游戏中的二号反派
- 尼基塔·德拉戈维奇 - 游戏中的头号反派
- 弗雷德里希·斯坦纳博士 - 为苏联工作的纳粹科学家,反派之一
- 丹尼尔·克拉克博士 - 提出“新星六号”代号构想的英国科学家,常被视作反英雄。
- 菲德尔·卡斯特罗 - 游戏中的次要反派,古巴的独裁者,“五”中的可游玩角色
- 约翰·F·肯尼迪 - 美国总统,“五”中的可游玩角色
- 罗伯特·麦克纳马拉 - 肯尼迪政府国防部长,“五”中的可游玩角色、
- 维克多·雷泽诺夫 - 回归自《使命召唤:战火世界》,梅森的朋友,帮助梅森逃离沃尔库塔,新星计划一关中的可游玩角色
- 迪米特里·彼得连科 - 《使命召唤:战火世界》主角之一,本作以队友身份回归,不可游玩,维克多·雷泽诺夫的挚友,后被尼基塔·德拉戈维奇杀害
Template:CoD7 Achievements
- 主页面:Call of Duty: Black Ops Data Servers
玩家在主菜单可以看到,梅森在接受审讯的时候被捆在了椅子上。但只要快速连按左右扳机(Xbox 360)或L2与R2(PS3)或Template:Keypress(PC),再或者摇晃Wii的手柄,梅森就会挣脱束缚,站起身来,在审讯室里自由活动。在房间后面靠近左边墙角的地方放着一台计算机终端,玩家可以控制梅森操纵这台计算机终端。
- 主页面:僵尸模式 (Treyarch)
- 亡灵剧院 - 默认解锁
- “五” - 完成战役或在电脑终端上输入代码“3ARC UNLOCK”解锁
- 死亡行动街机 - 在电脑终端上输入代码“DOA”或“3ARC UNLOCK”解锁
- 阿森松(上升) - 购买《先发制人》DLC后获得
- 活死人的召唤 - 购买《战况升级》DLC后获得
- 香格里拉 - 购买《湮灭》DLC后获得
- 月球 - 购买《复活》DLC后获得
While still following the same leveling-up features of the three previous main Call of Duty titles, Call of Duty: Black Ops multiplayer has many new features.
Instead of unlocking weapons, equipment and perks by leveling up, CODPoints are introduced. To purchase everything the player would like in multiplayer, CODPoints must be spent. This currency is earned through regular gameplay, as well as from leveling up and completing Contracts. However, certain items become available only when the player has reached a certain level.
Another new feature is the Playercard. It details players' progression through multiplayer, allowing viewing of in-depth stats, ranging from Kill/Death Ratio to the number of times a player has used a certain Killstreak reward. It also links to recent games players have taken part in and from there links to the Theater. Players can view their friends or recently-met players' Playercards and also interact with their statistics. Emblems make a return from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, though instead of unlocking them through gameplay, they are completely uniquely customizable, allowing up to 12 different layers of different images, which are bought with CODPoints. However, layers are not lost through prestiging.
The Theater is also introduced in multiplayer. It allows players to watch their own recent games, allowing a free spectate of the entire map while the game plays, as well as recording and uploading 30-second segments to the internet. It also allows players to spectate any other player who played alongside or against, while watching the gameplay. 100 games are stored in "Recent Games".
As a minor addition, most of the maps have ambient activity or noise in the background, and/or interactive items, such as the train on WMD, or the doors in Radiation. Before, most multiplayer maps either had limited background activity, such as Carnival from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, or no background activity at all.
- 主页面:Call of Duty: Black Ops Ranks
Leveling up still is a major part in the game; weapons are unlocked through progressing levels, but still need to be bought. Players unlock all Perks, Grenades, Equipment at level four, along with Create-A-Class.
The highest level attainable is 50, and when level 50 is completed, Prestige Mode is offered. There are 15 levels of Prestige, instead of the more regular 10, seen from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare onwards.
Customizable Killstreaks make a return, however a main difference from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is that kills from the killstreak rewards do not make an addition to their users' current streak, meaning unlocking higher killstreaks is more difficult as they are only unlocked from weapon, melee, grenade and equipment kills.
There are also now regional filters involved in matchmaking. Users can select whether they'd like the game to find a host from all over the globe or having a local host at the expense of time searching for games.
Split Screen online for Xbox 360 and PS3 players is implemented in Black Ops.
The Wii version of the game includes in-game voice chat. This is the first Call of Duty title to include the voice chat feature for the Wii. Nintendo and PDP have partnered to release the first headset to be used with the Wii known as PDP's Headbanger Headset.
Included is the option to censor the game, removing much of the foul language in the campaign and gore. This returns from Call of Duty: World at War. Unlike Call of Duty: World at War, censoring the game does not prevent the foul language from being said in the campaign. It should be noted that the Numbers mission on the Wii will not be subject to the gore censor, as it was changed to a cinematic level, with no censored version made available for scenes with gore.
Template:CoD7 Maps
Template:CoD7 Gametypes
This playlist was deleted in an update due to the extremely low traffic it received. It contained the following gametypes:
- Prestige Team Deathmatch - Unlocked after prestiging once
- Prestige Hardcore - Unlocked after prestiging ten times
- Prestige Pure - Unlocked after prestiging fifteen times
This playlist was deleted when the Escalation map pack was released. It contained the following gametypes:
- Team Deathmatch
- Domination
- Search and Destroy
- Mosh Pit
This playlist was deleted when the Annihilation map pack was released. It contained the following gametypes:
- Team Deathmatch
- Domination
- Search and Destroy
- Mosh Pit
This playlist was deleted a couple of days after the Rezurrection map pack was released. It contained the following gametypes:
- Team Deathmatch
- Domination
- Search and Destroy
- Mosh Pit
This playlist features DLC maps only.
- Team Deathmatch
- Domination
- Search and Destroy
- Mosh Pit
Combat Training is a new game mode in which players battle against AI opponents. It is intended to help players who are new to multiplayer or players who want to try out new tactics. Players can adjust the AI opponents difficulty to Recruit, Regular, Hardened or Veteran much like the single-player campaign. Higher difficulty settings increase the AI's ability to detect others and fire. Recruit and Regular AIs react poorly or not at all to be fired upon, and are unaware of players sneaking up on them. They aim slowly onto their target, firing slowly. Hardened and Veteran AI use all their resources to detect enemies, and aim and fire quickly upon targets. Combat Training can be useful for trying new loadouts, as it is easy to get a lot of kills, getting high killstreaks that are normally difficult to acquire in multiplayer, and consequently a lot of money and XP by playing with a large amount of AI on a low difficulty setting, on a small map such as Nuketown or Firing Range.
Contracts are a new system in addition to the classic challenge system in Call of Duty: Black Ops. A player is able to buy a contract with CODPoints, which will then direct them to complete an objective. Completion of a contract will yield a higher CODPoints payout than what was originally paid for the contract itself, and, for more expensive contracts, XP is payed out as well. However, there is a time limit to complete a Contract; if the time limit expires, then no reward is given whatsoever.
A new mode with a separate ranking structure than the standard online modes allows players to gamble with their CODPoints. However, only the top three will receive the prize. They will be able to choose the buy in of 10, 1000 or 10000, and also which game mode to play of following (when buying in with 10000, the game mode is random):
- One in the Chamber - Each player is given an M1911 with one bullet and a knife. One hit from any weapon will kill a player. For each kill achieved, the player will receive one more bullet. However, each player will only have three lives. Whoever has the most points at the end wins, not particularly the last person standing.
- Sharpshooter - All players are given the same weapon when they spawn, selected at random. Every 45 seconds, a new weapon is selected at random and used by all. Consecutive kills will award the player with perks and score multipliers. The player with most points at the end is the winner.
- Sticks and Stones - Each player receives only a Crossbow, Ballistic knife, and a Tomahawk. The catch in this game mode is that if a player is killed with a Tomahawk, they lose all of their points. Whoever has the most points at the end wins.
- Gun Game - Players start out with a Python. For each kill with their main weapon players move up a tier, granting them a better gun. First person to achieve kills with all 20 weapons, wins. If the time limit runs out before a player can get a kill with the last weapon (the Ballistic Knife), the player at the highest gun tier at the end wins. However, someone who is knifed or commits suicide will move down a level. If a player suicides, any kills that ensued due to the suicide (via a rocket launcher) is voided. Killing someone with the knife under any circumstances will not advance the player up a tier. Due to the tier system, ties tend to be more common.
- Create-a-Class 2.0 allows players to customize their appearance in addition to their load-out. Players may see what their character looks like while choosing a class, as the player's basic appearance will be determined by their Tier 1 Perk and their faction. Players are also able to choose a Face Paint pattern.
- Some sights such as the Red Dot Sight can use custom reticules which includes choice of shape, as with lens and shape colors.
- Gun camouflages are far more numerous than in previous Call of Duty games.
- Players now have the ability to engrave Clan Tags and Emblems onto their guns.
Template:CoD7 Perks
- The AC130 might have been planned to be a killstreak, but it was scrapped, supported by _ac130.gsc found in the game files.
- The PC version of Call of Duty: Black Ops features dedicated servers.[4]
- Modding tools and the leaning feature have returned.
- The PC version uses Steam as DRM and is using VAC as an anti-cheating tool.
- Players can choose a server via a server browser screen or use matchmaking to send a lobby to a server chosen by the game.
- Dedicated servers must be rented.
- Unranked servers are completely customizable while ranked ones let the renter choose levels and game types.
- Treyarch has claimed that it will be close to impossible to use any kind of mods or glitches in Call of Duty: Black Ops. But it is not impossible, recently mods were released on the PlayStation 3, possibly Xbox, that allows you to gain a large amount of XP in certain games.
- Glitchers can be permanently banned.
- Hackers will have their stats reset, and will be permanently banned.
- Offensive emblems can result with a permanent ban. Microsoft stated that using the Swastika symbol on the emblem will also result with a ban.
- Matchmaking has been changed so that it is easier for friends to play together, as there is now an in game friends list.
- Players can customize private matches to a much larger extent then any previous titles of Call of Duty.
- Custom games can be uploaded to the player's file share for the community to play.
- Players can create custom classes for the people playing the match to use.
- Players can customize the killstreak awards granted to the people playing the match, both changing the reward and killstreak need to attain it.
- The points system can be customized, including the points gained from kills, headshots, suicides and knives.
- The health system, weapon power, and explosive power can all be customized separately.
The latest version of the game is and is applied through an update. Currently only announced for the Xbox 360.
On the Nintendo Wii version the multiplayer version shipped was 0.0.1. Late November it was updated to 0.0.12 (and the 1st option changed from "Nintendo Wifi Connection" to "Black Ops Online"). On December 9, it was updated to 15.0.12 (0.0.20 flashes right after the update is complete).
The first map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops, First Strike, became available for the Xbox 360 on February 1. It was made available for purchase on the PlayStation 3 and PC one month later. It costs 1200 Microsoft points or $14.99, and includes four multiplayer maps and one Zombies map.
The second map pack, Escalation, became available on May 3 for Xbox 360, June 3 for PC and June 10 for PlayStation 3. It features four new multiplayer maps, and one Zombie map. It costs 1200 Microsoft Points or $15.00/£12.00, and includes four multiplayer maps and one Zombies map.
The third map pack, Annihilation, became available on June 28, 2011 for Xbox 360. It was then released on the PlayStation 3 on month later. It costs 1200 Microsoft Points or $15.00/£12.00, and includes four multiplayer maps and one Zombies Map.
The fourth map pack, Rezurrection, became available on August 23, 2011 for Xbox 360. It costs 1200 Microsoft Points and includes the four original Zombies maps, one new Zombies map, a Zombies skin, and downloadable songs. It is free to those that bought the Hardened or Prestige Editions.
None of the map packs were ever released for the Wii version, despite the fact Activision did initially plan to and it was even mentioned in the game's instruction manual.
Template:CoD7 Vehicles
Template:CoD7 Weapons
There are three retail editions:
- The Normal Edition, with just the game, box and manual. This edition costs approximately $59.99/£45.99.
- The Hardened Edition comes with the game, a CD steelbook case, a Black Ops Medal, a Woods avatar outfit for Xbox Live/PSN Home, and four exclusive co-op maps, which are the four zombie maps from Call of Duty: World at War. This edition costs approximately $79.99[5] / £64.99[6]
- The Call of Duty: Black Ops Prestige Edition comes with: RC-XD Video Surveillance Vehicle, Fully custom RC vehicle modeled after in-game RC-XD Killstreak Reward, Video camera to send wireless video to Transmitter, Microphone to send wireless audio to Transmitter, Digital proportional steering and throttle, independent suspension, display stand, limited edition Black Ops Collectors Medal, four extra playable co-op maps not in the standard edition, Black Ops Xbox Live/PS Home avatar outfit, Premium, special-edition Steel book-case, and the Call of Duty: Black Ops full game.
[7] [8] This edition costs approximately $149.99[9] / £129.99[10]
The sequel, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, is the third title in the Black Ops series, and the ninth main installment for the Call of Duty franchise. It was revealed on May 1st, 2012 and was released on November 13th, 2012 for most platforms while the Wii U edition was released for NA regions on November 18th, 2012 and PAL regions on November 30th, 2012.
The second sequel, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, is the fourth title in the Black Ops series, and the twelfth main installment for the Call of Duty franchise. It was revealed on April 26th, 2015 and was released on November 6th, 2015.
The third game of the series, taking place between Black Ops II and Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, is an upcoming fifth title in the Black Ops series, and the fifteenth game in the Call of Duty franchise. It was revealed on May 17th, 2018 and is scheduled release on October 12th, 2018.
The Nintendo Wii version was also made by Treyarch, and has many of the features of its console counterparts. There are, however a few omissions due to the limitations of the Nintendo Wii console itself. They are:
- Mission #9, "Crash Site" has been shortened. The player can only steer the boat in the first part of the mission. The rest is unchanged.
- Mission #15, Redemption has been shortened. Instead of engaging enemies from the chopper, the chopper simply drops Mason and Hudson off. The rest is unchanged.
- The Zombies maps "Five" and Dead Ops Arcade are not available on the Nintendo Wii version.
- The Flamethrower weapon attachment is missing in Multiplayer probably due to the huge amount of framerate drop whenever anyone uses it in World at War.
- The Valkyrie Rockets, Chopper Gunner, and Gunship killstreaks are all missing due to RAM limitations. Although the Valkyrie Rockets and the Gunship still appear in singleplayer.
- High Definition quality is removed due to console limitations.
- Theater Mode is missing due to RAM limitations.
- Ground War is missing, on account of the Nintendo Wii only being able to handle Black Ops Online with 10 players at the most. Although hackers can increase this to 12 players.
- Clan Tags, Customizable Playercards, and Emblems are all missing due to lack of time Treyarch's Wii team had to complete the Wii version.
- As usual with Call of Duty games made for the Wii, killcams and final killcams are both missing due to RAM limitations.
- Private Matches are not completely customizable. They are about on par with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 private match customization.
- The Camera Spike equipment is missing in Wii version.
- The missions "Vorkuta", "Executive Order", and "SOG" are divided into parts.
- Most of the guns sound very different from the other consoles and the PC (ex. M1911 Sounds like the console M1911 from World at War).
- Red Dot Sight or Reflex Sight cross-hairs cannot be customized.
- Golden camouflage is more yellowish, and does not shine. The synthetic parts that replace wood are also still wood. Most veteran players would commonly call it as "Mustard Camo".
- The missions "U.S.D.D." and "Revelations" does not let the player control Mason, instead it is like a video clip. Most of the scenes on "U.S.D.D." are cut out.
- Many lines spoken by the multiplayer narrators are cut.
- The Nintendo Wii version never received any map packs, but multiple patches.
However, there are some things exclusive to the Nintendo Wii version. These include:
- With the Wii Remote and Nunchuck, aiming can be performed through motion controls by pointing at the screen. Alternatively, players can use a Classic Controller for more traditional controls, although the lack of clickable analog stick changes the layout slightly.
- All weapons can be tilted sideways with motion control, except rocket launchers. It can be disabled in the options menu whenever the player wants to.
- The usernames of players can be colorized. As the game uses in-game profile names for the usernames, players can change the colors of their name by writing a caret symbol and a number before a string of text ( Example: "^1Bob"). The different numbers apply different colors.
- All pistols and certain submachine guns are held with one hand because of weapon twisting.
- The hip fire reticle can be customized if the player were to use a Wii Remote (cannot be done on a Classic Controller Pro).
- Camouflages appear on different parts of some weapons, for example, a Siberia camouflage on the L96A1 will appear on the base of the gun rather than the scope or barrel.
- Some perks function differently from other versions: Ghost Pro will protect a player from Attack Dogs in the Nintendo Wii version.
- An AUG wallbuy is available on the podium in Kino der Toten.
Treyarch has also made a few firsts for the Nintendo Wii versions of Call of Duty. These include:
- A Zombies mode.
- Classic Controller Pro support.
- VoIP Chat Headset for Voice Chat.
- A streamlined way of building a Friend's List, as well as keeping up with people met in lobbies.
- Client-side hit-detection.
- 主页面:Call of Duty: Black Ops (Nintendo DS)
A Nintendo DS version of Black Ops version was released on November 9, 2010. The game was developed by n-Space, the developers of the previous three Call of Duty DS games.
Cuba has condemned the release of the game as it has special forces trying but failing to kill a young Fidel Castro, killing instead a body-double. The Cubadebate website said the game "encourages sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games".[11]
Adam Biessener of Game Informer questioned some of the events depicted in the singleplayer Campaign stating that they push "the lines of good taste." Specifically noted was the scene depicting the torture of a restrained prisoner.
In Germany, the game was expected to be banned from public sale at the end of November due to graphic violence, leading to removal of all promotion and the game itself from public displays in stores, so only adults can buy it on request. The Federal Department of Media Harmful to Young Persons also received an "urgent request" to ban all international versions of the game based upon the "Nazi content". Video games are not treated as art in Germany, hence Call of Duty: Black Ops is classified as propagation of Nazi ideology.
If the player decodes the phonetic alphabet code names (X-ray, Sierra etc.) into their first letters, and changing the serial numbers into letters (A-1, B-2) in the beginning of each level, and removing all the Xs, the player will get this message, "Reznov is dead, or is he dead, there was no body, is he who he says he is".
- In the ending credits, the book next to the woman repeating the numbers is John F. Kennedy's Profiles in Courage.
- In the beginning of the trailer, the numbers 2010:3:2 are visible on a digital clock. This was the day Call of Duty: Black Ops was announced, March 2, 2010.
- The teaser trailer narrator is nowhere to be found within the actual game but his lines are used by different characters, Dragovich: "When he regains consciousness double the voltage.", Hudson: "We need to bring back," and Reznov: "The pain is difficult, isn't it?".
- Treyarch employed a motion capture technology similar to the one used in James Cameron's Avatar film, which captures the whole performance of the actor, as well as allowing accurate facial expressions.[12]
- Call of Duty: Black Ops is the first game that Treyarch has ever devoted their entire staff to with no other games in development.[13]
- Both Major John Plaster, who served in the MACV-SOG during the Vietnam War, and Sonny Puzikas, a former Soviet Spetsnaz operative, were consulted by Treyarch for the game.[14]
- A promotion for Call of Duty: Black Ops featured in Game Informer magazine stated that the first 300,000 to pre-order the game will receive a two sided poster, and on the other side is something potentially helpful to the player.
- The main menu of the game appears to be the same room seen in GKNOVA6.
- In the opening video, when the Treyarch symbol is shown, next to it are the numbers 11-9-10, the release date for Black Ops.
- The multiplayer characters, for the first time, do not make random idle movements (such as hand signals) apart from the occasional shifting of the body or hands.
- According to a video by Kevin Sherwood (here), originally there were going to be 10, 15, 20 and 25 killstreak tunes.
- The first letters of the map packs for Call of Duty: Black Ops spell out FEAR: First Strike, Escalation, Annihilation, Rezurrection.
- ↑ Call of Duty: Black Ops - Mac Edition on Steam
- ↑ http://charlieintel.com/2016/05/17/black-ops-1-should-be-backwards-compatible-on-xbox-one-sometime-today/
- ↑ Kotaku - Next Call Of Duty Game Named, And It’s Not Vietnam
- ↑ http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=246438
- ↑ http://kotaku.com/5611235/call-of-duty-black-ops-special-edition-includes-video-surveillance-vehicle
- ↑ http://www.amazon.co.uk/Call-Duty-Black-Ops-Hardened/dp/B003ZDNXTY
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ http://callofduty.com/media/videos?media_id=342&page=1
- ↑ http://www.game.co.uk/lowdown.aspx?lid=14227&cm_sp=callofduty-_-topnav-_-Prestige
- ↑ http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?Product_ID=83933
- ↑ http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2010/11/09/nueva-operacion-contra-cuba-eeuu-lanza-videojuego-cuyo-objetivo-es-asesinar-a-fidel/ - Translated by Google
- ↑ http://www.usatoday.com/tech/gaming/2010-05-10-callofduty11_N.htm
- ↑ http://www.videogamer.com/news/kotick_cod_black_ops_will_surprise_fans.html
- ↑ http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2010/05/first-impressions-call-of-duty-black-ops/1